"Smells like mommy made dinner" he says as he smelt supper from the kitchen
Louis was going to walk to the kitchen with her
"Hey baby" Fawn says as she saw Chloe with Louis
"Smell great babe" he says as he was going to put the bib on Chloe and set her in her booster seat
"I made spaghetti for her and see what she likes and what she doesn't like" Fawn says as she was going to serve Chloe
Louis was going to eat and Fawn was going to eat later so they could trade Louis could watch Chloe while Fawn ate
"So far she likes it" Fawn says as she was watching Chloe eat
"I say it's a win" he says as he was going to sit close to her just in case she got really messy
Fawn was going to get food since Lou was with her
(Much later)
"Chloe wanna go to the backyard and watch daddy?" he asks since he was going to teach her to play soccer a little bit and if she wants to get into it he was going to let her give it a whirl
She nods as she was being cleaned up from supper
"Have fun sweetie" Fawn says as Louis was taking her out to the yard to play
"We will" he says as he grabs the ball for the little girl in question
Chloe loved the ball and she loved to take it from daddy
"She is too cute" Louis says with a laugh as he looks at her as she was having a good time
(Days later)
"It's Niall" Louis says when he sees who was calling him since he was playing dolls with Chloe cause it was raining outside
Louis picks up
"Hey Lou" Niall says as he was talking to Louis
"Hey Niall what's up?" LOuis asks him
"Nothing much i was thinking since Chloe is settled in and everything we can have a playdate with the kids" Niall says to him
"Chloe would love that since she is settled i want to see how she is in public before i put her in any classes" Louis says as they were looking at the days that would work best for them
"Plus other kids" Niall says to Louis
"Yeah that too" Louis says as he was seeing what they had going on cause they had appointments for Chloe left and right right now for her speech, therapy and everything else cause she has been through so much in her little life
"Okay we will see you in two weeks" Louis says cause Niall had appointments for his bunch as well so they went with a day they were completely free for the first play date for little Chloe Tomlinson
"Perfect see you in two weeks at my house and we can go from there" Niall says as he was penciling in the date with Louis and Chloe
"Okay see you then Niall" Louis says as he was putting it in his schedule for the play date
They talked for a little bit longer before they hung up and went back to what they were doing before
"Chloe" Louis says as he approaches the little girl
Chloe looks up at Louis with her pretty eyes
"In two weeks you will have your first play date ever" Louis says to her
Chloe was happy about that a lot cause she was going to see other kids her age as well
(Two weeks later)
Fawn was out with the girls and Louis was with Chloe
"Chloe ready to go to see Uncle Niall?" Louis asks her
She nods as she looks at him
"Okay come on baby girl" he says as he picks her up and takes her to the car
Louis buckles her in and heads to Niall's house
(Niall's house)
"Hey Lou, Hey Chloe" Niall says as he comes out to greet Louis and Chloe
"Chloe is ready i presume it is with the younger ones?" Louis asks him
"Yeah i thought we start there" Niall says to him as Louis gets her out
"Sounds perfect" Louis says
"Cara, Nola can you guys go back inside please?" Niall asks his daughters
Cara and nola went back inside
"Cara is excited to meet Chloe and Nola is too" Niall says
"Sounds like Kasey and Sierra is awake" Louis says as he hears the babies
Niall went to get the babies from their room for the playdate
"Chloe it looks like Cara brought you a toy and she wants to be your first best friend" Louis says as he was bringing her in the house so she could play
Chloe took the doll and went with the little girl to play
"She looks a little shy" Niall says to Louis
"I know this is the first play date she is having since she has been found" Louis says to Niall as he came in with the diaper bag for Chloe
Happy Easter i will try to come up with the next chapter
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