Getting Chloe checked out part 3
Here is the chapter as promised and there might be a preview next week if i have to work and if i am off another chapter will go up for sure and remember to vote it up if you like it
@reannaclarke is Niall's love interest her name is Reanna
@veronicajo124 is Harry's love interest her name is Veronica
@Priceisrightrusher (that's me) will be Louis's love interest
@Lukeisbae100 is Liam love interest her name is Nicole
"Hey Chloe" Fawn says as Chloe opened her eyes after the medicine had worn off
Chloe rubs her eyes
"Chloe we have to be careful with your I.V" Fawn says as they were going to see Louis
"Lou, Lou" Chloe says to Fawn
"Yes Lou, Lou" Fawn says to her
"She woke up?" Niall asks Fawn
"Yeah where are the girls?" Fawn asks Niall
"They went shopping to cheer this little angel up a little bit, so they should be back soon" Harry says as the girls come back
"How she doing?" Veronica asks
"Besides the I.V a little better" Fawn says as Chloe had that look again that she was going to get sick again
Chloe didn't have much in her tummy
"Chloe i can braid your hair for you?" Nicole asks her
"I got a whole bag of Disney princesses in my bag" Reanna says to the little girl as the doctor comes to see Chloe since she was not the best right now
The doctor was going to have the nurse come in and get blood from Chloe to see what was causing this and then he was going to go from there to get her better
"Chloe would you like a popsicle?" a nurse asks her
Chloe takes it and sucks on it a little bit and she loved the flavor
"There's a happy girl" Louis says as he looks at her as she had her popsicle
"I say so" Fawn says with a little smile
The girls kept Chloe occupied while Louis and the boys went out to have a smoke and talk cause they could see that Louis was ready to lose to with Chloe and he needed to leave and vent for a little bit which was fine by Fawn cause she was going to bond with the girls and just have girl time while they waited on Chloe's results and if she was getting released
"She is too cute" Veronica says when she saw Chloe with Fawn
"I know she is and she is super cuddly" Fawn says as she sat down with Chloe as she had her popsicle
"I think she loved her new mommy" Nicole says as Chloe got comfy on Fawn
"I think so too the poor thing i wish i could make her feel better then what she was" Fawn says to the girls as she held Chloe as she sucked on her popsicle a little bit more before deciding she was done and she didn't want anymore
Reanna took care of the treat that Chloe had
"Lou Lou" Chloe says as she was comfy in Fawn's arms
"I'll get the guys" Reanna says as she left the room to find the others
"Reanna going to get Lou Lou for you" Fawn says as she cuddles with the little angel for a bit longer
Chloe was happy she was going to see Lou Lou again
Reanna saw the guys outside down below the hospital
"Louis, Chloe wants to see you and she is asking for you" Reanna says to him
"Go to her Lou she loves you" Niall says to him
"She wants her daddy Lou to make it all better for her" Harry says to him
"We will be right there with ya Lou" Liam says as they headed up to the hospital to see Chloe and maybe hold her
The guys headed back up to the hospital to see little Chloe
"Hi Chloe" Louis says as he came into the room to see the little girl
"Chloe who is that?" Fawn asks her
"Lou Lou" Chloe says when she saw Louis
"Yes that right I'm Lou Lou" Louis says as he goes over to her as the doctor comes into the room to say what was wrong with little Chloe
Louis held his girls tight as the others waited outside the room to hear what was wrong with the little girl and why she was so sick
(Much later)
"What is wrong with her?" Harry asks as he came in with Veronica
"She has to be admitted, and we are staying here with her" Louis says as the nurse comes in to take Chloe up to her room since she was getting admitted
The others were going to go with her since she was too cute and Fawn had to go tot he bathroom too and stretch her legs too
"I swear Fawn is a rock with her" Louis says as he held Chloe close to him as they headed to PEDS where Chloe was going to be
"She has to be brave for Chloe and she hates to tell her that something bad was going to happen to her" Harry says as he was going to help if Chloe had to throw up again which she did a few minutes later
Chloe was calling for Fawn and Fawn was there in minutes
"It's okay sweetie I am right here" Fawn says to her
"When am i going to meet your girls Niall?" Reanna asks Niall
"Maybe later in the week i have to break the news to them first" Niall says as the group continued to head for Chloe's hospital room
(Chloe's room)
Visiting hours were over so the others left leaving Louis and Fawn alone with Chloe who wanted her new parents to be with her
"You got us Chloe" Louis says as he was going to rock her for a little bit which she loved cause she loved both her parents a lot and they loved her right back
Louis took her to the window so she could look up at the stars that were in the sky and tell her that her guardian angel was watching over her
V & C
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