Chapter 9. - Arthur's Horror Story.
“It was dark day in Camelot, children were dying and no one knew why. I was just ten years old. My father suspected that it was sorcery but he wouldn’t let me and Morgana know anything about it. I already knew too much due to my curious nature. He wouldn’t let me or Morgana go anywhere without a full guard tagging along as it was but now it was just ridiculous. We had to have a full guard everywhere we went, I couldn’t get enough peace. Everywhere I went all I got was a bunch of guards following me and saying: “Good morning young Prince Arthur. What are you going to be up to this morning?” It was bloody annoying I can tell you. So I met with Morgana, and we decided to go and find out all we could about what was going on.....” Arthur said.
“Stop there. We don’t need to hear any more. This story is creepy enough if it has Morgana in it!” Gwaine joked, everyone laughed.
But still Arthur continued. “So I and Morgana were just casually walking down the corridor, when our huge guards started following us. I glanced at Morgana a slight smirk on my face. She glanced back at me then we ran full pelt down the corridor the guard couldn’t keep up. So we ran down one of the old dark wings that hadn’t been used for thousands of years due to the giant- when I say giant I mean GIANT- spiders that lived down there. Just then when we stopped two doors on either side of the corridor creaked open. I told Morgana to go into the other and I went into one on my left. The doors swung shut as we went into them. I can still see the petrified look on Morgana’s face.
But I was a bit too preoccupied with my own safety to worry any longer as I heard a creaking noise from behind me. It sounded like a rocking chair, rocking backwards and forwards but it couldn’t be. I turned round and there was a rocking chair rocking backwards and forwards with no one in it. Just then it flew up into the air, hitting the ceiling and shattering to pieces, then as I looked back up at the ceiling I could see a ghost of a person hanging from the ceiling.
Just then there was a loud scream. “Morgana!!!!!” I yelled. Pounding on the door but I couldn’t get it open or get any reply from Morgana. There was another scream. Then silence. The lights in the room I was in went out throwing the room into darkness but then I remembered the flint I had found earlier and the candle, so I pulled those out of my pocket and lit the candle but then wished I hadn’t as I caught sight of a message on the wall, written in blood saying: You should never have come down here. You could have saved yourselves.
I began to panic but as I turned round, a monster which had the form of a young boy about the same age as me was stood in front of me. He was covered in marsh mud. He roared in anger at the light from my candle and he raised his arms towards me. There in the far corner of the room, I saw a figure shrouded in black watching, when they saw me looking at them, they smiled. Then I couldn’t control my arms, the arm holding the candle began to move the flame up and down the other arm causing such pain as I have never felt. The figure in the corner who was controlling me smiled and screamed a high pitched, bone chilling scream then they wrote another message on the wall: the boy in front of you, Arthur Pendragon is my son. He was killed by your father and now I take children to get revenge.” Arthur finished speaking, he noticed all the knights and Merlin were trembling with fear and glancing around into the dark night for any of the monsters they had heard of tonight. Gwen smirked at Arthur, he nodded to her. Now it was her turn. Guinevere let out and blood curdling, bone chilling scream which sounded exactly like the one Arthur had heard all those years ago as a child, she continued screaming and Arthur put out the fire. Making all the knights and Merlin yell in fright. Mordred while yelling in fear muttered a spell and crouch close to the fire as it lit back up to make it seem like he had relit the flames. They stopped yelling in fright as Arthur and Guinevere burst out laughing. “Fooled you all!” they laughed.
“It was Guinevere she screamed!” Arthur laughed.
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