With two snaps Larry and Damien undid the clasps on the sarcophagus. They were forced to jump back as the lid flew off with so much force that it hit the opposite wall. It clattered to the floor, causing Damien to wince at the potential damage. But his attention was mainly focused on the bandaged covered figure slowly sitting up. The bandages were dusty and old. The pharaoh's face was obscured as it slowly turned to them.
"Um hi", Larry waved. "Sorry to disturb you but your jackal guys are trying to kill us. I think they think that we're trying to hurt you, which we're not but if you could make them stop like now!"
Ahkmanrah turned and held out a hand, voice shouting in muffled Egyptian. Damien couldn't make out the words, Ahkmanrah's voice too gravely and choked to make out. Luckily the jackal's heard. They paused and went to their knees in a bow for a moment before retreating slowly back to their posts. Larry huffed in relief. "Thank you", he breathed. "Thanks".
The relief soon faded in to worry as Ahkmanrah heaved himself out his the coffin. Larry scrambled back but Damien didn't move. Ahkmanrah was talking, voice muffled and horse. He reached up and tugged on the bandages covering his face. The moment jerked Damien into action and he stepped forward. "Can I help?" He asked, hands outstretched.
Ahkmanrah paused suddenly then slowly nodded. Damien smiled slightly and stepped closer. The pharaoh was shorter than him, only by a couple of centimetres which was a pleasant surprise. Damien took the bandages and gently unwound them. Once they were loose enough he stepped back. Ahkmanrah pulled them off and coughed heavily, dust filling the air. He looked up at them and Damien froze. Ahkmanrah was young, probably about the same age as Damien. He had tanned skin with high cheekbones and close cut black hair. When he blinked at them, it was with bright green eyes. "You would not believe how stuffy it was in there", he huffed, accent distinctly British.
"You have green eyes", Damien muttered aloud. "We had drawings of what you might have looked like but we never knew you had green eyes". He stepped forwards in excitement, hands coming up to hover in the air around Ahkmanrah's face. Not quite touching him. "You look better than those drawings. What are you? Twenty three or so? We had you evaluated to be in your early twenties but the exact year was hard to pin point. When were you born? How did you die? You're remarkably handsome for a pharaoh, no genetic deformities, we checked. Although your family was one of the ones that didn't deal with incest like the rest of Egypt's kings. What were your hobbies? Which battles were you apart off?" He rattled out questions at alarming speed, brain moving a mile a minute in his excitement. Here he was, the pharaoh, the physical embodiment of Damien's life's work standing in front of him. Damien was sure that this was the best afterlife ever.
"Dr Jean", Larry interrupted. "If we could save the questions for another time perhaps?"
Damien jumped. He grinned sheepishly as he stepped back. "Oh yes. Of course, I apologise".
"How can you speak English?" Nicky asked. Ahkmanrah was looking around, eyes wide as he took in his exhibit. His gaze kept on swaying back to Damien and he smiled slightly.
"I went to Cambridge".
"Excuse me? Cambridge". Larry repeated. Ahkmanrah turned back to them all.
"Yes. I was in display in their Egyptology department", he smiled widely. Damien had to stop himself from asking how Ahkmanrah's teeth were so white. "Excuse me. I am Ahkmanrah, fourth king of the fourth king, ruler of the land of my fathers", he introduced proudly.
"Right. I'm uh, Larry Daley. And this is my son Nicky. We hail from Brooklyn, well I do. He comes and stays with me every Wednesday and every other weekend..." Larry trailed off as Ahkmanrah frowned in confusion.
"Larry, Nicky guardians of Brooklyn", Ahkmanrah smiled.
"Right", Larry paused and pointed at Damien. "Aren't you going to ask who he is?"
Damien stilled as Ahkmanrah turned and smiled at him. "I know who he is. Damien Jean", he strode over and took Damien's hands in his. His hands were presently warm and alive. Damien could feel clauses on the fingertips from life experiences. He tried not to flush as Ahkmanrah squeezed his hands gently. "My companion, my other half. I have spent my life searching for you and at last we meet. I owe you a great debt".
"Other half?" Damien repeated in confusion. Ahkmanrah merely smiled widely, stealing all of Damien's cognitive thoughts away.
"I will explain later", the pharaoh promised. He let go of Damien's hands and turned back to Larry. "Guardians of Brooklyn, please return my tablet to me so that I can reclaim my kingdom".
"Yeah", Larry sighed. "About that".
"It was stolen", Damien spoke up. "By the fired night guards". His ribs twinged and he pressed a hand to them with a grimace.
Ahkmanrah sighed, shoulders dropping. "It is as I feared. I heard the confrontation". He turned to Damien and strode forwards to press his hands gently to his chest. Damien dropped his own hand in surprise as Ahkmanrah gently rubbed his fingers over the bruises. Despite his shirt being in the way, Damien could feel the warmth of his touch. "Did they hurt you?" Ahkmanrah asked.
"It's fine", Damien tried to grin but winced as his hands brushed over a particularly sore spot. "Merely bruises. Nothing serious". Ahkmanrah frowned unhappily but withdrew his touch.
"Very well. Allow me to remove the rest of my bandages then we shall hunt down the criminals".
"You can use my tent", Damien offered as Ahkmanrah pulled his cloak out from the sarcophagus. He smiled at him again and stepped into the frame. As soon as he had disappeared out of sight, Damien pressed his face into his hands and groaned.
"What did he mean by other half?" Nicky asked curiously. He and Larry had been watching them with wide eyes.
"I don't know", he replied slightly panicky. "None of my research covered anything about coming back to life or 'other halves' or handsome pharaohs. You'd think there'd write it on the wall of his tomb or something, since it's important. But no!" Damien groaned again and rested his forehead against the wall. The cold doing little to smooth his warm face.
AN: what did you think of the meeting? Worth the build up?
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