Chapter 39
The door to Namara's cell opened and a line of light stood out against the dark concrete. After several days without light, Namara's eyes burned at the sudden light, and she held up one hand to shield her eyes.
Fury shoved the door the rest of the way open and stood in front of her, his arms crossed. "Look at you Miss Ackermann. How the mighty have fallen."
Namara stayed where she was, there was no will left in her. No fire. Not for Fury anyway. She was saving it for the man who'd killed Jay, she wouldn't waste any effort until then. Nothing anyone said could have any effect on Namara, the part of her that was human enough to get annoyed, to feel insutled, it was buried.
"You will be happy to know that I've located a HYDRA base, where we believe the Agent you are seeking is. I'll send you in, with a small team."
"Don't want a team. Just me."
Fury's brows furrowed, "Feeling suicidal?"
"I'm sending a group of Agents to deal with the Assets in HYDRA's custody, and Captain Rogers will be going as well."
Namara stiffened, they were all going to be in danger. They were all going to die. There may have been a time when Namara cared. But she didn't anymore.
Steve kept glancing at Namara out of the corner of his eye, making sure she was still there. After boarding the SHIELD jet, the most she'd done was glare angrily around her. Perhaps a small part of him had hoped she'd go back to being the happy Namara who'd laughed with Jay. But he could see now that dream was dead.
The plane landed with a jolt, and Namara was walking out as soon as the bay door opened. The agents filed out behind her, their weapons drawn.
Steve had planned to stay as close to Namara as possible, make sure she didn't get herself killed. But when he turned to speak to her, Namara wasn't at his side.
She was already crouched at the entrance to the compound. Farther than any human should have been able to sprint in such a short amount of time. Even from here he could see her short black hair was tangled, and her stance was ready, muscles poised to spring on whatever poor fool came out that door.
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