Chapter 23
Natasha knocked on Namara's door, opening it before Namara had a chance to respond. "Good Morning Namara. We have a slight probl- Oh my god, what happened to your hair?"
In a Mulan-Like moment Namara had chopped off all of her hair last night. Natasha's face reminded her that the hair that used to hang down to her waist was now cut short and choppy.
"I decided I didn't want anyone grabbing my hair when I'm fighting," Namara said, rolling out of bed. "What's the problem?"
"Your little HYDRA experiment is awake and actually threw Clint through a door."
"He what?"
"Well Clint went in to check on him and the kid was awake, and since he'd never seen Clint before, the kid panicked. Namara, he's stronger than Cap."
"I know, but he's just a kid."
"I'm aware of that. Anyway, he's hiding under the bed in his room and you need to go get him."
"Okay then," Namara walked past Natasha and out into the hall.
Sure enough, the door to the boy's room was in fragments, a Clint Barton shaped hole in the door. Namara stepped over the ruins of the door and into the boy's room. She knelt down next to the bed, making eye contact with the boy underneath.
"Kid, get out from under there," She said impatiently.
He nodded and scrambled up, grabbing Namara's hand and pulling her toward the small shelf in the room. Clint had brought some books that his kids didn't use anymore and left them there for the kid.
The boy reached for one on birds, flipping to a page, and then pointing at a bird. A blue jay. "That's my name," He said, grinning from ear to ear.
It was adorable, to see the kid so excited over something so small. But for him, it was the biggest thing in the world. Namara smiled, "Bluejay? Your name's bluejay?"
He laughed, his blue eyes shining, "No... Just Jay."
"Why do you like that name so much?"
The boy shuddered, "When I was in that place... there was a little bird that used to sit in my cell's window. It looked like that, I loved that bird. He was my first friend. Do you like it?"
"I think it's perfect," Namara ruffled his hair, "Jay it is. What about a last name?"
"A last name? I don't know."
"Well, take your time. Are you hungry? let's get some breakfast."
Jay grabbed her arm, his little face suddenly serious, "Are you going to leave me?"
"No. I promise."
"Will you be my sister?" Jay's face was earnest.
Namara almost said no, almost told him to never count on her. That she didn't do family, that she didn't want anything to do with being responsible for anyone but herself. Because that's how Namara stayed alive, she didn't get attached. A kid like Jay wouldn't have lasted long in the Circus, he was too trusting. But after being all on her own for so long, without any family, Namara decided that if she was going to die, she'd like it to be protecting this kid. This boy she'd protected, he'd been her brother from the moment she heard his voice on the plane.
Namara smiled widely, "I'd love to be your sister."
"Then what's your last name?"
"Ackermann. I'm Namara Ackermann."
"Jay Ackermann. Jaaayy Ackermann. Jay Ackermann," The boy rolled the words off his tongue. Testing out the sound of his new name. It made Namara smile, watching this kid enjoying his new name.
"Alright then Jay Ackermann, how about you and I get some breakfast?"
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