Chapter 34
The masked agent smiled grimly as he stared through the bullet proof window and into the lab below. Where HYDRA Asset number 5-0-8-5 was being reprogrammed. She fought with all the strength in her, screaming and lashing out. She knew what was about to happen.
As Asset 5-0-8-5 was shoved down onto a medical table by several soldiers and strapped down, her angry screams became desperate. She was screaming for someone, a man's name, someone to help her.
Then that scream of desperation became a scream of agony as they put her into the machine. They shocked the woman again and again, reconditioning her.
The agent turned his back on the window, he knew Asset 5-0-8-5 wouldn't break easily. She had always been tenacious, even when they'd found her as a child. She'd be in there for hours. He could hear the woman's agonized screams as he walked away, his back to the lab.
Several hours later, a tired looking doctor knocked on the Agents office door.
"Excuse me Sir?"
"What is it?"
"We've finished with Asset 5-0-8-5," The man stuttered,"But...But there's been a slight problem."
The agent stood up slamming his hands down on the desk, "What?!"
He'd put much too effort into turning that woman into the perfect asset to only have her reprogamming fail.
"You see Sir, because the Asset's mutation transformed her into some sort of cross between a human and an animal... After we wiped her, there wasn't enough of the Asset's own mind left for her to have human like thought."
The doctor walked out of the room, and the Agent followed. Unable to completely comprehend what the doctor was telling him.
The Doctor led him to a cell, the bars made of heavy reinforced steel beams. The woman who was chained in the cell by a metal collar that shackled her against the wall was not the same woman he'd sent to be reconditioned. She was snarling and snapping. Her front incissors had grown several more inches, they'd always been longer than usual for a human, but now they resembled the fangs of a wolf. Her nails were curved into black claws. But what unnerved the Agent most about the thing that Asset 5-0-8-5 had become was her eyes. They were no longer the eyes of a defiant woman, or even the eyes of a human. The Asset's mismatched eyes, set behind sharp cheekbones and pale skin, were those of an animal. The pupils were dialated, wide, and panicked. Like a cornered dog.
Which was what she had become, a rabid animal. Not an agent, but some sort of monster.
"I.. I'm sorry Sir, we weren't aware that the reprogramming would do this," The Doctor stuttered nervously.
A malicious grin lit up the agents face, "It's perfect."
"Human emotions won't get in the way now. Think of Asset 5-0-8-5 as a rabid dog, we simply have to take her off the leash in reach of our enemies. Once she's torn them apart, we can sedate her and lock her up again."
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