To the disappointment of millions of readers, Bella does not die in her sleep.
Instead, she dreams about Edward sparkling and glowing.
Time passes and Edward becomes hostile again. His ocher eyes turn black. Bella is depressed. Night would be bored but she's eating peanut butter pretzels to help survive this book.
They spend a month staring at each other in class. Night has to eat more pretzels to get through it. She's also started talking in third person which is never a good sign. Bella continuously calls her own obsession with Edward "pathetic" and "unhealthy" but makes not the slightest attempt to stop.
Three boys ask Bella to prom, because yeah that's realistic, but she turns them all down. She struggles in gym class because her mind is "full of Edward."
She and Edward have like three more disputes in this chapter alone. Night gobbles pretzels in agony.
Then in the middle of an argument, Edward mentions he heard Bella planned to go to Seattle in a couple of weeks and he asks if he came come with her. Bella cannot breathe as she looks into his smoldering face. (Exact word.) She nods.
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