The Truth
I flew to Berk at full speed, heading for the cliff where the Alpha lived.
My Dad.
I skidded on the stones surrounding the entrance and travled down, the stone turning to ice. I entered a huge cave, it was entirely underwater and completely made of ice.
And there was my father, an Albino Bewilderbeast, resting in his dragon form. I changed into a human and called to him, 'father! I wish to speak to you!'
My dad woke and looked at me with his intense gaze, before changing into a human. He had ice white hair and icy blue eyes, he stood tall and proud, looking down on me, 'yes son?' He asked.
I felt intimidated, after the age of fifteen I never really spoke to my dad much, it had been several months since we last spoke.
To be frank, the fact that now I was a dragon, and that he could now control me, scared the crap outta me.
'I have bad news,' I said, standing straight, looking my father in the eyes, which were always slits. 'A... A human is on the brink of finding us,'
'Then dispose of the human,' my dad said, his voice as sharp and cold as the ice he made.
'But... She is good, I have known her for a month now, she will find out anyway, if I tell her, if I show her that we are not bad, that our secret is worth keeping, she will help us, I am sure,' I begged.
My father stared me in the eye, and I felt his will controlling mine, my body going rigid and my eyes going blank, with the pupils slits.
But I was still aware of everything, and my Fathers voice echoed in my empty head. Show me this girl.
And I brought out memories of her, laughing, smiling, and her sunny and slightly sarcastic personality. Then My will was suddenly my own again and I looked at my father, his eyes softened, and a small smile appeared on his lips, 'very well, I will let the dragons know of the arrangement,' my Father nodded at me and turned, and I knew that he knew I liked her.
'Thank you Father,' I said respectfully.
I flew back to the mainland at top speed. Today was Friday, maybe she could stay on Berk for the weekend...
I landed close to her house and changed, cursing myself silently for still wearing my everyday outfit instead of changing. I knocked on Vanessa's door, and who should open it but the intimidating parent?
Vanessa's dad was huge! On Berk most would think him a Gronkle or hotburple. Seriously!
He looked at me, 'who're you?' He asked. 'I'm Scorch, sir, Scorch Fury, I'd like to take your daughter out for the weekend,'
'The whole weekend?'
'Yea... To my... Family holiday house, its a long drive there and so it'll be easier if she comes back on Sunday,' I lied desperately.
'Hmmm... You'll look after her? No funny business?' I paled at what he meant. 'No! No! Definatly not!'
Vanessa appeared, 'Vanessa? Haven't you packed your things? You're leaving for the weekend,' Vanessa's dad asked her, confused. I winked at her and she said, 'oh! I completely forgot! Come in Scorch, you can help,' I nodded and pushed past Vanessa's dad with difficulty.
She led me to her room and then collapsed on the bed. 'I can't believe you got my dad to let me stay the weekend!'
'It wasn't that hard actually,' I said, 'travel light, please, I don't like carrying heavy suitcases,'
'Oh, so you're gonna be a gentleman and carry my things?' Vanessa smiled and I shrugged, 'Something like that.'
She ended up packing just two outfits and pyjmas, which fitted into a small rugsack that wasn't that hard to carry.
'That's all you need?' I asked. She nodded, said goodbye to her dad and we walked down the road, I led her along the streets to a cliff outside the city, 'its great and all Scorch, but shouldn't we get going to your holiday house?' Vanessa asked.
'Yea. But first, remember when I did that show in he park?' I asked her. 'Duh!' She answered smilingly.
'Well... Did you see the dragon in the flames?' I asked her, she nodded, sensing I was serious and thankfully not making any wisecracks.
'Well...that was me, in another form, a dragon,' I rushed it out, feeling relieved that I didn't have to carry the weight anymore.
Suddenly Vanessa started laughing hysterically, 'another... Form! Ha!... You're... You're a real joker, Scorch... Ha, ha ha ha ha ha!'
I waited until she was done and then breathed in slowly, 'here we go,' I said, 'if you don't believe me, then I'll show you,'
And then I felt my body shift and Vanessa screaming, I opened my eyes and looked at her as a night fury.
She gaped at me before taking a step back, 'Vanessa?' I asked, cocking my head to the side, but what she heard was a dragon growl, and she took another step back, the look on her face one of indescribable shock.
'S-Scorch?' She whispered, and I changed back human, 'its me, Vanessa, don't be scared,' I said, trying to comfort her, 'I'm right here, the same person,'
'Scared?' Vanessa asked, 'scared? Shocked. Confused, a little irritated that you didn't tell me sooner but scared? Not a chance!'
'You're ok with it? Seriously?' I asked in confusion, frankly, my best case scenario was her leaving that second and telling everyone.
'Erm... Yea,' Vanessa shrugged.
'That... Wasn't expected,' I muttered.
'I dont know... I mean, I knew there was something about you, just couldn't figure it out...'
'Well... I guess.if you're OK... We can go,' I furrowed my brow and changed back into a night fury, motioning for her to climb on, 'what?' She looked at me wide eyed. I nodded, motioning my head for her to climb on my back.
'Erm... O-ok,' she gingerly climbed on and I opened my wings wide, feeling the air fill them, then I took off slowly, gliding higher and higher, above the clouds, I heard Vanessa screaming and I did an emergency stop and looked back at her, she was gasping for air and hanging on to the horns between my ears. I roared in what was unmistakably a laugh, she looked at me shrewdly, 'don't judge, its not like I fly on a bloody dragon every day!' I smirked at her, and carried on flying.
I flew quickly and silently through the skies, wanting to get home before dark, it would definatly make it much harder for Vanessa to hold on.
I was about half way when she got the courage to start asking questions. I nodded and shook my head when she asked a question and flicked her with my ear irritadly when she asked if my parents knew.
We were almost at Berk now, and I spotted a guard dragon, a thunderdrum, flying high right above me.
He spotted Vanessa and instantly shot down in front of me, doing the famous thunderdrum roar.
I took the sound waves, protecting Vanessa, who would most likely have been in capitated at such a close range.
'What is a human doing here! Scorch Fury! Why is she riding you?' The Thunderdrum roared.
'The Alpha gave me permission, you have no right to stop me,' I answered. Vanessa whispered in my ear, 'what's going on?'
'Sonar!' A voice boomed, I looked up to see a stormcutter, his twin pairs of wings lashing in the wind.
'Sir! He's trying to take a human into Berk sir!' The Thunderdrum told the Stormcutter, I recognized him, he was my father's right hand man, Radar, he was in the second world war and was in charge of guarding the island of Berk. 'I know you moron! Let him pass,'
'But sir-' the Thunderdrum protested.
'Let him PASS!' The Stormcutter roared.
He looked at me shrewdly when the Thunderdrum had flown away.
'You better know what your doing, Scorch,' he said, and flew off.
'What was that about?' Vanessa asked, worried. I simply whined.
I didn't dive into the island on my usual route back home, but instead slowly descended, giving Vanessa a full view of Berk in all its glory.
'This is your home?' She asked in amazement. I nodded smugly.
I flapped my wings hard and landed on my house roof, there were raincutters, deadly nadders, monstrous nightmares and terrible terrors everywhere in human and dragon form, and Vanessa watched them all in amazement, as did they to her.
I changed back human quickly and rushed her in through the skylight in my straw roof.
'Scorch...' Vanessa said breathlessly, 'this is amazing!'
Suddenly the sensors in the back of my head shook, and I heard my fathers voice, I want to see the human.
'Its getting better,' I said halfheartedly. 'My dad wants to see you.'
I didn't bother changing, trying to save as much time as possible, we hiked up the mountain and went through the cave entrance, 'I'm... I gotta transform, its just... You see, my dad is what they call a Bewilderbeast, the alpha species, its only respectful...' I shrugged, 'you have to act respectful to your dad? Like bow and stuff?' Vanessa grinned.
'Well... If I don't, he makes me, so...' Vanessa looked at me quizzically, 'its complicated, I'll explain later.'
We had reached the ice and I changed, a low purr echoing in my throat, I had my claws digging into the ice, but Vanessa kept slipping and sliding, I jumped up and grabbed her arm with my mouth, retracting my teeth, and stopped her falling down a hole.
'Thanks,' she gasped, then looked at my mouth, 'were're your teeth?' She asked, I opened my mouth wide and showed her how I could retract my teeth, 'eww!' She wiped her sleeve on me, I jumped back, growling playfully. Then a loud sound resonated through the ice, and I remembered why we were here, my dad was telling me to hurry up, he was getting impatient.
'What was that?' Vanessa asked, placing a hand on my back.
'You'll see,' I said, forgetting she couldn't understand me.
My father, the giant white bewilderbeast was there in all his glory, his eyes fixed on me, 'what took you so long, you could've flown.'
I didn't bother answering, as he read my mind.
'S-Scorch? What is that?' She asked, my father nodded once, and I changed back human, 'that's... My dad.' I sighed.
'Say what now?' She asked.
My father changed human and walked towards us, his spiked white hair covered in ice shards.
'Welcome to Berk, Vanessa,' my father nodded at Vanessa, 'I trust this is all quite new to you?' She nodded, still looking a little scared.
'Don't worry, Scorch, I have told all guard dragons of Vanessa's presence, I have freed up the valley for the two of you, alone,' my father smiled at me, and I groaned inwardly, the valley was full of dragon nip, forests and cliffs, caves and fields of flowers, basically, it was a dragon couples heaven.
'Father, isn't that a little inappropriate?' I asked,
'I don't see any difficulties, it is the most beautiful valley on Berk, I would think you and Vanessa would like it.'
'A pleasure meeting you, Vanessa,' my dad bowed. And then turned and walked away.
'He enjoys my displeasure,' I groaned.
'You know my "allergies?"' I asked her.
'Yup,' she answered.
'Well, that grass at the end of the school is a thing that we Berkians call "dragon nip"' I started explaining.
'Ooh, like cat nip?' Vanessa asked, catching on instantly.
'Yup, its like drugs without the addiction,' I sighed. 'And the valley is full of the stuff.'
'That's... Gonna be awkward,' she answered hesitantly.
'Yup, but... If I'm in dragon form it won't affect me the same way, it only wakens up my...erm... "Dragon". So I'll act more like a dragon, but it isn't as strong and it'll stop the instant I leave, so I just have to... Stay a dragon the whole day,' I sighed, dad just had to make it complicated.
'But why do you have to go?' Vanessa asked. 'Because he's the Alpha, we all live under his care, and his command,' I sighed.
'Erm... That didn't make any sense,' Vanessa rubbed the back of her head.
I explained again as best as I could, and she finally understood.
'That is so creepy,' she pulled a face.
'Its my life.' I shrugged.
I decided we might as well get it over with, I changed and flew Vanessa over to the other side of Berk, the valley, it was beautiful up close, with mountain lake in the middle, two rivers were feeding it, they came from both mountain ranges which surrounded the valley, the snow melting and turning it into a gushing torrent of water.
'Ready?' I asked her. She seemed to get the gist of what I was saying and nodded, 'let's go,'
I flew down gently, landing softly, the dragon nip below me instantly started to take effect and I began feeling hazy, my dragon instincts taking over.
Vanessa got off and looked at me worriedly, I shook my head and it cleared slightly, 'you'll be OK right?' I nodded, the dragon itself was intelligent, and after being with humans for months, I wasn't going to try to attack or defend.
I sniffed the air, and the smell of fish from the lake and the dragon nip entered my nostrils, I ignored it and tilted my head at Vanessa, her smell was strange, it was like lillies and freshly cut grass, but there was a strong smell of dragon, I wrinkled my nose in confusion when I smelt night fury, but it wasn't my smell.
I slowly walked towards her, 'Scorch?' She asked. I purred in acknowledgement, I was still me, but I couldn't control the dragon instincts that well now. The dragon nip weakened my human will.
I sniffed the tooth necklace around her neck, it was a nightfury's, I knew that much, but now it smelt stronger. I extracted my teeth and opened my mouth, looking from the necklace to Vanessa.
'What...?' She looked at her necklace and then at my open mouth.
'This looks like yours...' She frowned. I got bored, she was way too slow, and, to her surprise, I licked her, laughing and shooting a little way off.
'Gah! Scorch! This definatly won't wash out!' Vanessa flicked the saliva on my face, I flinched at growled slightly, licking my paw and rubbing it off.
The fish smell caught my attention again, and I found I was hungry. I flapped my wings and flew to the lake, which was a little way off, 'hey! Wait for me!' Vanessa cried. I ignored her and dived into the lake, swimming around and snapping at the fish, when I resurfaced I had a huge salmon in my mouth, 'wow!' Vanessa, who had caught up, gasped, I flung it into the air and swallowed it whole.
I licked my lips and grinned at her. I knew why dad had told me to take her here, it was a final test for Vanessa, so she could accept me for what I am, a dragon.
I rolled in the tall grass, and several timberjacks flew overhead, flying in formation, their huge wings spreading shadows over the ground.
I lifted my head and shot a plasma blast into the sky. This was good.
We spent the rest of that afternoon in the valley, Vanessa got the idea to play fetch with me. And to my surprise I kinda enjoyed it.
I fished a little more and brought a shiny haddock, which Vanessa roasted over a dragon fire. I showed her the mountains, flying her up, you could see the aeon old carving of Hiccups father, Stoic the vast, the forests teeming with boars and yaks, mountain goats and deer for hunting, and lakes with even more fish for fishing.
And the town of Berk itself, which spread over half of Berk.
'Is this... All the dragons?' Vanessa asked in awe.
'There's more, thousands living all over the world, it's me and my crew's job to find them.' I answered. I was back human, clearing my head from the dragon nip.
'Crew?' Vanessa asked curiously.
'Yea. They've been my friends since i was little,' I paused, 'you know, now i think about it theyre alot like your gang.'
'Should we tell them?' Vanessa asked timidly.
'I dont think they'd handle it like you,' I muttered.
'You'll be surprised,' she smiled, looking out over the ocean, 'but maybe we should wait.'
'My group's planning on coming to our school,' I said.
'What?' Vanessa turned to look at me. 'yea, next week I think.' I told her.
'Am I only going to meet them then?' She smirked at me.
'Nah, I'm taking you to dragon island, they'll be there, they always are on a saterday,' I looked at the setting sun.
'Better go,' I stood up and stretched, changing and beckoning to climb on.
I was amazed at how quickly she had picked up on flying, she knew how to adjust her weight on sharp turns, and even while flying she somehow knew how not to dig her feet into my sides, which were sensitive, but she had a tendency to grab hold of my ears and pull, which hurt like hell.
I got home and showed Vanessa my bed, which she curled up on comfortably, I climbed into my own dragon bed, which was a slab of bedrock I'd dug a hole into.
Hi guys. Sorry!!!! But here's my excuse:
My tablet (that I write all my stories on) has a stupid charger that breaks every five months or so. My recent charger freaked out my tablet and deleted my mine craft (which just got a cool update - typical) YouTube and wattpad. So now I'm desperately trying to pick up the pieces.
On top of that a new charger has to be imported from some random country, because the company that makes proline tablets DONT SELL CHARGERS !!!!!
Yay (sarcasm) . X(
A very irritated Starpapers.
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