About a week later I left Berk early in the morning, I'd spent the whole week getting my files from all my previous schools. Obviously Snag thinks I'm crazy
The only things I had to change was the dates. I may only look fifteen, but in reality I was two years older. Dragons age way slower than humans, and as soon as they get their first scale their aging process slows, and we can live for about a thousand years. I was actually seventeen, but... The highschool principal didn't need to know that.
I flew to the city, Landing silently about a mile away, the backpack I'd been carrying in my claws dropping with a slight clack to the ground. Changing, I picked it up and walked toward the city, about half an hour later I arrived at the school,
I'd asked Snag's older sister, Snap, also a terrible terror, to play the role of my "mother". She called the principal Liston to ask of he had any spaces available in grade ten. He said he did and she asked if I could go for an interview, She and Snag thought that I was insane. 'Why go to school? And why Norway of all places?' I fibbed a bit and simply said I wanted to enhance my potential, Snag said if I knew what "enhance" and "potential" meant then I had nothing to worry about.
So I found myself entering the grey building, it had only one floor and spread over what I'd think was five square acres of land. I breathed in and smelt paper, pen ink, varnish and a lot of chalk dust, exactly what I'd thought a school would smell like.
Principal Liston called me in as soon as I knocked on the door, I looked around as I walked in, it was a large room, mostly full of files and reports, there were posters covering the walls that said suff like "Learning is Gods Gift" "read a book a day to keep the teachers away!" And others like that.
I looked over Principal Liston, he was a large, rotund man in a brown tweed suit, he had a pale, oily face with sunken eyes the color of gooseberries, he was balding but the rim of hair he had around his head was black and looked like he dipped it in grease.
'Hello, Mr... Erm... Fury?' He asked, his voice was gruff and difficult to understand, it was like the sound of a grunter fish.
'Yes sir.'
'Well then fury, I see you have quite good attendance, you're grades weren't bad either, what would you say is your favorite subject?' Mr Liston shuffled my papers and looked at me expectantly.
'Erm... I'd say... History sir, or chemistry.' I said, history was good, but only if it was about vikings, and chemestry was fun, you got to blow things up without a plasma blast.
'Are you sure?'
'Yes sir.'
'Hmmm...' I could tell he didn't believe me.
'Okay then, I'll put you on a trial run for this week, here's your class agenda, hurry up and you'll be able yo make your first class,'
'Thank you sir.' I said and turned on my heel, walking out the door.
I couldn't believe that I'd managed to get in so easily, it shouldn't have been, but I simply shrugged it off and looked at my agenda, first was science... Great. Now where is that?
I managed to find it seconds before the bell rang, choosing a desk at the back of the classroom, alot of kids were turning to look at me curiously and I hunched down, I never liked to be the centre of attention.
'Class, we have a new student today, he'll be doing a trail run this week, meet... Erm, Scorch Fury.' The teacher, a tall weedy man with grey hair said to the room.
'Fury? What kind of a name's that? Its almost as weird as yours Haddock.' Someone up front commented, I looked up at the name Haddock, I looked around and spotted Vanessa, did she even remember me?
She turned around to look at me and gave a small smile, I returned it and looked up at the board where the teacher was writing Newton's equation.
I didn't know why, but it felt kinda good.
The lesson seemed to drag on, just as boring as I remembered it two years ago, and I sighed in relief along with everyone else when the class finished. There was a half hour break next, which I spent standing silently ahainst the wall of the "exercise" field, which was barely big enough for me to stretch my wings to full length in dragon form.
A few kids noticed I was holding back, and the kid who had told me my name was weird came sauntering up with three lackeys by his side.
'So, fury, what's up?' The Tall black haired boy said, his voice was loud and boasting.
'Nothing much,' I said, I smelt trouble.
'OK, then, scorch is it? So who named you? Cause they were total idiots,'
'Shut up,' I said, slightly more angry than I meant to sound, I knew I shouldn't get irritated, but this guy seriously got on my nerves for some reason, and every dragon names her or himself, as soon as they turned fifteen obviously.
'Ooh, so fury fits him hey guys?' black hair said to his cronies, who all laughed stupidly.
'Whatever,' I turned and started walking toward the school entrance, but I still heard Black hair's next comment, 'oh, the classic "I can't think of anything cool to say back so I'll pretend I don't care."'
I willed myself not to turn around, but I stopped walking and started shaking slightly.
'Look out fellas! He's going to explode!'
Small blue flames, almost invisible, came out of my mouth when I spoke, still not turning around. 'I bet you don't even know how to fight, you're a coward, acting cool in front of you're posy, but you're just a sheep in wolf's clothing.'
'What you say?' The kid asked, sounding angry. I closed my eyes and the hidden black scaled sensors under my hair shook, sensing that he was about to punch me in my back.
I stepped to the side, making him miss completely and stumble, losing his balance. His possy and a few others watching laughed, and he got back up, glaring at me with his face red.
I lowered my head, looking at him with half-lidded eyes, 'don't mess with me,'
'Oh yea fury? Or what, you'll break me in half? You're not even capable of punching a bunny rabbit.'
I turned around and started walking away, I was going to be the better person.
But the better person never got any glory.
'Ha! Wimp! I knew he was the one who was all talk!'
The kid was laughing at me, his face sneering.
I froze and slowly turned around. I walked steadily towards the gutless, idiotic moron, my eyes never leaving his.
And ever so slightly, I let the fire of a night fury fill my eyes, turning them to slits for a split second.
The kid looked slightly spooked, but still glared at me, trying to protect his honor, I was only an inch from him now, I could simply press the pressure point on his neck and he'd fall unconscious, but I didn't want to knock out a student, and most likely get expelled, remembering I was on trial. And I turned, and walked away.
I groaned, it had been less than three hours and everybody knew about how I'd "ran away" from the black haired kid, who's name was Colin.
He and his Possy had boasted the whole day. And at lunch I found the table furthest from everyone and sat down, poking a fish finger with a chip, and taking a small sip of water, feeling revolted when I realised it was just tap water in a fancy bottle, I poured salt into the water and pepper onto my food, I liked my water salty and my food spicy, I'm a dragon, duh.
Someone moved up and sat opposite me, I looked up and brightened when I saw it was Vanessa. 'Hi,' I said, she smiled awkwardly, 'hi.'
A hand was placed on my shoulder, surprizing me and almost causing me to turn and toast the guy. He was black haired, slightly beefy, small green piggey eyes glared at me, 'we sit at this table,' he emphasized the we,
'Shut up Steven,' Vanessa sighed at him. He grunted and moved over to sit next to her, I didn't know what to do, remembering what Vanessa had said when I'd first met her.
'You know this guy?' Steven asked Vanessa in disbelief, she nodded, moving away from Steven slightly.
Two others sat down as well, they both had tangled long blonde hair to their shoulders, with brown eyes and pinched faces, 'hi new guy, I'm Ralph,' said the boy, 'I'm Tanya,' said the girl, I looked confused at them, were they twins?
'Those are the twins,' Vanessa said, probably sensing my confusion, 'that over there is Tim,'
I looked and saw a nerdy looking boy with taped up glasses and brown tousled hair, his expression and way he walked made it clear that he was expecting to get a wedgie any moment.
'Hi,' I said kindly, he flinched and sat next to the twins edgily.
'We're the outcasts,' Tim said before Vanessa could open her mouth, 'don't sit with us if you want a reputation.' I blinked, then looked at Colin at the other side of the cafeteria, 'after him, tough chance I'll get a reputation,' I muttered.
'Oh man, is it true that you ran off crying when he told you your shoes were untied?' Steven and Ralph both asked.
I blinked, 'what? That never happened,'
'But Colin said you did,' Ralph said, confused.
'He lied.' I muttered, I honestly felt like changing into a fury and burning that stuck up idiot to a crisp, that'd teach him.
'But to prove to you I'm no coward, I'll do this,' I said, I took a fish finger and broke it in half, taking the one half, I breathed small blue flames on it and it instantly caught fire, throwing it in the air high, it landed neatly in my mouth, and I started chewing nonchalantly, smirking at the shocked faces of Vanessa and the others at the table.
'Dude! That was so cool! How'd you do it?' Steven asked, eyes wide.
'Trade secret, but I'm doing a show tonight at the park if you want to come,' I smiled.
'You have a show?' Tanya asked in disbelief.
'Erm, yea, sorta, its just a canvas sheet and a stick, but it works,' I said.
'I'm there,' said Vanessa,
'Me too,' the twins said together, then started fighting over who said it first.
'Sure, I'll come,' Steven said as if it was an honor to have him.
'I guess I'll come too then,' Tim whispered.
I smiled, 'great.'
AN/ hey. I finally decided the storyline for this. I'm planning on sorta having the same team as the movies, but the dragons will be slightly different.
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