"Mitch?" There's a muffled knock on the door, causing my eyes to open and slowly take in the plain room of the safe house. I rub my tired eyes, not remembering having fallen asleep.
I gingerly push myself from the bed, my body aching with exhaustion as I crack open the door with a yawn.
"Yeah?" I ask groggily to a smiling Jess.
"Just wanted to make sure you were okay." She speaks softly, like my mother would when I was sick. I take in her face; the light wrinkles hidden under foundation, and I suddenly wonder how old Jess is.
"We hadn't heard from you in a while."
I glance over my shoulder to the clock on the bedside table, the dials showing 5:48.
"Sorry about that, I must of fallen asleep."
Jess just smiles, her eyes crinkling.
"No problem."
The two of us just stand there in an awkward silence and I bite the inside of my lip as I shift my weight from one foot to the other.
"I'll just head back downstairs." She points to the staircase and I nod, watching with a forced smile until she disappears.
Do they not teach people skills at Quantico? I wonder with a sigh and wander across the hallway and into the bathroom, closing the door behind me.
After the craziness and exhaustion of the last two days, rather than turn on the shower, water spurts from the faucet and begins filling the basin of the tub.
I pour in some lavender bubble bath I had picked up from the store and undress, stepping out of my clothes and sinking myself down as the steaming water rushes around me.
My body instantly unwinds in the relaxing scent and warmth of the water, and as the tub reaches its capacity, I reach my foot out and shut the water off, sinking myself into a sea of bubbles and closing my eyes.
The ride back to the safe house takes longer than expected, Scott having slept through his alarm and ended up hitting rush hour traffic for the first 20 miles of his trip. But as Scott finally approaches the line of trees that hides away the safe house from any passerby, he shuts off the radio as he spots a new car next to Jess and Jake's.
With trepidation, Scott rolls into the driveway and parks the car right alongside the blue sedan, a man leaning against the hood, a leather jacket over his suit, waiting.
"You're late." The man calls over to Scott as he climbs out of the Mustang.
"You know, you don't have to wear a suit for nighttime, babysitting duty." Scott pushes his door shut, yelling back to his partner for the next few months, and one of his few friends at the bureau.
"Good to see you too, Scott," Alex nods, pushing off the car and walking up to Scott, immediately receiving a pat on the shoulder.
Not too many people knew about Scott's history, but Alexander was one of them, and Scott was grateful when he volunteered to help out with the case.
"Justin and Claire say 'hi.'" The men walk up the front steps together and push through the front door.
"How are they?" Scott steps in first, looking over his shoulder at his partner.
"Good," Alex closes the door behind him. "Claire's starting sixth grade this fall, and Justin says you are long overdue for dinner."
Scott laughs with a nod.
"While I won't argue with him there."
They step into the living room, finding Jess and Jake sitting at the coffee table with a chess board between them, and not a single sound being made.
Scott and Alex stand in the doorway, receiving glances from the Wonder Twins as they continue their game.
Scott looks around the room and frowns.
"Where is he?" He leans forward to try and peer into the kitchen, but still doesn't see anyone.
"The bath was running about an hour ago." Jake says without taking his eyes off the board, his hand holding his chin in place.
Scott rolls his eyes and turns to head upstairs, the voice of Alex echoing as he tells someone, probably Jess, where to move next.
The upstairs is quiet, all the bedroom doors open. Scott peaks into Mitch's room, the sheets on his bed fussed like he had been sleeping on them at some point. His eyes wander around the room, noticing clothes hanging in the open closet and her suitcase stuffed under the bed.
A small smile spreads on his lips, happy that he was at least able to settle in, though it falters, realizing that he has no disillusions that this is going to be a quick stay.
With a sigh, he turns for the bathroom, figuring someone should check on Mitch. Make sure he didn't drown in the fucking tub.
Wouldn't that be a bitch.
Scott raises his hand to knock on the door when it comes flying open, and before he has time to stop, Mitch walks right into Scott's chest, hard enough to send himself stumbling back a few steps. Scott's arms instantly reach out to grab him, but his fingers only clasp the cloth that was around Mitch's dripping wet body.
"OH MY GOD!" Mitch screeches, his hands quickly covering his naked parts, but not before Scott has seen everything, his blue eyes wide and mouth open as the faded green towel hangs in his hands.
"Don't look!" Mitch screams, but Scott doesn't move, his eyes transfixed on the droplets of water dripping ever so slowly down from his hair onto his hairless chest, trickling down the curves of his waist around his hips, racing down his smooth legs and pooling in tiny puddles around his dark blue painted toes.
"I-" Scott trips over his words.
"Scott!" Mitch shouts, his face beet red, either from the hot bath or the pure embarrassment of Scott seeing him completely naked.
Scott's eyes unwittingly lock onto his covered cock, his mouth gaping as he tries to find his voice, but fails.
The shock on Mitch's face falls away like the droplets of water on his body as his jaw tightens and nose flares.
Scott's lungs stop as he notices a tiny black bow, held together in the middle with a pink heart, peeking out right above Mitch's hand that's covering his bottom part.
"Get. Out!" Mitch steps forward quickly, his hand leaving his groin and throwing the door shut just as Scott catches a glimpse of the muscle between his legs. The force of the door slamming against the frame doesn't phase Scott as a wave of air slaps him in the face, his entire body pulsating as the image of Mitch's bare skin radiates through his mind.
"Everything okay?" Scott quickly whips around, the soft voice breaking him from his stupor as Jess stands on the top step, on hand on the banister, watching him with more amusement than concern.
"Everything–" His voice catches in his throat, betraying his reassurance before he can even get the words out. He takes a deep breath and swallows down the lump.
"Everything's fine." He assures her with a smile. Her eyebrows raise and her gaze locks onto his hand. He looks to see what has her attention when his eyes go wide as he sees the green towel still hanging in his hand.
"Uh..." he quickly drops his hand behind his back, shielding the towel from her view.
"You and Jake can head out for the night." He squares his shoulders and attempts to reclaims some authority in his voice. "Alex and I've got it from here." He smiles tightly, nodding to her. Jess fights back her grin but agrees.
"Sounds good," she says before disappearing down the stairs.
"Are you still there?" Mitch's muffled voice carries through the door. Scott looks back at the white wood between them.
"I'll be downstairs if you need me." Scott calls back, grimacing at the dumb response.
He shakes his head and starts for the stairs as he realizes he's still holding Mitch's towel. He turns back and leans down to hang the towel on the doorknob, reaching for the gold handle as it turns and Mitch appears in the crack of the open door, his brown eyes meeting Scott's, this time, a white towel wrapped around him.
His face falls for a moment before his nose scrunches up.
"God damn it, Scott!"
His eyes go wide and he tosses the towel at Mitch, straightening up and yelling, "Going!" as he hightails it to the stairs, biting down on his lips to stop his grin from spreading as he makes his way into the kitchen.
"Everything all right up there?" Alex asks as Scott heads for the fridge.
"Peachy." Scott doesn't have to turn around to know his partner is grinning wide, obviously having heard the whole thing.
"Can't wait to meet him." This time, Scott turns around and Alex is leaning back in his chair, arms crossed and one leg resting on top of his knee with a shit-eating grin.
"Shut up and help me make dinner."
I flip my hair over as my eyes meet my reflection and I run a towel through my hair one more time, erasing all dampness as I bit down on the inside of my cheek and shake my head.
The nerve of that asshole.
He had just stood there and stared, not even trying to look away. I tried to be quick, but I have no idea how much he had actually seen.
And as embarrassed as I felt, I couldn't help the slight feeling of satisfaction that I was able to leave a man like him speechless.
Even before he mentioned his sleepover on Friday, I easily guessed that women, and even men, would be drawn to him; the defined jaw and whispy hair, even when gelled back, that I couldn't help but notice on my ride here would shimmer almost silver in the sun, and of course paired with those blue eyes. Who wouldn't be smitten? Even if he didn't have the looks to match, his confidence alone was enticing enough; from the way he carried his broad body, the flex in his muscles with every small moment, and the sense of authority that radiated off him–something surprising for someone who looked not much older than you, and to your knowledge, held no title other than "agent." Sure, a gun and badge could be enough for a power trip, but he held himself like he had been in charge his entire life.
And to have him stare at me like he had (something that hadn't happened in too long of a time), despite everything, I almost felt flattered, though I slightly doubted I was Scott's type. He was probably use to gorgeous men and women throwing themselves at him.
Not that I thought lowly of myself; with my slender cheekbones, big brown eyes and brown hair that was cut to frame my face, I was pretty. I didn't consider myself beautiful. Just...pretty enough.
I drape the white towel on the foot of the bed and grab a zip up to warm me over your cami, finally hungry and ready for dinner.
Slowly, I make my way downstairs, unsure how to handle seeing Scott now that he had seen me.
Would he bring it up, or just pretend it never happened, leaving me in an unspoken limbo of embarrassment?
As I pad into the kitchen, I stop in the doorway at the new body at the kitchen table, sitting very properly as Scott, who stands with his back to me, works over the stove as he tells a story.
"I gotta tell you man, I've never seen a 300-pound man move so quickly in my entire life." He shakes his head and I just stand there, not knowing how to make your presence known since they hadn't heard you enter the kitchen.
"And then when he fell on Zach, oh man, I wish you could have seen his face. It was priceless." Scott's entire body vibrates with laughter and the unknown man shakes his head, his shoulders bouncing.
I assume they're talking about someone from work, figuring that the man at the table had to be another agent, which somewhat surprised me. For some reason, I had thought it would be just Scott and I during the night, though it made more sense to have two agents stationed with me.
"I'm telling you, I would sell my leg for a video of it." Scott turns around, his smile fading as he spots me in the doorway.
"Mitch." Scott freezes, a spatula in his hand, ready to flip something onto the set table that I hadn't noticed before.
I smile tightly and the man in the chair turns in his seat to look at me. The first thing I notice are his gorgeous, brown eyes, a total contrast to the messy blonde hair on top of his head. He looks slightly older, with light wrinkles lining his eyes and forehead, factored in with his suit, a stark comparison to Scott, in his jeans and green button-down with a black shirt underneath. This man was clearly the more mature of the two.
I purse my lips and raise my eyebrows, the awkwardness radiating through the room.
The man at the table makes a similar face before standing and extending his hand to me.
"Alexander Kirk." He smiles kindly, instantly reminding you of Jess.
"Alexander?" I inadvertently scrunch my nose up as I shake his hand, though his smile never falters, like he's had this reaction his entire life.
With a name like that, I'm sure he's had.
"My parents were very old fashioned," he explains as his hand falls against his thigh. "But you can call me Alex."
I just nod. "Mitch." I return his smile. "Though I'm sure you already knew that." You gaze flashes behind Alexander—Alex—to Scott as he slides a burger onto an awaiting bun. His eyes find mine and I quickly look away and back to Alex.
"I've heard a lot about you," he says with a smile.
My face drops and my eyes leave Alex to the man behind him as he quickly spins around to put the pan in the sink with an echoing clang, actively avoiding my gaze.
I clench down on my teeth as I glare at his back.
He fucking would.
"Suppers up!" Scott breaks through the silence with a clap of his hands, shooting me a cheeky grin, causing my blood to boil, my glare never faltering as he takes a seat at the table.
Alex shoots me a tight smile and returns to the seat with a leather jacket hanging over the back, leaving a waiting burger and empty seat between the two of them.
I take a deep breath and plop down in the empty seat, staring at the steaming burger.
"You ain't a vegetarian, are you?" Scott asks with a full mouth of mushed bun and meat, and I stare at him horrified.
That's attractive.
I don't respond, just pick up the ketchup bottle in front of me and shake some onto my burger. I put the top bun over the patty, squishing the ketchup underneath and take a bite.
Holy Jesus, this burger is amazing.
I glance over to Scott, a satisfied grin on his chewing lips, clearly knowing how good it was.
I'll thank him later, not wanting to give him the pleasure of a compliment after everything's that happened.
The three of us continue to eat in silence, and I find the faded white, wallpaper, with gray-outlined flowers, to be very interesting all of the sudden.
Someone taps their foot underneath the table in rhythm with the ticking clock, intentionally or unintentionally breaking up the silence.
I can see Alex's eyes dart between the two of us as I actively avoid Scott's gaze, more pissed than embarrassed at this point, and wanting him to damn well know it.
Alex puts down his burger, gaining the attention of the room.
"I'm sensing some awkwardness." He folds his hands on his lap as he pointedly looks at us both.
I finish chewing my bite, because at least I have some manners and wipe my hands on your napkin.
"Well, maybe if Scott apologized, it wouldn't be so awkward." I snip, shooting Scott a glare.
Scott dramatically drops his burger and points at me.
"It was an accident," Scott growls back.
"It was an accident," I agree with a cheeky smile. "But you definitely didn't 'accidently' stand there and stare." I air quote.
Scott makes a show of rolling his eyes like a teenage girl.
"I hardly saw anything." Scott picks up his burger, about to take a bite when he pauses. "Though I figured you'd be more of a butterfly boy then a bow boy." His eyes flash at me with victory.
My nostrils flare and I feel the anger flood my face as my body begins to tremble.
"Asshole!" I stand from my seat and storm from the kitchen, not even caring about the groan from my stomach at the discarded burger, but at this point, my pride was enough to keep me fed.
"Scott." I hear Alex's stern voice as I ascend the stairs.
"What?" Scott yells back like the innocent victim he's trying to make himself out to be.
I storm into my room and slam the door for an extra flare. If he was going to act like a child, well then, two could play that game.
I flop down face first into my pillow and let out a muffled scream.
Fuck this.
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