- 10 -
"donghyuck! get ready for today because we're going to show you our training base!" jungwoo bounced in excitement, holding onto a half asleep donghyuck's arm.
the boy had just woken up, and jungwoo was way too excited for his liking.
"can't i eat something before?" he mumbled rubbing his eyes.
"of course! i know you look cute in those pyjamas, but that's not the accurate outfit to go to the training base..." junwoo winked at donghyuck who was looking for something to eat in their huge fridge (one fridge for 19 people needs to be enormous).
donghyuck stayed with jungwoo during breakfast, laughing at lucas who was acting dumb in front of them, and chocking on water (as chenle and jisung had predicted) when lucas made him laugh. then, donghyuck took his clothes in his room, and headed to one of the bathrooms to have a shower.
he put his hand on the handle and got surprised when the door opened without him doing anything, causing him to drop everything he was holding on the floor. he crouched to get them and couldn't help but blush when he raised his eyes.
mark was standing in front of him with his usual cold look, hair messy and only wearing sweatpants, allowing donghyuck to stare at his built torso.
"i can't pass. you're in the middle." he grumbled.
donghyuck didn't answer. he kept staring at mark's chest, and more precisely, all the reddened scars that appeared on his body. "you were hurt badly." he stated, raising his hand to brush softly the indelible marks on the other's body. "who could do that to you?" he then looked directly into mark's eyes, with a look full of compassion.
"why do you care?" he said, pushing off donghyuck's hand of his body and walking past him, leaving donghyuck in a confused state. he had touched a sensitive point of his life.
mark on his side dashed to his room, locked the door behind him and opened the window wide. he opened his drawer to get his lighter and lit a cigarette that he immediately brought to his lips, feeling relieved when the smoke entered his metabolism.
a boy he barely knew had, for the second time this week, shown more interest in him than anybody had for the past 20 years. this boy had truly cared about him, when he should have been scared of him. and that, mark was aware of it. that's why he couldn't help closing his eyes and sighing in relief for something else than nicotine.
"how big is that house?!" donghyuck exclaimed when jungwoo brought him down to the basement. this place was a huge room, with a quite high ceiling, separated in different sections with fighting rings, shooting targets, climbing walls and lots of cool things donghyuck never thought of, and everything was under the ground level, making it even cooler.
"trust me hyuck, this house is bigger than you can imagine."
"seriously! when taeyong told me you were a gang, i was expecting dull members, pitiless, all rude and dark. i didn't expect at all to fall in a family of crazy guys that are all bubbly and happy about life who make justice and live in a villa full of secret passages!"
jungwoo chuckled. "you're not in a fairy-tale here, you know? and, look at mark for example. this guy is closer to 'pitiless' and 'dark' than 'bubbly'..."
"well, 1 in 19 is a great ratio." he raised his shoulders.
they approached the shooting stand in which taeyong and jaehyun were training with basic guns.
"woah! you guys are impressive! everything is inside the target!" donghyuck squealed.
"well, that's thanks to training." jaehyun explained. "you want to try?" he asked donghyuck.
taeyong widened his eyes and glared at jaehyun. donghyuck should never have a gun in hand. he's not part of this world.
to taeyong's relief, donghyuck shook his head as 'no', making jaehyn laugh.
"i-i'm not that interested in... you know... killing?" he stuttered.
"well, you can shoot somebody without killing him. you just need to know where to shoot." jaehyun explained. "for example," he continued, aiming his gun at jungwoo's leg, "when i'll shoot, jungwoo won't die".
donghyuck widened his eyes in fear and shut his eyes when jaehyun pulled the trigger and the bullet hit jungwoo's shin.
"ouch! you fucker! i thought you were going to shoot at my thigh!" jungoo winced holding on his shin, making donghyuck panic even more.
had jaehyun just shot on his gang member?
seeing the panic on donghyuck's face, taeyong patted his head. "don't worry. we train with plastic beads because they're cheaper. and this way we can shoot on each other without getting hurt." he explained.
"well! we wouldn't get hurt if the asshole shooting shot in the muscle instead of in the bone!" jungwoo yelled, still rubbing his leg.
"annoying much, jungwoo." lucas, who had just arrived said, causing jungwoo to glare at him.
"what's that?" jaehyun asked pointing at the carriage lucas was pulling.
"that?! it's my new toy!" he exclaimed, getting a big ass gun out and running with it towards the shooting zone. he clicked on several buttons and finally pulled the trigger, making what looked like a flame go out of the gun and then making the 20 meters far target explode.
lucas turned towards the four other boys with a big grin.
"a fucking grenade launcher! isn't it the best thing ever?" he exclaimed pretty excited about his new weapon.
taeyong nodded as any mom would do even if you child offered you a pasta necklace, while donghyuck was on the verge of cardiac arrest.
"thank you for this show, lucas, but donghyuck and i are going to see the fighting zones." jungwoo said, pulling donghyuck towards the exit.
"oh, don't you want to try it?" lucas asked donghyuck.
"NO!" jungwoo and taeyong yelled at the same time.
"okay then, i'll have fun all alone." he said going back to touching all the buttons on the gun.
both boys arrived in the fighting zones, seconds after. they were full of colourful mats and fighting rings of various seizes. at the end of the room, there was what seemed like a second room in which donghyuck could see lots of weapons, from the rope to the nunchakus. however, the whole zone was empty.
"so, that's where you fight." donghyuck stated.
"yes, that's where we were taught the bases of martial art and then trained." jungwoo explained.
"you know how to use weapons?" donghyuck's eyes shone.
"some yes. we try to train with the most random objects, because it is really important to use what is around when you are fighting."
donghyuck hummed.
"by the way. taeyong told me you were practicing taekondo, so you know how to fight."
"hum, i do, but i'm not that skilled..." donghyuck rubbed his nape.
"show me what you know!" jungwoo bounced on his feet.
donghyuck raised an eyebrow. "eh... no."
"please! please! please!" he continued begging.
"even if i agree, i haven't anyone to fight with." donghyuck sighed.
"you can fight m-" jungwoo started but was cut immediately.
"you shouldn't talk this quick, donhyuck." mark said entering the zone.
"p-pardon?" donghyuck stuttered.
mark had still his blank face on. "we'll fight."
and donghyuck swears he saw him smirking slightly.
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