Chapter 40
Namara grabbed the HYDRA agent by his throat, throwing him with enough force against the wall to render him unconscious. She cut through agent after agent, ever since the door opened. Not spending too long fighting, because these men weren't her target. The masked agent was.
It wasn't long before she found him, standing with a pistol in each hand. The mask concealing his face, but his stance told Namara he was ready to fight.
She could hear his heartbeat, it was slow. Controlled. God, how she wanted to make that heart stop beating.
"Asset 5085, how lovely to see you again."
"I'm going to kill you."
"Ah, well, that may be a problem. Seeing as it's you that has granted me such a long life."
"The experiments with your blood- the ones that turned your little friend into the valuable freak that he was- they were just a test. A test to create someone who couldn't be beaten. It succeeded in me. The only side effect is, my treatment wears off. But don't worry, I've taken enough to deal with you."
The agent held up his pistol and fired, Namara darted to one side, dodging the bullet racing toward him. A knife in her hand.
It was like a bizzare dance, where one of the agents bullets struck Namara, she healed. Whenever she managed to slash him with her knife or nails, his flesh healed without a mark. It went one for what seemed like hours.
Slash. Stab. Dodge. Namara was soaked in her own blood, it ran in rivulets down her arms and soaked throat her clothes. But the agents was bloodied and battered as well, his arms shaking with fatigue. She'd knocked his mask off, and the exhaustion was evident on his face.
He smiled at her, "I think it's time we end this."
He fired again, and this time the bullet struck home. Except it wasn't a bullet, it was a dart, and the needle stung deep into Namara's neck.
She jerked it out, but already felt it's effects, could feel herself getting weaker.
The agent smiled sadistically at her, "That's the very same thing I gave your little friend. Puts a hold on your healing. Long enough for me to kill you."
He fired his pistol, and the bullet tore into Namara's shoulder. She let out a cry of pain, and felt hot blood pouring out of the wound. She clapped her hand over her shoulder, trying to staunch the bleeding. The horror of what was happening descended on her, she couldn't heal. Couldn't fight well enough without that factor. She was going to die here.
Another bullet tore into Namara, this time in her lungs, and another in one of her legs. She could hear the agent laughing and she tried desperately to stay conscious. Namara was in so much pain now that it took everything she had in her not to scream. This was how she would die.
Weakly, Namara lifted her hand and raised her middle finger in a gesture you didn't need to know sign language to understand. It was all she had the strength to do, one last bit of spite.
Then suddenly the pain stopped, she opened her eyes.
Steve was doing his best to hold the Agent off, using his shield to deflect bullet after bullet. But he couldn't win here, couldn't fight against someone who refused to die.
Slowly, weakly, Namara pulled herself up off the floor. The Agent was too busy with Steve to notice Namara crawling acroos the floor, didn't notice her grabbing his dart gun.
Knowing she needed the agent to turn to her, Namara cleared her throat, "Hey... Hey you..." There was so much blood in her lungs she could barely speak.
He couldn't hear her. Struggling to her feet, Namara gathered all the strength she had. She slammed into the Agent, slamming her right fist as hard as she could into his face. He was pushed back several feet by the impact, staring at her in shock, Namara grinned. "Whoops..Sorry about that. I meant to say Stop, but I just punched you instead."
Then she pulled the trigger on the dart gun. Watching in satisfaction as the horror dawned on the Agents face, then she raced forward, her knife in hand, and drove it into his chest.
He fell backward with a cry, and then Namara was on top of him. Burying the knife in his chest. Again and Again.
Unable to raise her arms again, Namara fell to the side, still watching in satisfaction as the light left the Agents eyes. She'd avenged Jay. She'd avenged everyone who'd ever suffered at that mans hands. He wouldn't hurt anyone ever again.
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