𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚂𝚒𝚡
𝙰𝚕𝚕 𝚐𝚊𝚖𝚎𝚜 𝚗𝚘 𝚏𝚞𝚗
Nyx would be lying to herself if she was not excited for the town festival. Well the event was more of a cross over of a carnival and a festival than the straight forward small town event. She had been informed there would be plenty of games to play, rides to experience and food to try. And if there was one thing she was not going to miss the opportunity to do it was everything. Over the previous few years Nyx had never been allowed to attend any event whether it be festival, carnival or even specialist markets in the towns near wherever the Addams family resided. As soon as evidence of the family arriving in the town became public knowledge they had been banned. And it had been something that Nyx had always wanted to do.
Her guilty pleasure had always been watching early 2000s chick flicks, both in awe at the nearly always happy ending with the perfect relationship. And the horror of how they depicted the perfect life and watching the impact of not having this perfect life on the films target audience. Call it a social experiment, or an observation on society but it both intrigued and amused the young girl to watch as people tried so desperately imitate the lives they saw on the screen when none of it was real. When there was no evidence that even her own life was real some times.
Therefore, when Yoko, the ever loving always in the loop, roommate and new best friend informed Nyx about the event. She knew she had to attend. She became incredibly excited by the prospect of the event. To the fact where she had taken her time to carefully construct the outfit of which she was going to wear to the event. Donned in a pair of straight cut black jeans, long sleeved black t-shirt and a led-zeppelin shirt layered on top Nyx felt pretty. With an oversized black hoodie and a pair of her Dr. Martens she had been wearing for a year or so now, and Nyx was ready to go. The two girls waited for Divina and as a three headed to the carnival.
Upon Arrival, the carnival was everything Nyx had been expecting and even more. She had no clue as to where to start but she knew she wanted to try everything. That she had to try everything. Otherwise, the trip would be a waste of her time and the money she had been given from her parents as an allowance would just continue to sit in her account untouched. Something that Nyx knew would disappoint them knowing that she did not seem to be going outside of the school and doing things like they hoped she would. And therefore, she set out with a mission to do as much as she physically could.
As the time passed, the three students had been able to ride most of the different attractions, and they had grown hungry as they were trying to decide on what to do next. However, it was felt a bit ridiculous if all three of them queued up for food when it would be easier if only two of them went, and because Nyx was a great person she also noted Yoko's feelings for Divina and decided to play cupid.
"Are you sure Nyx? I don't want you to get lost or worse approached by Normies." Yoko checked once more before heading to the vendor the three had picked out.
"I promise Yoko I'm just going to stand here maybe play a couple rounds of this game, whist I wait. Nobody is going to approach me Normie wise, I look normal but the vibe is too spooky." Nyx knew she could be approached but she also knew how easy it would be to turn people away she didn't want to speak to. Plus at the game stand they were just a few steps away from she had noted the tiny frame of her sister.
"Plus look Wednesday is over there, nobody will approach me whilst she's around." Nyx shrugged before making to move to her sister with one final wave at her two new friends. At least a little bit happy that they were looking out for her despite only meeting a short while beforehand.
"Only if you're sure."
"Go, you don't want to know what kind of person I turn into when I'm hungry." Nyx's words were met with a small laugh before the two girls were off and she finally made it to her sister. Wednesday carried a bag upon her back which was well packed and Nyx knew this was going to be another escape attempt. Only she shrugged it off, her sister would not be successful Principle Weems would not allow it.
"Dear sister." Nyx greeted the smaller girl as she took a moment watching the older girl attempt to throw a few darts at the red balloons. Unfortunately Wednesday had been gifted with the better aim and skill in terms of sharp throwing devices. And Nyx, she was unsure that she could even hit one of the balloons, not with something so small. Nyx's own talents of throwing devices were normally in much larger items she could throw a knife well, on occasion. Rather she held the dart in her own hand playing with it whilst she waited for her sister to respond.
"Sister, I see you are fitting in well here." Wednesday slowly turned to Nyx as she was handed a large stuffed panda as an award for hitting enough red balloons.
"I do wish you would give it more time, but I understand your desire to leave. I shall await the day we are reunited." Nyx knew that there was no point arguing with Wednesday for the girl was too stubborn. She only waited for a response.
"As will I." Wednesday responded before firing another dart at the balloons. Nyx took the time to focus on her sister, unsure when they would next be together if the other girl was successful in her attempt to run away. To the point where she was unaware of someone else coming beside her. That was until she felt the peculiar feeling she had only experienced a few times prior and the royal blue wisps started to form in the very corner of her eyes.
"Jeez, you get any better at this, you'll be taking home a whole pack." The voice of Xavier caused both sisters to turn to look at him.
"Panda's don't travel in packs. They prefer solitude." Wednesday responded and Nyx rolled her eyes at her sisters words.
"She won't need a pack, just one more so we can match." Nyx added on with a much kinder tone than her sister had used.
"Subtle hint taken." Xavier's words seemed directed at Wednesday more than Nyx and she waited to see if he would just walk away or what would happen.
"You both should know that I'm waiting on someone." Wednesday spoke out from the blue and Nyx was aware her sister probably needed help to be able to run away but she was unsure who it was going to be.
"Oh yeah, who's the lucky guy... or girl." Xavier continued and Nyx was wondering just who was going to appear at her sisters side.
"What does it matter to you?" Wednesday bit back, unaware that Xavier was just trying to be friendly to the girl. Or at least that was what Nyx was assuming and hoping anyways.
"I would like to know too." Nyx's voice was on the quieter side knowing that Wednesday would only share a little of what she was doing at any time on a need to know basis. That was until a tall figure suddenly approached the group of three. Nyx looked up to see a teenaged boy who could only be a year or so older than them and it was instantaneous that she read a very dangerous aura from the boy. She didn't want to be so judgemental but she was unsure whether her gifts had activated on their own from the overpowering aura she was suddenly faced with or if they had been active a little while.
"Didn't mean to interrupt." The boy spoke and Nyx couldn't get over what she was sensing, the blood red aura screened not only danger but death towards her and Nyx did not like how scared it was starting to make her feel. And she did not want to be around this boy nor let her sister be around him alone.
"You're not." Xavier almost spat back and Nyx could see as the royal blue aura she found so comfortable begin to shift as he started to move away. She spun herself away from looking at the newcomer so it was only her looking at him. And reached out her hand to quickly grab onto his arm. He had moved a little faster than she had reacted and therefore Nyx more of grabbed his hand than his arm but she didn't care in that moment.
"Don't go." Her words were strong as the pair made eye contact, blue on blue. And it was enough to stop Xavier in his path as Nyx was successful in pulling him back and closer to her. Their arms brushed as he stopped just slightly behind her and they both turned their attention back to the conversation at hand. Neither making an effort to drop their now linked hands.
"This is going to be trickier than I thought. Dad hit me with a curfew. We need to go if I'm gonna make it back in time." The boy spoke and Nyx still was unsure. She hoped he had good intentions for her sister but she could not confirm this. Wednesday could look after herself, she knew that but she also needed to know the boys name so if something did happen to her sister she knew the name of the person she was going to put a hit on.
"Don't think we've met. I'm Nyx Addams, I'm assuming you're my sisters ticket out of here." Nyx would have perhaps offered her hand to shake but she could not in this moment. Her eyes were fighting hard enough to not be drawn to the blood red aura and she was unsure what she would do if they were to actually touch.
"Tyler, I'm going to drive her to the station."
"I've got some dead weight I need to lose first. Meet me behind the parking lot when the fireworks start." Wednesday directed the now identified Tyler, and Nyx could almost watch on in glee as the boys face dropped. He obviously thought there was something more going on between them and Wednesday was just using him to get what she wanted. Which would hopefully be enough to keep her sister safe. And as Wednesday turned her attention back from the teenaged boy to the vendor of the game, sliding over a note that Nyx was not quick enough to grab the balance of she addressed the vendor once again.
"You see that sad, lonely woman over there?" Wednesday questioned motioning to Principle Weems, the vendor nodded his head in response eager to take the money of her hands and into his own pocket. "She needs this pathetic validation more than I do. Would you mind distracting her." And as the vendor walked off with a large sized stuffed panda toy Wednesday turned to Nyx with the medium one she had just won to pass it to her sister.
"I want this back the next time we meet." And with that Wednesday slinked off into the crowd and Tyler disappeared with him. Nyx would turn straight to Xavier thankful he still remained with her no matter how awkward those last few moments were.
"Thank you for staying." Nyx finally dropped his hand from her own tight grip.
"No problem, you looked really uncomfortable and I couldn't leave you like that."
"That boy is dangerous." Nyx shared for some reason feeling comfortable to tell someone she only knew so little what she had gathered in a few minutes.
"Yeah we're not on the best of terms."
"He's haunted by death. It lingers around his entire being." Nyx believed she could trust the boy and know he would not share. But she was unsure just how far that trust could go but this would be a good test.
"You got that only being him for a few minutes?"
"I was under the impression you were a psychic Xavier Thorpe? Or was that just a rumour."
"I -" The boy would be cut off by the loud voice of Nyx's roommate.
"Nyx I am so sorry, the idiots in front of us just could not make their minds up. Looks like you found company though." Yoko's words had a teasing tone to the end of them as she raised an eyebrow at how close Nyx and Xavier remained. Nyx could only imagine what would happen had her roommate appeared earlier and seen them holding hands.
"Don't be sorry I'm so excited to see what this tastes like." Nyx took the out laid little tray of nachos something that sounded so good. "Wonder what makes them so special." She continued on before realising that now that there was a fourth person it was unfair that the three of them had something but he did not. "Want some?" She offered to the boy.
It would be a couple hours later that the fireworks would finally be set off and Nyx knew her sisters plan would finally come into traction. Therefore she took one final moment to try and spot her sister in the crowd unsure when they would next see her. Only to see a small familiar figure rush into the woods. And it was a gut feeling that something was going to go wrong in there. And so Nyx decided to give up on her night of so far decent fun, and head after her sister. There was nothing else she could do otherwise.
"Where are you going?" Yoko's voice would catch her and Nyx paused for a few seconds to respond to her roommate.
"Something really bad is about to happen in those woods. And my idiotic twin is about to be in the middle of it." Nyx did not allow for Yoko to respond before she started pushing her way through the large crowd that had gathered for the fireworks and into the forest.
By the time Nyx had finally entered the forest to find her sister, she was already a little too late. Wednesday was currently held up against a tree, at by her feet shouting words that from the distance Nyx currently stood she could not make out fully clearly was Rowan. Nyx only knew the boy in passing, had interacted with him perhaps once properly but she knew of him from the first fencing class. She knew that he was a bit strange and had recently isolated himself from the friends he once had within the school. And now it was making sense, as his murderous tendencies became clear.
"Hey Rowan!" Nyx shouted to gain his attention and the boy spun quickly to look at her.
"Don't come any closer, I have no intent on harming you."
"You hurt Wednesday, you hurt me." Nyx began to argue but before Rowan could respond again a loud growl could be heard through the woods. Nyx did not recognise the growl as a wild animal she knew of. It was unusual and she did not know what it belonged to. And she felt a shiver run through her body, something bad really was going to happen. Nyx was too far away to be of any help, she had been shouting across a few feet to speak to Rowan and as the monster plucked the boy off the ground she knew she would be of no further help to the boy. But she might be of help to her sister. And therefore, Nyx raced as fast as she could whilst remaining as silent as possible to Wednesday's side. Focusing more on trying to untie her sister from where she had been held by some sort of twisted vine. The plan to run as fast as they could away. She attempted to ignore the sounds of flesh being ripped and the growls as she worked on freeing her sister. Keeping her eyes away from the scene of what happened. And that was until the creature turned once again to look at the two sisters.
Nyx took in its, large almost human like eyes, and the round facial shape. It reminded her firstly of Gollum from the Lord of the Rings before she realised that this creature was much more human than she first thought. And she panicked aware that either her or her sister could be next. Only the creature would vanish into the surrounding woods before it attacked either sister and Nyx realised she had not felt this level of fear before. She took to looking at the spot Rowan had once been and though she did not need to, she waved her hand only to see no aura emitted from the boy. It was clear he was no longer with them. The only true question was did the creature just save her sister, or did it pick the first target it had seen.
Nyx chose not to focus on the now lifeless body of the teenaged boy which had just tried to kill her sister. Now she had to focus on said sister. Only to come to form with Wednesday's dark eyes looking directly at her.
"Did you see it?" Nyx spoke lowly aware that it was possibly dangerous to stay but knowing they could not go back not yet.
"Yes, did you sense anything?"
"No, I just knew. I followed your aura here though." Nyx paused as she looked around the forest with mixed feelings. "The fuck is wrong with this place?" She added.
"I don't know but I'm suddenly more interested in staying." Wednesday concluded before she suddenly collapsed and Nyx had to start to wonder just how she was going to carry her sister back.
With the final thought being on her mind. What the hell had she just seen? And why did it seem so human in nature?
Was this one of Nevermore's never ending secrets?
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