Chapter 32. - Freaked out. Arthur's P.O.V. Part 4.
was staring deep into the eyes of the soulless monster that stood before me. I was unarmed and this monster was stood before me armed with everything from web traps, eight hairy and very large legs, ten gleaming eyes that showed hungry in every single one of them and sharp looking pincers that gleamed with venom. I gulped, and tried to feel around for my sword. ‘It’s probably on the other side of the wall. Which totally means I’m trapped! I’m so going to die!!’ I shook my head, not was not the time for fear I had to find a way out of this situation. I felt around on the floor, but all that I could feel was a bunch of sharp shards of rock. ‘That’s it!!!! I’ll use the rocks. If I jab it in the eyes then, it possibly won’t be able to see me, meaning that I can escape. This corridor has to lead somewhere.’ I grabbed a handful of rocks. I had a good aim, so this should be easy. I grabbed one and threw it at the giant spider. Just as I had planned it hit the spider right in the eye. ‘Yes!!! If I can do that with the others, then this should be a breeze.” I threw the rest of the stones at the giant spider, some missed their aimed target but it would have to do. I leapt to my feet and ran, the spider followed me. I could hear it clicking it’s pincers behind me. I ran, leaping over the bones of the skeletons that littered the floor. There was a door open on the left hand side of the corridor and I didn’t care whether it was a trick, I just leapt through the open door and slammed it shut. I could hear the spider scrabbling on the other side of the door, just itching to get in.
I breathed a sigh of relief and shivered in disgust. I really hated spiders. I looked around the room I had leapt inside and it was the same one from all those years ago, that I had been trapped in. I turned round towards the door and rattled the door handle trying to get it open..... Not caring about the spiders on the other side. But that’s when I heard the screams. Not on the side of the door with the spiders...... But on my side, with me. I turned round slowly and then I saw them....... The dark figure and the ghosts of all the children they took and the ghost of her son....... Beside me a candle flickered on and illuminated the room....... My hand unwillingly reached for the candle. ‘Not again.’
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