During the surgery
"Isabella Horan" Niall says in a stern voice cause that was going to be the only way he was going to have her cooperate for the nurses and the doctor's before she went under for the surgery
Bella looks up at daddy with tears in her eyes
"Bella you have to cooperate for the nurse, so you can have the surgery princess, and if you don't go to sleep they can't do the surgery, and you can't get better and will be able to do anything that you want to do" he says as he looks at her cause she wasn't having nothing of the surgery
"No daddy" she says to him as she starts to cry again cause she did not want to have the surgery at all she wanted off the table, and into his arms once more
"The doctor is waiting to start the surgery he washed his hands and everything, and he is waiting for you to go to sleep so he can start the surgery on you sweet girl" the nurse says as she got the medicine started
Bella shakes her head no and buries her face into his chest cause she didn't want the medicine in her at all
"It's started sweetie" he says as the nurse nod that the medicine was started and she was going to be going to sleep soon
"No daddy" Bella says to him as she fought the medicine that was in her body already
"Bella I can't stop it and you will be able to sleep a little bit and when you wake up you won't be in pain anymore sweetie" he says as he strokes her hairs as the medicine started to work it's magic
Soon Bella started to get sleepy and Niall laid her down on the table
"Daddy is going to be right here" he says as he comforts her as she cries a little bit cause daddy didn't stop the medicine like she wanted
"I hate you daddy" Bella says to him
"I know you do but you will thank me later princess" he says as her eyes start to go close but she fights to keep them open cause she did not want to go to sleep at all she wanted to stay awake and not have the surgery done at all
The nurse gave her some more medicine and she ended up falling right to sleep after a while
"Bye sweetie daddy will be in the waiting room waiting on the results of the surgery" he says as he kisses her as he got up to head out of the operating room and go to the waiting room to wait on the outcome of the surgery cause he wanted everything to be perfect for her and go smoothly and she comes out okay and was a better girl then what she was when she went in
"How long will she be in surgery?" Liam asks him as he sits down in the chair with the others and the little ones that were sleeping peacefully right now in their car seats
"A while so if the girls want to go home take them home cause I am going to stay here until I hear how it went cause it's going to be a long night with her being in surgery" Niall says to the guys as he enters the waiting room and finds a spot
"Niall we are in it for the long haul with you we ain't leaving for a minute you got our backs we will do anything for you and those girls" Harry says to him as Niall sits down in the waiting room to wait for the surgery to be done with Bella
"Thanks guys you are the best friends anyone can ask for and I truly mean that with all my hear cause this journey has not been easy with these girls" Niall says as he plays with Sierra who wanted daddy to hold her right now and pay attention to her cause she felt left out of the group and wanted some attention as well like her sisters were getting from their uncles
"Anytime Niall we will be there for you through everything for these girls and if you need a break just tell us" Louis says as his phone goes off
Louis had to leave cause his ex was having a baby and he was going to be there for her, so Louis was going to be in two places at once
"Sierra it's okay daddy is right here sugar" Niall says as he comforts the baby that was quite fussy right now
Sierra calmed down and looked into daddy's eyes as he was holding her
"See sweetie it's okay daddy is right here for all of you girls" he says as he accepts Nola from Liam and Kasey from Harry
Niall loved having the babies in his arms right now cause that made his day better
"Did she go to sleep okay?" Harry asks Niall
"She fought with the medicine, and after a while she went to sleep on her own, and now the surgery is underway and they are going to fix her back and make her feel better cause she had a lot of damage done to her back probably when she was in the orphanage" Niall says as he holds all three babies since Cara was with Liam now and Harmony was playing with some toys that was in the waiting room
"At least she will be a healthy little girl again" Harry says to Niall as they continue to wait to see how the surgery is going to go
"Yeah she will be and she won't be in pain anymore" Niall says as Liam and Harry head out to get blankets and everything from home cause the group was going to set up camp right there in the waiting room
Niall loved having all of his girls to himself and it could not get any better then this
Sierra snuggled on daddy as he was holding her in his arms
"I think she missed you Niall" Liam says to him
"I think so too I love all of the babies" Niall says to Liam as he held Sierra cause her sisters were happy to be with daddy in general
"All of the kids love you Niall" Harry says as Cara went over to daddy and Harmony joined her sisters
"I love them right back" Niall says as he kissed each of the little ones that he had with him
V & C
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