Technology is the Worst
A/N Votes will no longer be taken by next update. Thanks to those of you who commented!
Voted Scenario: I'm trying to use this computer type thing and you're helping me but I swear to the gods it'll be my death.
《 Ship 》 》 Valdangelo
"Leo!" Nico calls. Leo comes rushing in.
"What?" he asks.
Nico holds up a new, high-tech computer. "How do you turn this on?"
Leo bursts out laughing.
"What?!" Nico demands angrily.
"This never gets old," Leo mumbles, making his way to sit by Nico. "Press the button on the top right side. The one with the circle and the line from the radius and moving out of the circle."
"Radius?" Nico furrows his eyebrows, feeling like an idiot not knowing what it meant but seeming to have heard the word somewhere else.
"It's this button." Leo taps it. Nico presses it, and the screen lights up. Nico was almost startled.
"Oh. What's this, Google log-in account thing?" he asks, reading the screen thoroughly.
"That's how you sign in to your device. You have to create an account. I set up an email for you already, by the way. Here, do this." Leo takes the computer into his own lap. He starts typing Nico's email, [email protected], and asks Nico to punch in a password.
"Okay." Nico responded once he was finished. Leo nodded, and then told Nico to press the "sign-in" button.
"That's this . . . " Nico mumbled to himself, pressing it with his touch pad.
"There, you're i-"
"What the heck is this?!"
Leo watched as Nico kept tapping the touch pad, trying to figure out anything. He couldn't help but laugh at everything.
"Oh, that's how you . . . " Nico muttered. Leo smiled, Cute. Wait, what?! Well, a hot guy's a hot guy, ain't no denying it.
"Is that, Google?" Nico looked unhappily surprised.
"What'd you expect, the screen to turn gold?" Leo replied with a cocky grin.
"Well . .- of course not!" Nico argued sarcastically.
Leo laughed, "Yeah, right. Okay, move the mouse-"
"How do you move the mouse?"
"Move your finger around on the touch pad. Gods, Nico, how could you not figure this out?!"
Nico looks sternly at Leo, "Because I'm a kid from the '40s who spent time playing Mythomagic."
Leo sighs, "Okay, fine. Let me-"
"Chill out! The screen just dimmed! Move your mouse and it'll brighten up," Leo whispers, "like your brain."
"I heard that!" Nico screams, punching Leo in the arm. He falls to the floor, rubbing it.
"U-uh, you did? Haha. Whoops." he stuttered nervously. Nico punched his other arm.
The Ghost King sighs, "I swear, this'll be the death of me . . . "
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