Chapter 13
Omg guys!!!! So if you split Fitz's name into two parts– Fitz and Roy– Roy means seeker of wisdom! And Sophie means wisdom! So it's like Fitz is seeking Sophie and that's so cute and I'm dying omg!!!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3
Councillor Emery addressed the group, "I see that you have taken it upon yourselves to break into Lumenaria and destroy our locks. Are there any other criminals we should know about?"
Everyone remained silent. Suddenly, Biana flickered into appearance behind Sophiee. She quickly disappeared again, but the Councillors had seen her.
"Ah, Miss Vacker. No need to vanish. I'm assuming other Vanishers are here as well?"
Wraith appeared, then Della, and finally Biana once more.
Councillor Terik and Councillor Noland returned with Juline, Edaline, and Keefe. Sophie hadn't even noticed that they had left. She looked under Terik's cape to try to see his new leg after he lost his at the Summit, but it looked perfectly normal. She caught his eye and smiled a small smile.
Emery explained that they would all be kept in the prison over night while they discussed punishments. Grady's lock was restored and they were all put in private rooms.
Sophie thought over the past few days while she sat in her cell. How long had it been since they found Amy? A week? Less? She thought about everything that had happened, but mainly she thought about three boys.
Keefe had kissed her and said that Fitz and Dex weren't the only ones who liked her. Did that mean that Keefe liked her? Did Fitz and Dex like her? But Fitz hadn't told her anything when she said she liked him. If he liked her wouldn't he say something? And Dex couldn't like her. They were cousins, basically!
She was so confused. She buried her head in her hands. She spent the night frantically thinking and rethinking and overthinking.
In the morning, a goblin came to get her. She recognized her as Bunhead, Edaline's guard from the Peace Summit.
Sophie was really nervous about this Tribunal. She had broken into a high security prison, and this time she didn't have Kenric's cache to bargain with. Actually, although she didn't have it with her, Keefe had gotten Kenric's and Fintan's respective caches back from the Neverseen. She still had a bargaining chip after all.
The plan forming in her mind was interrupted by an accented transmission. Sophie, I really need to talk to you.
Well, I don't want to talk to you. I already said what I had to say.
Would you at least listen to what I have to say?
Sophie didn't respond. What could Fitz have to say? Was Keefe right? She shook her head to get rid of those thoughts, remembering that Fitz could see her thoughts.
She could also see his, and he was really nervous about something, but she couldn't see what without violating his privacy.
Soph, I've been thinking of what you said.
Since when did he have a nickname for her? She couldn't recall him calling her Soph.
Um. Okay. So.
Sophie waited as patiently as she could but Bunhead was slowing down and Sophie had a feeling she was going to lead her into a room soon. What, Fitz?
Right before she entered the room for her Tribunal, she heard the words she had uttered just yesterday.
I like you.
Eeeeek!!!!! So I know there hasn't been a lot of Sophitz or any other ships in this story, but I tried to write it how Shannon Messenger writes KotLC– not too much romance. It's coming though!! Along with Sophie's Tribunal. See you tomorrow!
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