Amazing Discoverys
She lays there eerily still and silent and i begin to worry and i become so worried i forget that what i'm about to do is suicide and i begin to take a step towards her as StormFly shouts,"TOOTHLESS NO! YOU'LL DIE IF YOU TOUCH THOSE BLOOMS!" I reply to her warning, "I'M GONNA MAKE SURE SHE'S OK!" taking a step into the deadly blooms and continuing towards her as the blooms stems and thorns snake up my legs not harming me but trying to stop me from reaching the dragon for an unheard of reason. "GRR!" I growl snapping the vines pulling at me reaching the dragon. "Hello?!" I roar at her worried. But then i see her slowly look up at me in front of her and her eyes brighten like before and she responds,"Hello to you too..."
I hear something snap and then i hear the word "Hello?!" from in front of me. I looked up to see the Night Fury gazing at me worriedly and i answer "Hello to you too..." The black dragon's gaze calms down to one of curiousity and concern as he asks me,"Who are you?" I answer meekly,"Im Arcane the last of my kind...who are you?" He quietly responds,"I'm Toothless the dragon alpha and also last of my kind..." I realize i was tracking the alpha and instantly worry what will happen to me as he asks,"Are you ok? Did anyone harm you?" I hang onto his last question "Did anyone harm you?" why did he ask such a specific question? I answer him,"No to both questions Alpha." He responds to me,"Call me Toothless ok?" I nod gazing into his shimmering Emerald eyes slowly feeling my face heat up.
I listen to Toothless as he speaks to "Arcane" if that's even her real name concernedly and i hear the last question,"Did anyone hurt you?" why was he so specific? And why did he care so much about her when he already has me? I don't trust the newcomer but i cant do anything to chase her away with Toothless standing in front of her and her having the blooms around her. She isn't gonna steal Toothless from me that easily though! She wont become the Beta that easily!
I look at StormFly after listening to Toothless and the Stunning Arcane and see her angry look as she watches the two dragons.I know she's thinking that this dragon is a threat to her relationship with Toothless but doesn't she understand he has to worry about every dragon?I worry for Chimera cause no one knows what StormFly might do to her.
Toothless's expression slowly turns to a freaked out one as he realizes he should be dead but is somehow not and he asks,"How come the blooms dont harm me Arcane?" and i answer him, "Because your a Night Fury which means they are harmless to you..." and his eyes widen as he gazes into my eyes."How can you move without spreading them?" he asks and i respond, "When a Night Fury breaks the blooms hold on me with their blood...just a single drop" and he lifts his claw to his forehead at this and pressures his claw into it coating his claw in blood and taps my forehead with the claw leaving the blood and the blooms surrounding us vanish. " you are free to traverse freely and hunt..." he said gazing at my weakened body concerned.
I gazed at her with concern seeing how weak she was."Come with me..." i said hoisting her onto my back unnaturally quickly and taking her to my den which when we arrived i felt her shift and wiggle around a bit. I set her down on my nest gently and told her to,"Wait here..." and i went off to get her some fish. And almost could've sworn i saw something slink towards the entrance f my den but i shook it off as i kept walking to go fishing for Arcane.
I lay down in the nest and wait for Toothless to return as i see The Nadder walk in once he's out of view and say,"Hello 'Arcane' i'm StormFly!" The way she spoke to me was unsettling. "H...Hi..." I stutter her gaze sharp and dangerous. "TOOTHLESS IS MINE AND THERE'S NO WAY I'LL LET YOU STEAL HIM FROM ME GOT IT?!" she snarled."O...O...Ok..." I stuttered meeting her gaze. I watch as she smirks and darts off. I think to myself,"I dont know what she was talking about...why would i steal him?How do i steal him?" I look up as i hear Toothless walking into the den.
"I'm back!" I manage to shout with my mouth full of fresh salmon. "I'm still here..." I heard Arcane say meekly. "You ok?" I asked walking over and dropping the salmon down for her to eat. "Um...StormFly came in while you were gone...i feel like she was threatening me..." she said nomming on the fish uneased."Well i wont let her hurt you...She has no reason to"I looked her straight in the eyes...she was obviously getting distant instead of closer."You just stay here and eat" I said walking off to find StormFly.
"Heh" I smirked back in my den, "That should teach her to stay away from my future mate" I sneered to myself grinning. Then Toothless walked in. "What did you say to Arcane while i was gone StormFly?!" he snarled almost instantly. "Nothing that bad,I just warned her to back off nothing more" i responded."Then why is she so frightened now?!" he hissed back. "I don't know i didnt make a threat or anything and if i did not a big one" I answered.
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