a broken twin.
After the long, First month of school where me and malfoy were constantly mocked for his pink hair and the whole time malfoy held his head high.
Once I saw him talking to harry in a dark passage. There were the sounds of singing and crying comming from the hallway. I stepped in to intervene worrying if malfoy was being only to see harry on his knees. There were tears streaming down his face as he grasped at malfoys robes.
Malfoy! please im sorry! I sh-shouldnt have bullied you! Its just after we br-" he tried to say before choking up. "I hated you and wanted to get back at you. Y-y-ou didn't even say anything! You just le-LEFT!"
He cried clutching at malfoy. Getting tears all over the booth of them.
"I'm sorry"
At that point I left them to sort out there personal issues. I didn't want to be a creep. Plus I had a meeting to attend. I smiled as I stalked down the cold halls.
It was 3 PM on the chilly october morning when I reached the agreed meeting place. A small cafe in hogsmede.
It was a nice but quiet place with very few customers. None on a day like today where the wind snapped at you and cut through your coat and skin.
I curiosily noticed a strange dark cloud by a tree across the street. I smiled. He was finnialy here and of course he was almost a hour late.
The door finnialy opened and a dark figure in a long worn down and dirt stained robe appeared. His shoulders were hunched agaist the wind and a hood slightly covred his dirty orange hair.
I stood up as he approved holding out my gloved hand. He took it and shook it hard a small smile sliping across his ghost like face. Although It didn't reach his eyes.
I nearly fell out of my chair with shock. Those eyes were worse than kronos and his golden piercing eyes. Because at least you could tell at one point kronos had laughed even once.
This man... No this shell looked like he didnt even know what humor was.
"So Mr. George weasly could I intrest you in anything from the menu?" I asked. secretly showing him my rose tattoos under the table. They signified my aliegence with hades. he then showed me his back. I could tell they were real because they shifted with trapped souls.
"I hear that there black tea Is very good here." He asked secretly asking if I had any info on the resurrection stone. Those dead eyes boring into me.
"I dont know how expensive the tea here is. I hear its very high quality." I say secretly smiling. Everything was going perfectly.
"Ok... how much do you think?" He asked sliding over 10,000 dollars across the table torward me. I checked over it nodding and making sure it wasn't counterfit.
"Where did you even get this. You're obviously not employed." I quietly asked putting the bills into my Avaitor jacket."
"Off some Death Eaters. They were happy to compliy once i... Persuaded them." The first real smile touched his face. And it wasn't one of happiness.
"Also I want some extra sugar with mine" I said. Nervously tapping my fingers to my legs.
"What flavor?" the shell sitting before me asked his coat swinging in the wind. His tangled red hair dangerously in front of his eyes.
"I want something on potter." I leaned across the table placing my hand over his, trapping it against the table. "Like how he keeps living." I ask him before settling back into my chair.
The Note containg the ressuerction stone info held between my fingers. Hanging like a bait Lure.
"OK. ill tell you. he had two layers off defense over lapping. part of voldemorts soul in him and his mothers protection. The soul piece is gone. But the mothers protection although weakened is still there." He said motoining to the paper in my hand.
"One last thing." I push worried if I ask anymore he will snap. And I do not want to make this shell angry.
"What" he hissed, hate flaring into his eyes. I suddenly want to finish this interaction much quicker.
"how do I break it?" I asked as I slid him the note with the info on it. He quickly snatched it up.
"Simple. just make him love someone else more than his mother loved him. And then have that person betray him." he said as he walked out of the building, a sadistic smile on his face.
I got up and left to a frown on my face. How would I get harry to love someone that much. Then it hit me I had the perfect way in.
Draco Malfoy.
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