Chapter 22
Pervious Chapter
"You know I can't leave the duty fully on Izzy's hand, she might ruined it" he say. The guy just smiles and he stood up as he went closer, suddenly a portal opened as Alexander quickly stood up and he look at the portal. Arthur came out from the portal as he saw Alexander and the guy and he panted "I'm sorry for taking your lovely time sir.... But we have to get on business" he say.
Third POV
Year 2012
Location, Brooklyn.
Arthur look at the guy as he glance at Tea on his arm "I'm sorry sir..... I tried to help but, I can't...." he say as he lower his head. The guy glance at Alexander, Alexander look at Arthur and Tea and he crossed his arm "is this why, you call me?" He says. Arthur glance at Tea and he lower his head. Alexander sighed as he shook his head "this might take time...." he say.
Meanwhile back at Japan Institute
Cecile look at the portal and she glance at them as she rubbed her head "uhh.... Everyone?" She called them. Molly look at her and she raised an eyebrow, Cecile lower her head as she pointed her finger at the portal, Molly look at the portal and she nodded "oh yeah...." then, she look at Reina and the others "uhh, come let's go...." she say.
Reina look at Molly and she nodded and she look at her friend and she smiles "come on, we can't wait anymore seconds" she say. Satoshi look at her and he slowly nodded, they went inside the portal along with the Shadowhunters. They came out from the portal as they in a luxurious place. Satoshi widened his eyes as she look around.
"This is huge...." he say. Reina look around as she nods "you can say that again" she say. Akira look around and he saw Arthur on the couch with Tea on his lap. Cecile look at Athur and she quickly went to him "how is it?" She says. Arthur look at her and he smiles as he shrugged "I don't know.... They still talked about it.... But this might take time" he say.
Cecile lower her head and she look at Tea and she hold her hand as she feel a sharp coldness. She widened she eyes and she look at Arthur "Arthur! She's getting cold!" She say. Arthur widened his eyes and he hold her hand as he shocked "no Tea no...." Reina look at Arthur and Cecile. Then, she look at Hana "Hana, can you help them?" She say.
Hana quickly look at Reina and she pointed her hand at herself "me? Are you sure?" She say. Reina look at her and she raised an eyebrow as she nods. Hana slowly nodded as she walked closely took them and she lower her head, Arthur look at Hana and he slightly smiles "can you please help her?" He say. Hana rubbed her head as she slowly nodded.
Arthur nods as he stood up and he lay Tea on the couch. Then, he look at Cecile as he patted her shoulder. Cecile look at him and she lower her head and she stood up as she let go of her hand. Hana look at Tea as she hold her hand, then she close her eyes as she took a deep breath and she tried to focusing herself towards Tea. Slowly her hand glowed yellow as Arthur and Cecile look at her.
The younger Shadowhunters look at Hana and Tea and they observed them. Suddenly Alexander came in as he widened his eyes as he saw the Shaman and the rest of the Shadowhunters "how can all of them here?" He say. Arthur look at him and he pointed at the portal "from that one?" He say. Alexander look at the portal and he rubbed his head.
To Be Continue.
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