How does one solve a problem? Easy. Bring another problem to the surface, and there you go. A shitty solution to a shitty challenge.
That's how it's worked for Jeongguk. Still does. Whenever he finds himself in the middle of a dilemma, the first thing that comes into his mind is to find something else to worry about. His hyungs told him that this was an unhealthy and worrying, but this is the way how he copes with things. Pile them into one hell of a mess. Wait until it comes back to bite his ass.
It works. Most of the time.
So when Jeongguk barges into Hwayoung's apartment at fuck o'clock in the AM, he doesn't wait for anything else and proceeds to kiss the living daylights out of her. No questions asked.
Hwayoung, as per usual, takes it like a champ.
The door remains open but he doesn't give a single fuck. Not right now when his emotional state is disastrous heap, pickled with bits and pieces of a familiar black-haired girl. He continues peppering kisses to Hwayoung's jaw nonetheless. Sucks the spot behind her ear a little too harshly. Squeezes her waist so tight that she gasps.
"Gguk," a breathless moan. Hwayoung starts to grip his forearms.
He doesn't stop his ministrations.
Black hair. Round eyes. Plump lips. Fuck. One of his hands come up to Hwayoung's neck. Neck... the soft lines of her neck, her collarbone, her shoulders. The body suit. He closes his hand around it, slowly. Testing.
Hwayoung sighs in content.
He squeezes a bit more.
But then.
Star eyes. Warm lips. The feeling after he missed his cheek...
Fuck. Jeongguk is so fucked.
He pulls away, lips red and raw and bitten. He leans his forehead to her shoulder, breaths hard and long. "I can't--" he whispers, "Hwayoung, I can't... I can't do this."
Jeongguk hears her let out a small noise. He can't look at her right now. Not when all he sees is Lisa's eyes. "What do you mean? What--"
"I can't... I can't have..." he releases her and steps back. He just can't. "I can't do this. I can't have... have this."
It takes a little while for Hwayoung to follow, but she does and he hopes she understands. "Oh," she murmurs. Evident confusion bleeds into that small sound. "But you... you were the one who contacted me? Then what...?"
From the corner of his eye, he sees her fixing the rumpled silk robe that's hanging from her shoulders. "I just. I don't know. I can't."
Silence blankets the entire apartment. Jeongguk could hear the faint hum of the fridge, the small sounds emitted by the AC, but none of them say anything. He knows Hwayoung is thinking, feels her scrutizining him from his feet to his head.
"Okay," is all that comes out from her mouth. "Okay, something is wrong here. Something is wrong with you," she emphasises, he swallows, "and whatever it is we need to talk about it. Now."
The woman pulls him until his ass lands on the soft cushion of her couch, and Jeongguk has no choice but to sit back and gather his thoughts as she observes him like a hawk.
"Spill," she says, as if it's that easy to pinpoint each of his thoughts and collect them until he forms them comprehensible sentences. Yet Hwayoung looks at him, waiting. Not rushing. Just there, so Jeongguk takes his sweet time and thinks about it--really thinks about it.
He thinks about these... feelings blooming in his stomach whenever Lisa does something as mundane as smiling. Or laughing. Or giggling. Basically, anything she does. He finds his eyes always trained on her, eager to capture every moment or drink up every sound.
It's been happening quite a lot these days. She even teased him for it because she caught him staring at her for too long when they were scouring for The Weeknd vinyls in a record store. He only blushed and denied it, as usual.
And then the hug. It's been weeks but that feeling still lingers in his chest. He remembers how pink her cheeks were when she asked for his consent, how her hair felt under his nose when he nuzzled into her.
The worst headache of them all, though, is the kiss.
Jeongguk still doesn't know how to feel about that, but the warmth remains on his cheeks. He thinks that if he concentrates enough, he would feel Lisa's lips again, soft and inviting and gentle. He thinks he could still feel the fan of her lashes against his temple.
What exactly is this?
"I'm..." he begins after taking two deep breaths, "confused."
He's confused. Yes, that's the word that perfectly describes his current situation. Confused.
Hwayoung doesn't falter. She nods at him, encouraging. "Confused about what?"
"About all of this," he answers honestly. "About the whole soulmate thing and everything and I don't... I don't know how to interpret these things."
"Go on."
"Like... I don't know if what I'm feeling is because of our soul bond or because it's really how I truly feel." Saying out loud makes it even more confusing, and he scratches the back of his ear. "Do I make sense? I'm not sure what I feel for Lisa is genuine or solely because of the fact that we're soulmates. Am I feeling this because she was made for me, or because I sincerely, truly, like her?"
The L word tastes so bitter in his mouth.
Hwayoung nods, though. Always understanding. "And what's wrong with that, exactly? She's your soulmate. You'll end up together whether you like it or not."
Whether you like it or not. It doesn't sound good in his ears.
"But I don't want to," he interrupts. There. It's out. He takes the opportunity to voice out what he's been thinking all this time. "I don't want to end up with her. Or anyone else for that matter. Soulmates are nice and all, but I'm just... I don't want to try again."
He thinks about Jinwoo, of how he reminds him of the sun, and then Lisa, of how she shines as bright as a star.
Two different things, two different orbits, but all the same. They're both bright and they shine and they burn. As much as Jeongguk doesn't want to admit it, the sun is also a star, and they can't be anymore distinct.
What Jinwoo did to him, there might be a possibility that Lisa will, too.
"I used to fantasize about this, you know. Of me meeting my soulmate, us being together and shit, but now that I've met her and I'm again reminded of what love can do to a person--to me... I just--" he shakes his head, "I don't want to try again. I don't want to go back to the person I was before."
He doesn't want to go back to those times anymore, not when his life is as good as it is now. To return would only erase everything he'd done to be him again.
But to his surprise, Hwayoung scoffs. "You're the stupidest person I've ever met."
"Jeongguk." Hwayoung's voice is firm, eyes almost glaring. That's... new. "Jinwoo and Lisa are two different persons. I know you're probably thinking that whatever happened might happen again, but you've got to keep in mind that you've only just met Lisa and you practically don't know anything about her yet."
"I do know--"
"Yeah? What's her favorite color, then?" Jeongguk opens his mouth to reply, but nothing comes to mind. "What's her favourite thing to do in her free time? Her favourite food? Her favourite song to play in her bass? Her favourite book?"
His silence is the only answer he could give. He isn't lying, he does know other things about her, but Hwayoung is just too much. He doesn't have to know every single little thing about Lisa for crying out loud. They're just friends. That's it. That's all what he wants them to be.
(Does he, really?)
The corner of Hwayoung's lips tilt upwards, satisfied. "See? You don't even know." He looks away, annoyance settling in the pit of stomach. "It's 'cause you're not even trying, Gguk. You're just jumping into conclusions and letting these thoughts consume you. You have to know that whatever Jinwoo had done won't happen again. Lisa is Lisa. Jinwoo is Jinwoo."
"You don't know that," he says back, clenching his jaw.
"And you do?"
"Just--" Damn it. He stands up and picks up his discarded coat by the floor, letting out a harsh exhale. He shouldn't have come here. "I'm going home."
Hwayoung follows after him, ever the insistent. "There you go again. Leaving when things get tough. Aren't you tired of running away from your dilemma? I was telling the truth, Gguk. Why can't you just face it?"
Yeah, right, he thinks while putting his mask on. Through gritted teeth, he says, "You don't know anything, Hwayoung. You're just saying that to make me make a fool of myself again. You don't even know her, hell, you're just assuming things about her."
"Aren't you doing the same thing, too?" She retorts, blocking his way as he tries to get to the door. "If you're not aware, you're not doing any much better. Stop comparing Jinwoo to every person that comes into your life with nothing but good intentions, Jesus Christ. Not everyone is like him."
He scoffs. This isn't the first time that this happened, obviously, and this conversation has been said and repeated more than a couple of times. Every time he comes in and opens up about the same thing, Hwayoung says the same words over and over again. Jinwoo is different. Not everyone is like him.
But Hwayoung doesn't know Jinwoo like he does, and Hwayoung definitely doesn't know what people like him can do.
"I can't listen to this, I'm tired." He tries to push her to the side so he can make his exit, but Hwayoung doesn't budge. She resumes to glare at him, and that spikes his growing annoyance. "Goddamnit. What the hell do you want?"
"I want you--" She pushes a finger to his chest, "--to stop shutting people out. It's not good anymore, Gguk. Every time someone shows a little bit of interest in you you always assume the worst." Jeongguk laughs, a harsh sound that makes her eyes wide. "Stop-- just-- fuck. Stop that kind of mindset. Not everyone wants to hurt you. Not everyone will leave you. Stop thinking like that because it's not good anymore."
With a hand, he pries Hwayoung's hand away. "Stop acting like you know what's best for me. You're not my mother."
"I am your friend, Jeongguk!" She finally raises her voice. She's exasperated, he can tell because he is, too. He's too tired for this shit. "I care about you! I'm not acting like I know what's best for you, I'm giving you advice because you're acting like a fucking idiot right now!"
"Well, I don't want your advice!" He bursts out. "Okay? I came here to hear your thoughts but now I don't want to anymore. You've been saying the same thing for the past year and I'm tired of it." He huffs. "You say she won't hurt me, but how can you be so sure of that? You haven't even met her! You don't know what's going to happen and I don't either. So it's better to not give this... this thing between Lisa and I a chance because... because I don't want to."
She may be his soulmate, but Jeongguk doesn't want to try anything so soon. Soul bonded or not, he's not ready to give himself to another. Probably never, but it's for the best. He doesn't want to get hurt again. Not anymore.
Hwayoung's nostrils flare in anger. Jeongguk waits for another barrage of scolding, but she closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. When she opens them again, she seems calmer, more controlled.
"Okay," she says, a little forced, but she nods. "Okay, fine. Do your own thing. I won't interfere."
Jeongguk heads to the door at that, despite the angry feeling clawing in his chest. "You shouldn't."
The last thing he hears before leaving the apartment is Hwayoung saying, "Let me know when you're done acting like a dick!"
* * *
i heard u left early
something wrong?
the afterparty sucks
where are u?
im w bambam rn!! found
him while looking for u
hoseok-ssi i think
i asked him where u were but
he didnt know so
are u ok?
btw it was so awkward i didnt
know what to say at all
lemme know if ur fine!!
ill go to sleep now
leo says goodnight
nightnight jeon
* * *
can we talk
i have to say something
this is important
fine if youre just
going to keep on
ignoring me let me
just say this once and
for all
i didnt get to answer
your question last night
but i did a little digging
and asked my friends
about it and they said that
the soulmate bond
literally only connects
your souls and nothing more
so whatever shit ur feeling for
ur soulmate right now,
it's genuine
are you just going
to ignore me?
well, you know what
fuck you
go and give her
a chance you
dumb fuck!!!
* * *
you haven't been replying
for the past 3 days
what's up
just checking up
on you
let me know if ur fine
* * *
look i found a rare vinyl
at a vintage store sjghjk
* * *
im sooo tired
we had a recording
session today
are u ok?
* * *
Jeongguk reads Hwayoung's texts over and over again, his eyes not leaving the screen as he attempts to make sense of what she said.
The soul bond connects the soul and nothing more.
Does that mean--
He flinches as his throbs in pain. Fuck, it's been too long since he's last seen his soulmate. Was it five days ago? Six? Nine? He isn't entirely sure. All he knows is that he's been cooped up in his own studio the past week, working on whatever he could get his hands on. Song writing is a nice distraction, and keeping himself inside the studio makes him forget about his worries for a little while.
It's pretty self-destructive, but meh, it works.
And of course, he's not oblivious to the amount of texts Lisa and Hwayoung had sent him. He's aware it's a dick move to ignore them, but he's also aware that if he tries to respond to either of them he might say something that would lead to a bad situation.
So, without so much as a choice, he sends a quick text to Lisa and starts packing.
Clearly, he hadn't thought this through. He forgot about the fact that he couldn't avoid Lisa as much as he wants to seeing as the bond still connects them together, and sooner or later he'd have to face his feelings and admit what he truly wants to happen. He's already got the speech in his head and everything, and he thinks he's a little ready to reject her gently. Gently, because he's not a heartless jerk.
As he puts on his mask and his bucket hat, he thinks of his speech.
"Hey, Noobs, by the way, I just want to tell you that I'm not interested in a relationship right now. Or, ever. Yeah, sorry."
That sounds douche-y, he thinks, cringing.
"Lis, haha, random thought, but have you imagined us in a relationship? I haven't. It's weird, haha."
Okay. Gross. That was fuckboy-ish.
"You're pretty and I think you're nice and you're wonderful in all ways possible and I think I like you a little too much and the way you laugh makes my heart hurt and any person would be lucky to have you, but I don't think I'm that person. I'm sorry."
Yeah, sounds about right. That's what he's gonna say as soon as he steps into Lisa's studio. He's going to stop this thing that they have and they'd go back to being friends and Lisa would be eternally single... wait. She's friends with Bambam... and Bambam is single... so if Jeongguk rejects Lisa would she and Bambam--
"Sir, here's your stop," the taxi driver interrupts. Jeongguk blinks and wordlessly hands his card, his thoughts running a mile per minute.
Bambam hasn't found his soulmate yet, he thinks. So, if he were to let go of Lisa, would Lisa and Bambam...? God. He can't even finish the word because what the hell. The idea disturbs him so bad that he almost forgets his card as he hastily leaves the car, heart and body already eager to meet his other half.
His mind is a mess as he speeds through the entrance and the halls of the infamous YG Entertainment. He completely ignores the all-white interior and heads towards Lisa's studio, the staff staring at him as he speedwalks to his destination.
When he comes face to face with her studio door, he stops to catch his breath. What the hell, did he really just climb through three staircases? Damn. His gym coach would be proud of him for this one.
Jeongguk doesn't go in the studio just yet, though. He catches his breath and places both of his hands against the wall, his head hanging in between his shoulders as he gathers his thoughts. All that running had made him forget about his main agenda and it would be a problem if he finds himself in a stuttered mess when he's face to face with his soulmate later. He should be confident, firm, and sure. There's no time for uncertainties now. He has to do it.
Wait. What was he here for again? Ah, right. To confront Lisa of what he wants to happen, and also because the soul bond is pulling them together again. So, just to make sure, in his mind, he forms a half-assed plan of how he wants everything to go: as soon as Lisa opens the door, Jeongguk would go to her and make his grand announcement while looking into her eyes.
He'll say, "Hey, Lis. Before anything else, I just would like to make things clear: I'm not a relationship type of guy, so if you're hoping for things to go in that direction, I'm afraid I'd have to disappoint you." It's nice, it's obvious, it's not harsh. It's just right.
And then, if he's lucky, Lisa might still invite him inside and they'd spend time together--as friends this time around. Real friends. Friends who'll only be friends and nothing more. Then they'd go home, and Lisa wouldn't text him like how she always does, and Jeongguk would go back to his old ways and do whatever he wants without worrying if he's said goodnight to Lisa or not.
Mhm. Sounds about right.
(Although, why does this idea feels so wrong?)
His thoughts were cut short as the door suddenly opens and he's enveloped into a warm embrace. Jeongguk faintly registers Lisa's familiar scent before she's pulling away again, concern and worry written in her face.
"Oh my God, I thought you died or something. Are you okay?" Lisa asks, her eyes wide and big and Jeongguk easily forgets what he is here for. She's in her usual get up--big shirt and big pants and her black hair mussed up into a messy bun--and he would be lying if the sight doesn't render him speechless because it sure as hell did. "You weren't replying to me so I thought you've been--"
"I, um," he stammers. "I'm-I'm fine. Yeah. I've just been... busy writing songs and stuff so... yeah. That's it."
Great. The confidence is just oozing out of him, huh.
She squints at his odd demeanor. "Huh. I'm not convinced but... whatever you say. Come in." She places as hand on his lower back as he enters her studio, and the space is so Lisa that he instantly feels comfortable. A soft lofi beat plays in the background, and she asks, "So, what did you come here for?"
What did he come here for? Oh, right. The rejection. He'd have to say it now or he'd forget. "Uh, Lis, I have something to say to you. I think--"
"Oh! By the way, I bought donuts," she sings happily and places a box of Krispy Kreme in his hands. Jeongguk's mouth waters, and he forgets what he's about to say. "It's all in glaze because you once mentioned they're your favourite, so I took the time to order them as soon as you texted me."
When he looks up, Lisa's eyes were hopeful and she's smiling and there goes the stars again and Jesus Christ, Jeongguk is only a man. A weak man at that.
The talk would have to wait later, he thinks. There's always time for everything.
"Damn," he finds himself saying, a little astonished at the fact that she even remembers that. He only said that during a passing, when they were discussing about donut varieties during a walk in the Han two months ago. "How do you even recall that? Do you have a crush on me or something?"
It's only teasing, he knows that, but then there's sudden pink blush that starts to color her cheeks. "Shut up," is all she mutters and quickly makes her way back to the couch by the corner, too fast that Jeongguk would think she's flustered. Huh. She usually would retort something as equally as insulting, but this time she didn't.
"So," he attempts to break the odd atmosphere, looking over the crumpled papers by the floor and the acoustic guitar that's now placed on Lisa's lap. He watches, awed as she tries a few strings, playing a random melody that he can't help but nod along the rhythm. "Songwriting, huh?"
She's not looking at him, but she nods. "Yeah, songwriting." Her lower lip juts out, almost sulking, "I've been stuck here for an entire day and I haven't even come up with anything good yet. There's literally no inspiration for whatever this is." She huffs and toes with the papers on the floor.
"Well, I'm here now," he says with a grin, slightly puffing his chest out.
Again, it's meant to be a joke, but Lisa ducks her head even further and clears her throat. "Anyway, do you have any suggestions on what I should do? Since you're a Billboard chart topper and all, maybe you have an advice for a struggling musician like me?"
Jeongguk frowns at her behavior. The Lisa he knows isn't like this... but why...? "Um, well," he starts, ignoring the unsettling feeling in his stomach. "You could always rest, you know. Unless you prefer draining yourself to the bone, which is also okay if you want to end up looking like a zombie."
"Haha, very funny," she lets out a mocking laughter but stops strumming her guitar nonetheless. Without warning, she slumps back onto the couch and lays her head on his shoulder. It's quiet, save for the sound of their breathing, the background music, and Jeongguk's thumping heart. And then, "This is okay, right?"
Ever so polite, he notes. Their faces are so close right now, and if he turns his head to the left, he'd be able to kiss the middle of her forehead. "Yeah, it's okay." It's more than fine, he wants to add.
At the consent, she makes herself even more comfortable by snuggling closer--hugging his left arm and curling her feet up. Jeongguk unconsciously lays his own head against hers, his heart singing at their proximity. He missed this, he realizes. For a moment, he wonders how things would go if he'd give this thing that they have a chance.
(He thinks he can stay here forever.)
"What do you want to do?" Lisa suddenly asks.
Jeongguk blinks and hums, taken out of his thoughts. His eyes wander around the small studio, at the speakers and the computers and the endless flow of wires. Then his eyes land on the acoustic guitar that's now lying on the floor. "We could play with your guitar."
"Sure," she chirps and pulls away from him so abruptly that he suddenly misses her warmth. Lisa picks her guitar up and hands it over to him, looking expectant, "What songs do you know how to play?"
"Actually, I, uh, I don't know how to play. Like, at all," he admits with a shy smile. Instruments have never been his thing, he's willing but he doesn't have the time.
"You're kidding," she deadpans, looking startled. "Are you serious?"
"I swear on Gureum's life."
"Damn. What a waste."
"Can you teach me?" He blurts. When Lisa raises her brow in question, he scratches the back of his neck shyly. "Nothing, I just think it'd be cool to... learn how to play an instrument, you know?"
Instantly, a grin so wide breaks out on her face. "I'd love to! Here!" She places the guitar on his lap and scoots impossibly closer. "Now, you hold it like this first..."
Jeongguk swallows as Lisa holds both of his hands, her slender ones covering his own and places them on the guitar in the correct way. He notices that they almost fit together--like they were made and designed to be each other's predestined half. Every time her finger brushes against his, he can't help the way his own fingers tingle in anticipation.
"Alright, so, the first thing you need to know is..." She starts explaining the basics and if she catches Jeongguk's gaze linger on her lips from time to time, she doesn't speak on it and continues her little lesson. He can't help it, not when she looks good like this, so passionate and so immersed in her element.
When she's finished, she claps her hands excitedly. "Okay. Now, try strumming."
Jeongguk tilts his head. "Like, how? Do I need to know certain chords or...?"
"No, no. Just strum. I just want to hear something."
So, without further a do, he did as she asked. He strums carelessly, the notes coming out wrong and weird.
Lisa visibly cringes and adjusts the strings. "Uh, yeah... I think we need to work on your notes, yeah?" He nods eagerly. Perhaps this is a good distraction to pass off the time. "Let's start with the D chord."
* * *
Jeongguk doesn't know how much time passed by while Lisa was teaching him the basics, but he finds himself strumming a decent tune as soon as she finishes showing him how the chords connect together. By the time the notes come out right and harmonious, his back is aching and his spine feels like it's going to break off.
"You can lie down if you want," Lisa suggests as she stands up, getting a bottle of water from the fridge. "Here." She hands it to him along with the box of glazed donuts that was previously atop her desk. "In case you need a refill."
"Thanks, mom," he says with a teasing tone, but Lisa scoffs and settles next to him again, guitar in hand. "Hey, you know what would sound good?"
She shakes her head, smiling a little fondly while he munches on a donut. "Nope. What would?"
"If you'd play the guitar for me."
It's a random request, but Jeongguk realized that he hasn't heard her play anything except for Queen of Disaster's songs. It'd be a waste if he lets this momentum go.
Lisa looks a bit skeptical. "Um, okay..."
"Come on," he almost whines, crumbs dropping on the couch, "I played for you-- well, more like I did a few random notes, but it's unfair that only I get to do that and not you."
"Fine." She rolls her eyes, but straightens her back and holds her guitar firmer. "What song would you like?"
A chuckle escapes her lips, and soon enough she's playing a familiar tune. Jeongguk listens intently, trying to pinpoint what exact song is playing. She looks at him with a smile as if she knows what's running in his mind.
"Know this song?" She asks softly, and then hums along.
He squints his eyes and hums with her. "Mmmm... mmmm... wait..."
He's heard it before... from a movie, he thinks? Or from the radio... he's not sure. But-- ah!
Lisa's eyes glint as she sees the exact moment he gets it.
"And God, tell us the reason," he starts to sing eventually, grinning as he nods along to the rhythm, "youth is wasted on the young. It's hunting season, and the lambs are on the run, searching for meaning."
"But are we all lost stars?" Lisa sings along, her voice blending in beautifully with his.
"Trying to light up the dark." Without thinking, he moves even closer, sidling up against her side as they sing together. "Who are we?"
Her eyes close as she plays. "Just a speck of dust within the galaxy..."
As Lisa immerses herself into the song, Jeongguk looks at her affectionately while she strums the chords. He's always known that Lisa is talented, having heard her sing and rap and play, but hearing her voice up close... it's different. Very different. The way she sings is soft and careful and velvety and it draws him even closer like a sailor attracted to a siren's song. He can't seem to tear his gaze away when she finally notices him staring, looking at him with an emotion he couldn't decipher.
And then she smiles.
But are we all lost stars?
Jeongguk thinks that no, the stars aren't lost, not when he's seeing them right now in Lisa's eyes.
Trying to light up the dark...
Just then, her eyes drop down to his lips.
But are we all lost stars?
He tongue darts out to lick his bottom lip, and she follows the movement.
Trying to light up the dark...
The moment is too intimate that when the song comes to an end, they're both still staring each other, questions and confusions stuck in the tips of their tongues and the space between their lips.
And then, as if he's washed by cold water, Jeongguk remembers what he's here for and he immediately looks away. He can't be distracted, not right now.
At the lingering silence, he begins, "Lis, I have--"
"No, wait, wait," she says, placing the guitar right next to her. Jeongguk frowns as she stands up and grabs a notebook by the floor. "Tell me later. I think I just got the inspiration to write again."
a/n: do you think he likes her
also sorry for the late update, it's been a month in college and there's just a lot of stuff to do ughhhhh
N E WAYS what do u think abt lisa's solo??? it was overwhelming at first listen but it's growing on meee as i listen to it more lol the thai part is my fav plus i just wish theyd stop giving her ABC lyrics bc some of the lyrics for money are kinda... meh but i love money though!
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