a catamclystic class
After the detention where Ron was a total jerk. And of course I still had to go to class. First off was portions with professional slughorn. A meh teacher. Although it could be worse, I still hear many whisper about snape.
"Now I want you all to make a drought of love potion." He said hiding us through the steps. "First you add the... And then you stir... then..."
He just droned on and on. And well no really looked interested. Also despite his behavior in the hall earlier today instead of repermanding him he was sucking up to him.
I shook my head and leaned back next to malfoy who kept glancing my way before blushing and looking off into the distance.
"Hey malfoy." I said tapping him on the arm. And holding back a smile.
"Y-y-yes" he stutred blushing even more as he looked off into the distance. Anywhere but me.
"I'm sorry but I'm already taken as Ron made apparent to the whole school" I said nothing to the students giggling and judging there freinds.
Malfoy starlted fell out of his chair knocking over the cauldron right onto him. drenching his robes in pink.
"That looks great on you malfoy!" Ron and harry jerred before being scolded by heroin who seemed to be the only one with any sense
"This is so ironic I cant find love yet I'm covered in its essence" he sighed before getting up and politely excusing himself. I was the only one who noticed the tears running down his face as he walked out.
I stood up to follow him before proffeser slughorn interuppted.
"Where are you going young man?" he asked.
"I'm going to go check on my friend" I replied and turned forward the door. Stalking into the hallway.
"Are you really friends with that damn fairy! Just two fairys making out!" ron yelled standing up. slughorn started to move to deescalate the situation stepping forward Ron..
Yeah I bet your gonna go make out two f-" his sentence was interrupted by a sharp crack. I turned to see hermoine standing next to Ron a giant red hand print on his face.
"Ron if you say one more thing I'm breaking up with you!" She cried streams of tears sliding down her face. " i reffuse to date some homophobic jerk!" She said before storming out.
I followed heading towards where I suspected malfoy might be. But I saw hermoine sitting in the hall. As I passed I just said. "Thank you"
I finally reached just where I thought he might be. The closet bathroom. They were the only real places to find privacy.
The door cracked open and I stepped in to find malfoy despreltly scrubbing at his now pink hair.
"Malfoy? I said walking torward his hunched figure by the sink. "Hey its going to be OK. Harry doesn't hate you." I said pulling him into a hug.
"How do you know?" Because I used to have a crush on someone. A hero, a leader. But he has a girlfriend. so I hated him for it. I said some bad things. I even betrayed him." I said as i held the sobbing slithrin in my arms.
"Did you become friends again?" Malfoy asked. Excitedly thinking about the prospect of becoming friends with harry.
"Yes and I found a diffrent boy friend who I love. You cant hate someone because of who they love."
"That's why you bullied him all those years isnt it?" I asked as he sobbed into my shoulder but now I could also sense some hope in there.
"Yeah. Now let's g-get back to class." Malfoy sniffled and wiped his eyes ready to go back to class. Malfoy said and walked forward the door.
"Malfoy one thing." I said as he opened the door and started to walk out.
"Yeah?" He said looking back at me door still open behind him.
"Harry might have meant it as a insult but pink really does look good on you." I said a smile on my face.
And as malfoy walked out i saw one on his face, his long pink hair swinging in the breeze.
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