Vanessa only got back home late at night, it took ages to get to Berk and then we only left at sunset, but even after flying there and back, I didn't go to sleep or even attempt at homework.
I asked Borg, the Berkian blacksmith, a hotburple, if I could borrow his equipment for the night. He nswere me with a nonchalant grunt. Which I assumed probably meant yes.
I found a hug roll of leather, and took out a book from my schoolbag. It was a copy of Hiccup, the dragon Master's, design book. Full of ideas and diagrams of dragon feeders, species and saddles.
I found the diagram for Hiccup's own Night fury's Saddle. Seeing as his night fury was without a tale fin, it was much more complicated than it could have Been. But I'd studied it closely and found the basic idea for it. Then I took a piece of paper and a pencil and sketched my own design, making a few tweaks.
I set out the leather on a table and cut the pieces I needed, two large ovals for the seat, stirrups and two bands to hold it in place, across the neck and chest.
I set to work, cutting and sewing the leather, punching in holes and bending metal to make the frames and stirrups.
Hours passed, and the moon was setting, and the sky was turning grey, when I finally finished. Looking proudly over my handiwork.
I needed to get it to the old warehouse to strap on when Vanessa wanted a ride to Berk or anything other.
I closed the book, but then froze. At the bottom of the cover was the authors name. Hiccup. Hiccup henry Haddock the third.
I stared. No. it had to be a coincidence. I turned to the first page, which had a sketch of Hiccup. Brown hair. Green eyes. Slight, gangly appearance... Just like Vanessa.
Vanessa Haddock, who owned a nightfurytoothnecklace and her looks were exactly like Hiccup's. No. No way. No.
I picked up the book in shaking hands. 'Vanessa. A Descendant of Hiccup's?'
then a crazy thought entered my mind. Destiny?
'No way.'
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