Valentine's day part 3
As promised here is part three of probably many for the Valentine's day chapter
@reannaclarke is Niall's love interest her name is Reanna
@veronicajo124 is Harry's love interest her name is Veronica
@Priceisrightrusher (that's me) will be Louis's love interest
@Lukeisbae100 is Liam love interest her name is Nicole
"There's Niall" Harry says when he sees Niall's car pull up at the entrance of the restaurant
Niall helped Reanna out of the car
"Now we have to wait for Louis and Fawn to come" Liam says as he was checking his phone and his watch
"I want to go in I'm hungry" Niall says to the group
"We might as well I'll text Louis and see where he is" Liam says as he was going to send Louis a text and see where Fawn and him was
Harry let the restaurant know that they were waiting on another couple to come and the restaurant was going to wait for that couple to come
"Louis says they are stuck in traffic and they have a surprise that they want to show up, and that surprise is coming with them" Liam says as he reads the text that Louis had sent to Liam letting him know where they were at the moment
"I wonder what the surprise is" Harry says as he was looking at the menu to see what he might want to eat
"Me too" Niall says as eh was buttering his bread as they waited cause they wanted to order as a group instead of separately
(Outside of the restaurant)
"Sweetie it's okay" Louis says as he was holding her as he was helping Fawn out of the car so they could head into the restaurant with their friends
"We are going to get you fed little one" Fawn says as she takes the little girl from Louis since the little girl wanted Fawn to hold her
Louis and Fawn walked in with the little girl between the two of them
"Louis what in the world" Harry says when he saw Louis come in with a little girl
"Long story about her I will tell you guys later on" Louis says as he was going to help Fawn get the little girl in her booster seat for the time being so they could order
"I respect that" Nicole says as she was going to talk to Fawn for a little bit
"Thanks right now she is a little scared" Fawn says as she stayed close to the little girl after she was placed in her booster seat since she was going to eat with the grown-ups
"How old is she?" Veronica asks
"I have to say close to two" Louis says as Fawn was trying to calm the little girl down a little bit after she was in the booster seat and she was going to color a picture or two while they ordered
The waiter came over to see what everyone wanted to eat and drink as well
"Is she going to eat Louis?" Liam asks Louis as he referred to the little girl
"Yeah she is I am going to see what she can eat since Fawn and me will have to feed her since she does not have no fingers since they are burnt" Louis says as he was looking to see what the little girl can eat right now
'What happened to your wrist?" Reanna asks Fawn when she saw the cast
"I fractured it back in December, so i get this off soon" Fawn says as she was talking about her cast
"Any special reason you picked purple?" Veronica asks Fawn
"My grandmother had Alzheimer's so this is how i helping with the fight against Alzheimer's" Fawn says as she tried to hide the tears from the girls when she talked about her grandma and her fight
"That is very sweet of you to do that" Nicole says to Fawn as she admired her nails
"It seems the girls are getting along just fine" Liam says when the drinks came one in a special cup for the little girl
"I think so and i think that is a plus" Harry says as he took a sip of his drink
"Me too" Louis says as he was going to give the little girl something to drink to help make the scariness go away
"Where is she going to sleep Louis?" Niall asks Louis
"After we are done here Fawn and me have to split to go to the police station to see if anyone reported her missing or abducted" Louis says as he sat back down since Fawn went to the girls room with the little girl
The guys talked until the girls came back
"Ladies you hungry?" Harry asks them since the appetizers came before the meal
All of the girls nodded
"Here Nicole let me help you with your seat" Liam says as he pulled the chair out for her
"Thank you Liam" Nicole says
"Harry you are such a gentleman" Veronica says as Harry did the same thing
"I know I am" he says to her
"Reanna" Niall says to her as he had her chair pulled out
"Thank you Niall" Reanna says to him as she sat down so she could eat a little bit and just be with Niall and get to know him more
Louis helped Fawn with the little girl and pulled her chair out for her so she could eat as well
"Reanna I hope it is okay if i wait a little bit to introduce you to the kids" Niall says as they were talking
"That's fine I can't wait to meet them" Reanna says as she was having her salad that she had ordered
"You will love them" Niall says as he was eating as well
"I hope they like me Niall" Reanna says to him as she had her salad
"I will tell them about you and how great you are" Niall says as he was still eating his appetizer that he got
V & C
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