The Other Team
You knew this was going to be your last day to ever be safe. From here on out, you would always be on your guard. This was hell. You didn't realize it, but you were crying. Tears streamed down your face as you watched the news. Maybe this was a dream, and eventually you could just wake up. You felt Takeo touch your shoulder. You looked over at him, he looked incredibly upset and disturbed.
"This is a dream." You said, smiling a little. It is all a dream. Takeo looked sadder, and shook his head. You closed your eyes and looked down, tears still falling. "It has to be..." you whisper. Nikolai's hand grabs yours, holding it tightly.
"(Y/N)... I'm so sorry." You keep thinking no, that this can't be true, but it is... it is true. Your nightmares had been warnings, but you refused to believe it, but now, you regret not listening to them. You hold your hands to your face. You are full on sobbing now. You close your eyes, a zombie isn't there, but they will be.
"W-what are a-we supposed t-to do?" You ask as your voice shakes.
"I don't know." Nikolai comments. Takeo shakes his head more in disbelief. He stands up and walks out of the room. You hold onto Nikolai, preparing for what we going to come. You heard people screaming outside, car tires skidding in the streets, and all you could think about was the dreams you had had. Takeo was walked back in, holding his Katana, he had owned it for as long as you could remember. He also carried two pistols, handing one to Nikolai, and one to you. You hesitantly took it, you had never held a gun before. Nikolai and Takeo had both wielded guns before, so they were ok with it. It a gun meant you had to kill something. A zombie, it was dead, so why would that be a big deal. You still didn't want to kill though.
"We need to reave." Takeo told you, Nikolai stood up, but you stayed seated.
"(Y/N) come on." Nikolai said urging you to come. Finally, Nikolai grabbed your arm and pulled you up. You walked next to him, keeping up. As they three of you were walking, you saw dead zombie carcasses. The smell was bad but you pulled through. You came to stores, and stocked up on food, and other things you might need. After a really long time, you all needed to rest. You had gone so far, you had no idea where a good resting place was, honestly, you had no idea where you where you were. You felt your legs get weary of walking, and you needed to sit, rest, or do something. But then you heard gun shots in the distance, you stepped closer to your friends. Shooting meant two things, one: there were people. Two: there were zombies. You start to panic, looking at Nikolai and Takeo for answers. But they were looking back at you. You sighed,
"Should we go see where the shots are coming from?" You ask, they look down, as if they were thinking.
"It could mean people." Nikolai said.
"Also zombies." Takeo added. Now they turned to you asking you're a opinion.
"I think we should go... if there is people, then they clearly have guns, and maybe other things we will need." They both nodded and you all continued to walk. The shots got louder. As you turned a corner you saw a castle of sorts. You looked at it in amazement. Der Eisendrache.
"Woah..." you whisper, you had heard about it, but had never planned on seeing it ever. The gun shots seem to becoming from inside the gates. You looked at Takeo and Nikolai, they proceeded forward, you joined. As you explored the castle, every shot became more clear, until they were practically piercing your ears. Zombie yells also filled your hearing. You looked inside the castle to a weird room, with a strange inhuman triangle device in the middle of the room. As you and the others peered inside you saw two men holding guns. Wait... no, they weren't... they couldn't be. They were, oh god. The men from your dream, and outside on your walk... your dream...
"Oh my god..." your hand covers your mouth. Apparently, everyone heard you... Takeo, Nikolai, and the other men, Edward Richtofen and Tank Dempsey. Richtofen scowled at the three of you while also shooting his gun, Tank, smirked at you. You heard a gun shot next to your head, Nikolai was shooting his gun. Takeo ran up slicing the zombies with his Katana. Damn, when was Takeo ever able to do this? You slightly aimed your gun, hesitantly holding the trigger. You pulled it, and I bullet came shooting out. You looked, you clearly had not hit a zombie, or anything for that matter. You heard a slight chuckle from a far away man, and of course it was Tank. You were so scared you were shaking. Nikolai grabbed your arm pulling you closer to him, as he shot more zombies.
After all the zombies were dead, you had killed two. You stood next to a protective Nikolai while Takeo, Tank, and Richtofen walked over to you. Richtofen still glared at all of you, while Tank had a toothy smile on, and he was looking at you.
"I remember you." Tank spoke first. You stared into your eyes. You took a small glance at Takeo and Nikolai. They had that big brother protective look on, looking at Tank.
"Yeah..." you cleared your throat, trying to sound more confident. Tank seemed to notice, he chuckled lightly. You blushed, and inched closer to Nikolai, without being noticed.
"Well, I don't think we all had a chance to fully introduce... I'm Tank Dempsey, and you all are...?" Tank now looked at all of us, Takeo spoke first.
"I am Takeo Masaki."
"Ahem!" Richtofen shouted angrily. "Ve have no time for zhese intros! Ve are busy!" Takeo raised an eyebrow at him. Tank just rolled his eyes.
"Yeah, I guess we do have to get a move on. You guys should come with us, we have weapons." Tank held up his, well you couldn't identify it, but you knew it was an SMG of sorts. Takeo looked over at us, I shrugged, Nikolai looked very skeptical, but nodded. And that's how you joined Tank and Edwards team.
Yay, you have a new team! And it's Edward and Tank, whoo! Haha have a lovely day, and illuminate the night,
-Kitty 🔥❤
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