Chapter 2
Third POV
Year 2012
Location: Japan Institute
Mia Evans and John Evans lead the young shadowhunters to their hideout. As they walked down hall way, the young shadowhunters saw many weird symbols on the walls.
"Umm... Miss Evans, what is this symbols?"ask Cecile. Tea started to look at the symbols and she look at Cecile "maybe those are runes?"says Tea. Cecile shook her head as she sees the symbols again "no, they aren't familiar..... even though they runes, why use it on the wall?" Says her.
Tea nodded as an agreement "well, that's true though" says her. Then Mia opened up "those are Hiragana" says her. Tea and Cecile tilted their head and found themselves in confusion, Mia turn around and she look at both Tea and Cecile.
"Those are Japanese hand writings" says Mia. Then Arthur look at the symbols and he nodded "yes, it's Hiragana" says him. Haven turn his head and look at Arthur "dude.... you know that?" He ask tilted his head, Arthur look at Haven and he giggled.
"Of course, after all I'm half Asian" says him. Mia somehow smiles as she look at Arthur "oh.... is nice to have someone who came from same region" says her. Arthur just look at her and he smile "so I guess most people here are Japanese?" He says.
Mia nodded as she pointed at the door behind her "this our tracking room, let's go inside.... we have a lot to discuss" says her and she opened the door, inside the room. There's many people typing and there's a hologram popping out on a hightech table.
Mia lead the shadowhunters inside and they all standing around the hightech table. "Before I gave you the information, I will report to Mr, Lightwood about your arrival" says Mia. Oliver just shook his head as he crossed his hand on his chest.
"Why, we have to report to him" says him. Then again he got slightly punch on the arm by Molly "like he say..... we aren't old enough to take this mission" says her. Then Oliver look at Molly with an imitating look "if he think that..... why even he ask us in the first place?" Ask him.
Tea sighs and she opened up "don't you know..... Mr,Lightwood chooses us because most the hunters are still focused of finding Johnathan" says her. Oliver glance at Tea and he smirk "you one hell of smart warlock aren't ya.... Tea?" Says him.
Tea just rolled her eyes and she look away. "Just ignore him Tea" says Arthur patting her shoulders, Tea look at him and she smiles. Suddenly Haven faked cough and he whistle "someone into some lovey dovey here?" Says him.
Arthur look at Haven and glare "shut it Haven" Tea look at the two friends and she just giggles, then she look around the room and she observed the place "it's look different from outside. But it's look same inside" says her. Cecile look at Tea and she nodded.
"Now you mention it" says Molly suddenly "it does same.... I wonder though" says her. Then they look Mia who had been look at them "you all done?" Says her smiling. They all nodded, suddenly Mia faces become serious. As she show up a map on the hologram.
"Before we cut the chase...... you guys must be learn much about demons right? Not to mention the situation that we having now?" Ask Mia. They all nodded "well Tea, more expert on those" says Oliver. Mia glance at Tea as she grin.
"Expert, huh? So..... have you ever heard the 7 Wonders?" Ask Mia with an serious look on her face. Tea seems confused as she tilted her head "the.... 7 Wonders?" Says her.
To Be Continued
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