I'm gnawing on my nail and my knee is incessantly bouncing. A bagel sits uneaten in front of me along with several books and magazines that have gone unread. They were brought in shortly after I was, to hold me over while I waited. That was over two hours ago, and I hadn't seen anyone since.
I had tried to keep busy by studying the pictures and posters that littered Avi's pack rat of an office, but I was so on edge that my eyes couldn't concentrate for more than a minute. I even tried pacing back and forth to exhaust myself, but I only made my legs tired and had to ball up my energy into the squeaky pleather seat that started it all for me.
And it didn't bother me that I was stuck in their office alone, it was I still had no idea what was going on, or what the game plan was. And I got it; I wasn't FBI, but who the hell was I going to tell? I just needed to know for my own peace of mind.
The clock on Avi's wall reads 12:03 when the door finally opens. I immediately jump from my seat as Alex and Avi walk in. I frown, noticing Scott is still missing.
"Where's Scott?" I turn in my spot as Avi walks around his desk and takes a seat.
Avi motions for my chair and I sit down, Alex in the chair besides me.
"Scott has been relieved for the day." Avi speaks slow and clear as he folds his hands on his desk. I glance at Alex, who is looking down, before turning my attention back to Avi.
"Why?" My brows furrow. He was still my agent, wasn't he?
"Mitch," Avi shifts in his chair. "I'm not sure if you're aware, but Scott has a personal connection to this case."
"Yeah," I look behind Avi for a moment before finding his gaze again. "Vine killed his mother when he was seven." I say without hesitation. Avi and Alex pointedly share a look.
"What?" I glance between the two of them.
Avi shifts in his seat again, flinging one arm over the back of his chair as he leans back.
"Wasn't aware he told you," Avi grumbles with a slight shake of his head. "But to answer your question, I think it would be best for him to not be involved in the investigation."
Investigation. Not case.
"Okay," I shake my head. "And what about my case?" I lean forward in my chair. "What happens now that the guy you were protecting me from is dead?" I say without hesitancy as I look between the two men.
"Well," Avi glances to Alex. "We've discussed this internally–and with Esther–and we feel that with Vine dead, a threat to your safety is no longer imminent."
My brows scrunch. "Meaning...." I lead unsurely.
"Meaning," Avi straightens up in his chair. "You can return home and carry back on with your life." Avi offers with a small smile.
The air leaves my lungs as I fall back into my seat.
It was over. It was finally over. I could go home. I could return to my life.
"I can go home?" I ask for reassurance, not fully believing it.
"You can." Avi nods with a smile and I can't help one from spreading on my own face.
"We'll keep two agents stationed at your apartment–just as a precaution–" Avi holds up his hands as my eyes go wide. "But you're free to return back to your normal life."
I take a deep breath and nod.
It was finally over.
DUN DUN DUN!!!!!!!!
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