Chapter 4.
When Nero woke up, Dante was carrying him inside. He set him on the couch and said "You feeling okay?" Nero nodded slowly, tired and still scared from the accident. He looked around and said "Where's daddy?"
"He's going to get something," Dante said and patted his nephew's head. "he's gonna get something, a nice treat." Nero's eyes lit up and said "What is it?" Dante just smiled and said "Remember 3 month ago when I was babysitting you? Remember what I ordered for lunch?" Nero bounced excitedly and said "Yay! Pizza!" Dante smiled more and walked into the kitchen after turning on the T.V. and putting it to The Mr Men Show.
Nero smiled and eagerly watched. It was the food episode, which made the young kid hungry. He was excited for the pizza, he only had it that one time. He looked across the room and saw his kitchen play set. Eager to play, the young tyke got off the couch and dragged himself over to his play set. He sat on the plastic tile floor of the toy kitchen and flipped a little switch. He grabbed a frying pan and put an egg in it. The sizzling noise that was heard made Nero giggle. He looked through the window in the kitchen set and saw the toy dinning set, wishing Dante would play with him. Nero just put some bacon in the pan and used a tiny spatula to flip the egg.
Just as Nero put the plastic food on a tiny toy plate, Dante appeared behind him and said "What are you doing, kid? Shouldn't you be resting?" Nero just looked up at him silently, suddenly getting idea. He smiled and held up the plate with toy bacon and eggs and said "I'm cooking!" Dante smiled and said "Okay, can you make me a BLT?" Nero nodded and put two slices of plastic bread in the toy toaster and pushed the lever down. He started cooking more bacon and cut a plastic tomato into slices. The bread popped up and Nero set them on a plate, grabbing lettuce and mayo from the fridge. He pretended to spread the mayo on the bread and then placed the tomatoes, lettuce, and bacon on the bread. He placed the other piece of bread on top and handed it to Dante, saying "Here you go!"
Dante smiled at his nephews eagerness and grabbed the offered fake sandwich. he pretended to take a bite and said "Mm, delicious."
"I'm glad you like Nero's cooking, now let's eat the pizza before it gets cold." Vergil said as he silently entered the house. Dante put the plate down on the counter and picked up the little tyke before him, carrying him into the dinning room. Vergil already had plates set. For his there was tomatoes and spinach and Hawaiian. Dante's plate had pepperoni and bacon while Nero's had Hawaiian and pepperoni. Nero eagerly ate his pizza, he quickly finished his first slice and started eating his second one. Soon he was done with both slices while Dante and Vergil had only finished their first slice.
Vergil smiled, playing with his uncle and the pizza had done well to help Nero get over the accident. Or maybe it just distracted him from it. Vergil gave Nero another slice of pizza, it was bacon, but the kid shook his head and pointed at the tomato and spinach pizza, saying "I wanna try that." Vergil glanced at the pizza and said "Are you sure?" The young tyke nodded and smiled. Vergil smiled lightly in return and put the slice of bacon pizza back in its box and gave Nero a slice of the tomato and spinach pizza. It looked weird but smelled good, so Nero picked up the slice and took a big bite.
Dante and Vergil watched as Nero chewed, wondering if he would like the healthy pizza. Nero swallowed and quickly took another big bite, smiling. Dante and Vergil exchanged smiling glances and went back to their pizza.
After lunch, Vergil picked up Nero and carried him to the bathroom, saying he was going to clean him off and put him down for a nap. Vergil wet a washcloth and gently scrubbed his son's face with it, the young boy squirming through it. The young father then dressed Nero into a soft shirt and brought him to his room, tucking him into bed and kissing his forehead. Nero smiled and grabbed his stuffed bear and held it close as he slept.
Nero awoke with a sudden start and started crying, having a bad dream about the car crash. He didn't even notice he wet himself. Vergil immediately came rushing in and said "What's wrong? Are you okay?" When he saw the wet spot on Nero's bed, he instantly knew what was wrong. He quickly strode over to the bed and removed the blanket, he picked his son up and carried him into the bathroom. He set Nero on the toilet and told him to wait there while he gathered up his sheets. Once the soiled bedding was in the washer, Vergil started on cleaning his son. As he wiped him down, he asked "Want to talk about your dream?" Nero sniffled and said "I dreamed me and Uncle Dante were in his car and he was driving." Vergil resisted the urge to smirk at Nero's grammatical error, to young to understand. He just nodded and said "Go on."
"A car hit us and Uncle Dante smacked his head against the steering wheel, he started bleeding and stopped moving."
Vergil finished cleaning up his son and put a clean pair of underwear on him. He then brushed the tears out of his eyes with his thumb and said "Well good thing it's just a dream, Dante is just fine. He actually went shopping to get some juice, he should be back soon." Suddenly the front door opened and Vergil said "Oh, speak of the devil and he shall appear." Nero giggled and called out "Uncle!" Vergil picked up his son and carried him into the kitchen where his brother was setting the juice on the counter.
Dante smiled and took his nephew who immediately wrapped his arms around his neck and buried his face in his shoulder. He was surprised at how clingy he was but didn't say anything, instead he hugged him tightly and said "Where are your pants, kid?" Nero felt dread, looks like Dante is gonna find out.
"He woke up from a nightmare sweating like crazy so I let him go without pants." Maybe not. Dante frowned and turned his attention to his older twin.
"He dreamed you and him were in your car, driving. You were in an accident and died." Vergil said quietly. Dante tightened his old on his nephew when he heard him sniffle like he was going to start crying.
"Hey, it's okay. We were already in an accident but we both survived. I'm not dead and you aren't dead. It's okay." Dante said softly to his nephew who looked up at him with watery eyes. He kissed Nero's forehead and said "Maybe some juice would make you feel better." He handed Vergil his son back and started to pour some strawberry kiwi juice into a sippy cup. He turned to face his nephew and handed him the sippy cup. Nero smiled and happily took the juice, saying "Thank you, uncle!" He drank quickly but soon stopped and hiccuped, causing Vergil and Dante to laugh. Nero hiccuped again and giggled, it sounded funny.
Dante gestured them out with his hand and said "You two play while I make dinner, it's gonna take a bit so I better start now." Vergil thanked his brother and headed into the living room with his son. He sat on the couch and settled Nero on his lap, turned the channel to Tom and Jerry. Though when Vergil realized what episode it was, he immediately changed the channel so it played Dexter's Lab. He completely forgot about that dark episode.
"Why did you change the channel? I like Tom and Jerry." Nero said and pouted. Vergil sighed, Nero probably wouldn't understand the ending, he's too young. But still, he didn't want to risk it.
"Some cartoons that are appropriate for kids have inappropriate episodes." Vergil explained,
"But I don't know what those words mean."
"Appropriate means it's okay to watch and good for kids, inappropriate means it's not okay to watch and is for grownups only."
"That's stupid." Nero said and drank more of his juice. Vergil sighed lightly and just watched the cartoon. Glad that at least Nero has forgotten about his nightmare. Though he wonders how many more he will have.
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