𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙴𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝
𝙼𝚒𝚗𝚍 𝙼𝚎𝚕𝚝
It would be an entire day later when Nyx would have to catch herself before she believed she had truly lost her mind. For, as clear as anything to as large a crowd which could have possibly accumulated within the boarding school walked the boy she had been so sure she had witnessed the death of. Rowan had returned to the school, clearly walking and breathing to collect his belongings and head back to his parents apparently freaked about the reporting of his death.
Or had he?
Nyx had gathered from the second Rowan had walked through the front doors that something was off. Something more than the clear memory she had of him having being ripped into by the unidentified monster. And so she did what she did best, used her abilities to pry into his personal life. A tiny wave was enough to clock the aura's of not just Rowan but the majority of the other students around her. But Nyx was only interested in the one, and it was not the one she had expected to see. Nor was it the aura she knew to belong to Rowan. She had never witnessed someone's aura change so drastically before in such a little amount of time. And that was enough to convince Nyx that who she was seeing was not Rowan. That her brain had been correct in recalling events and therefore, whilst the rest of the student body stood in awe of seeing someone they had been told was dead walking through the school, she walked away. No longer interested in the act they were being shown. And much more interested in finally catching up to her sister, and the hideaway the older girl had not had the audacity to share.
Wednesday had been once again relatively easy to hunt out, for someone who wanted to run away so desperately she was easily found. The girl had taken to her room in protest of 'Rowan' returning to the school. And Nyx had quickly found her sister sat upon a bed talking to the air. Something that was not completely out of character for Wednesday considering she was going for the whole mysterious loner thing, but considering it was a developed conversation it seemed a little too far. That was until she spotted a family scarred finger from afar. And realised just what else her sister had been hiding from her.
"Lovely to know you remain keeping more and more secrets from me sister." Nyx announced her presence. Wednesday turned to look at her sister no hint of remorse, disappointment or shame in having been caught, not that Nyx expected it. Yet she did enjoy the odd surprise every once and again.
"Drop him off at my room when you have finished. Thing and I have some catching up to do." Nyx would wave her sister off allowing her time to continue to mope around in her bedroom obviously acting rather upset by the news that what she had believed was indeed not true. She would leave her sister to the mystery board of which took proud centre of the shared dorm space. knowing full well that it was not something she wanted to focus on in that moment. Nyx had other things to focus on, much more trivial teenaged things for sure but nevertheless.
The most untrivial thing, was possibly the thing which was bothering Nyx the most. And she had no clue where to start. For she was convinced others who would hear of her troubles would not be able to relate. Her exact form of extrasensory perception was not as common as her sisters. Psychometry was not a well studied thing, and therefore, there were few people she could turn to for help. Nyx supposed she could turn to her mother, and from there to Granma Frump. But she was scared to admit what was going on. She knew it was not normal. She knew she should not find herself being surrounded by the royal blue aura, the one of which consumed both her waking hours and her sleeping.
And considering she knew not whether this was a good thing or a bad thing was another issue. She hoped it was something good, and not a sign that she was loosing the minimal control she had over her abilities. But the longer she was left to sit and think on it, the more perplexed she became. Nyx wanted to think it was a good thing, she didn't think something so beautiful could be so deadly so dark. But then she had seen photos of her mother when she was younger. And she knew otherwise. Nyx knew better.
Therefore, upon returning to her dorm room, Nyx searched her small bookcase for the one book she would always refer to when she had questions regarding her own abilities. 'The Psychology of Psychometry.' by G. Andrews had been a book she had been gifted the moment her abilities had manifested all those months ago and even now it was her holy bible. It was the only literature she knew that existed which seemed to have done actual research into the case. Yet as she flicked through the worn pages she continued to find nothing like what she was experiencing. She littered through the different chapters on manifestations, of identifying what the colours meant. Yet it was to no avail as she came up blank. And she was becoming desperate, this book had all the answers before. So why did they not have them now.
Her eyes would dance over to her desk and back to the book a couple times. Each time lingering on the crystal ball her parents had left her with. She didn't exactly want to share but the thoughts were taking over. She needed answers to her questions. The ones of which seemed to only be mounting in pressure. And she just really wanted to talk to her dad. He always knew how to make her feel better. Nyx found herself sat at her desk just a minute or so later her hand going to rest upon the Crystal ball gently as it fired to life a swirl of dark blue and grey taking over the ball.
"Gomez, come one of the girls is calling." Nyx could hear her mother's voice yet she could not see him.
"Cherie, did I miss it."
"No, not yet." Soon enough the faces of both of her parents appeared and Nyx found herself feeling lighter at just the sight of them.
"My little goddess." Gomez was the first to greet his daughter and the rough accent of her father instantly brought it crashing down to Nyx just how much she missed home. How incredibly homesick she was all of a sudden.
"Daddy." Nyx's voice broke unusual for her, or at least at one point she thought it was.
"Little Nixie, my sweet girl is everything okay?" Gomez was gentle and Mortica allowed him to take control with the situation knowing his approach always worked best on her youngest daughter.
"I think something is wrong with me." Nyx finally shared, whatever was occurring around her was scaring the girl, she didn't know if she was broken in someway. But the royal blue was scaring her, just as much as it comforted her.
"Oh darling I promise nothing is wrong with you." Mortica spoke for the first time directly to her daughter wishing more than anything that the teenaged girl was back at home so they could hold her whilst she was so upset. The Addams family to the outside seemed not like any other but internally they did share so many other characteristics with a normal family.
"But the books, there's no mention of anything like what is happening. The colour is never mentioned nothing."
"What is is you're seeing?"
"Royal Blue, the most beautiful shade of royal blue." Nyx shared
"And this colour is it with one person. One object."
"I thought it was just one person but someone said my eyes changed to blue the other day and now I'm not sure." Nyx shrugged tightening the hoodie she wore around herself tighter.
"My love, do not fret. Your father and I will have a look and consult some people we know to find anything more. But what does this colour make you feel."
"Safe, comfort. Whole. But I don't understand the person, they're not someone I have known long enough surely to feel those emotions."
"Sometimes the world brings people together without warning. It happened for your mother and I." Gomez spoke and usually Nyx would ignore mostly everything her parents spoke about when it came to their relationship due to her own feelings of jealousy but maybe this time would be different.
"Maybe but the world wouldn't be that nice to me, not surely."
"I believe it very much could be sweetheart. You look exhausted, why not try and get a little bit of rest." Mortica gently cooed very much in the same way she used to when Nyx was younger and struggling to sleep.
"Okay, I'll go and try to get some sleep."
"Don't think too much on it for now." With the parting words of her father, Nyx watched as the crystal ball slowly returned to the desk decorating object it fooled everyone as to being. She would take herself back upon her bed as she looked up at the dark wooden ceiling above her. Her brain trying its hardest to turn off, but still focusing on the royal blue. The colour she admired so much, that she was soon becoming to realise she was starting to rely upon. Something inside of her urged her to leave her room and search it out. She was unsettled, upset and her brain knew that going towards that colour, that would make her feel better. Yet she struggled with the thought of doing so. And managed to encourage herself to remain where she was, resting but unrested at the same time. In a conundrum of insecurity and confusion.
"Hey there you are! Nap later we have things to be doing Nyx." Yoko's voice would come slamming back into the room and despite the heaviness of what she felt, Nyx found herself getting up and following her roommate back outside the door. Leaving her worries behind as she headed out into the world and closer to that comfort she was seeking.
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