chapter 13
Kurumi's pov
Yesterday morning takashi left and didin't came back me and everyone was worried
Im in my classroom at my seat beside near thw window a seat seperating me from the window
Everyone of my classmates arw here only takashi missing
The bell rang and it was homeroom the teacher was about to speack but benn cut off by the door opening
A boy witu white hair and was wearing a medical mask came in "umm who are you"our teacher asked the white haired boy "forgot the new student already"the boy replied comming in "mr ryota late on the second day of school"the teacher said as she continued at discussing
Takashi who has now white haor sat beside me sepparating me fron the window
Takashi looks lifeless during the whole period he just looks at his palm which has the wound of the inverted pentagram
Le time skip
It was lunch time i was gonna invite takashi for lunch bit he stood up and left the classroom
"Hey kurumi whats wrong with takashi"moimoi asked me as she sat beside me "i dont know"i replied as i stood up and followed takashi leaving moimoi alone
I searched everywhere and i didint see takashi i decided ill eat at the roof
As i got therw i saw takashi looking down at the edge of the roof "takashi"i called him he looked over his shoulder just enough to see me while he lifted up his medical mask
I walked towards him "takashi are you ok"i asked him he turned around and replied "never been better" which i knew he lied "takashi dont lie to me"i said as i held his cheek "kurumi pls......dont" takashi said as he looked down "its ok takashi you can trust me"i said and takashi held my hand holding his cheeks and his other one in his pocket
I grabbed the medical mask and removed it from him gently he had a grin cutted from ear to ear "takashi..."i called examining the wound and tried to touch his cheeks again but he grabbed my hand
My stomach growls in hunger "have you ate"takadshi asked me "n-not yet"i replied a bit blushing "why"takashi asked i was silent for a while thinking on what i am going to say "i eat with you"i said blushing furiously "im here so go eat"takashi said as he sat at the edge of the room and i sat beside him ant ate my lunch
I saw something he took out of his pocket i looked at him he bit the thing he held "hey takashi you should eat more than apple" i said as he gulped on what i pressumed an apple "kurumi"he said and i replied "yeah?"it took hin a second "its not an's a human heart"takashi said neeveously i was silent for a few minutes "dont worry im not gonna eat yours"takashi said reasuring me which relived me "hey takashi what booth should our class do for tomorrow's fair"i asked he thinked for a while "maid cafe"he said as he looked at me and i blushed and nodded nerveously
The bell rang and we went back to the class room
The remaining periods we did not talk to each other i was worried i might made him angry at me
It was dissmisal time j saw takashi leaving i followed him but he was long gone
Le time skip
Today is the fair and the my class agreed on a maid cafe
It was 8 in the morning alot of peaple came while i wore a full dressed maid outfit
it feels like when i work at seiko 5 so its kinda easy for me
Today was monday last day of the school fair
A boy came in he had a hood on a leather jacket black jeans and boots he sat down and put on his earphones
It was takashi i was blushing furiously
I came close and took his order he ordered a burger and a cup of coffee
After a few hours later i was done i changed back to my casual clothes and enjoyed the fair with takashi
"Takashi why are you not coming home were all worried"i said as takashi sighed "i dont want to hurt you and the others during my outrage"he said
After a few hours of enjoying the fair we saw jace shurui chitoge and enju
They saw us especially takashi all of them ran and hugged takashi
"Onii-san where have you been baka"chitoge cried with enju
"Bro we were worried sick"jace sai as he playfully punched takashi
"Hey guys i just remembered there will be a band performance at the gym and its free wanna come"i asked everyone and they nodded
We arrived at the gym all of us took out seats i sat beside takashi and chitoge at the other side making takashi in the middle
Enju sat beside shurui and jace the performance started and all of us enjoyed it
"Now which one of you would like to perform"one of the singers shouted and alot of peaple raised their hands but a spotlight was gonna choose whose gonna perform
It landed on takashi and we shouted and a random guy
"Looks like were gonna have a rap battles first and the topic is"the singer said as he pivked q choice in the hat while takashi and tge random guy went to the stage "crush kurimi's boyfriend onii-san"a girl shouted who i presumed to be marika and all i do his blush like fifty shades of red
The singer laughed and said "looks like were gonna have a rap battle about dicks this is gonma be hilarious"
It was marika's brother who went first "your dick is so small that women prefers my space balls" the crowd goes wild then it was takashi's turn "my dick is bigger than a bridge your dick looks like a little kids my dick large like the chargers while your shit looks like your fourteen my dick lock in a cage right your dick suffers from stage fright my dick so hot it's stolen your dick looks like gary coleman" takashi rapped and all of us laughed and went wild
Takashi won and performed
Ge sang remember the name and stereo heart
"Hy heart's a stereo it beats for you so listen close hear my thoughts in every note oh oh
Make me your radio and turn me up when you feel low this melody was meant for you to sing along my stereo"takadhi sang which touched my heart i cried due to happiness
After the performance all of us met infront of the stage we all told him he was good
"Hey taka-"jace was cutted of by an explosion wo looked at the source thw gyms roof was blown off and there stood a group
Author's pov
Takashi kurumi jace shurui chitoge and enju looked at the hole with peaple standing behind it "chitoge bring enju to safety"takashi told his adopted sister and opened a portal for them to go trough
Behind the hole was the strongest heroes including the knight assasins kirito,asuna,emiya,ryuuko,asami,uzu,goku,naruto,kaneki,eren and saitama all of them are goinf to eliminate takadhi shurui and jace goku stepped up "ka me ha me ha!!"goku shouted as a blue beam came out and vaporized the four....
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