Chapter 5
Previous Chapter
Reina look at the map and she look back at the two Shadowhunters "well, it's hard to removed the wonders so we had to go there.... Though, there's one option" she say. Arthur quickly look at her "what is it?" He asked. Reina look at him and she crossed her arm "we had too sacrifice someone to set her free" she say. Mia and Arthur widened their eyes as they look at each other.
Flashback Ends
Reina look at them and as she still waiting. She sighed as she closed her eyes "you know.... I can just call my teammates for this.... We are destined for this anyway" she say. Arthur quickly look at Reina "no! You kids still have bright future that you can catch..... We won't let you do such things" he say. Reina widened her eyes as she slightly smiles and shook her head.
"Is really shocking and honor that not all Shadowhunters are aftering for power and leadership...." she then look at Arthur as she smiles "but.... Is really rare to see a Shadowhunter who had a big heart to help.... And this person who we helped is a downloader....." she say. Arthur shook his head and he lower his head. He tighten his fist as he stared at the floor.
"No, Tea is not just a Downloader.... She a fearless warlock that I ever met....." he say as he look at Reina with his face showing a expression of sadness "and, she the person who make all of us.... Whole...."he say. Mia glance at Arthur as she closed her eyes and nodded. Reina raised her eyebrows and tilted her head. She tried to understand the words that he say.
She sighed as she shook her head "I see...." then she look at Arthur "well.... You have any idea of what we should do with your little girlfriend?" She say. Arthur glance at Mia as he slightly nodded, Mia look at him as she just sighed and she look at Reina "well, we appreciate your help.... But let us do our first method...." she say, Reina just nodded as he still crossing her arm "and it by bring her to the silent city?" She say.
Arthur and Mia widened their eyes as they look at her "how can you know? It couldn't be just a mare guess...." Arthur say. Reina sighed as she put her hand on her waist "like I say.... Both of us had a little history with you Shadowhunters" she say. Arthur just nodded as he spoke "I know that.... But how can you know that detailed?" He say. Raine glance at him as she put her finger on her lips and she slightly smiles.
"Sorry, is classified for now" she say. Then she glanced at Mia "fine.... I'll bring her back to your place by tomorrow.... Is already midnight and it will be dangerous if you picked her up at this time" she say. Mia nodded and she turn around, she walked back to the other workers as Reina look at her left and she just crossed her arm, Arthur look at Reina and he slowly walked towards her "umm.... I guess.... I should bring you back?" He say.
Reina look at him and she just giggles as she shook her head "no, you don't have too.... I can get there safely" she say. Arthur slowly shook his head "like you say is already midnight.... Is to dangerous and you a girl...." he widened his eyes as he quickly covered his mouth. Reina look at him and she just giggles, she waved her hand as she shook her head.
"No, is okay.... I agree with that.... Girls mainly are targeted mostly in the night.... I guess you right" she say. Arthur smiles and he extended his hand "come.... I take you back home.... Your friends must be worried about you..." he say as he had a big warm smile appear around his face. Reina look at him and she smiles and nodded as she took his hand.
To Be Continue.
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