Chloe gets released
"The little ones were not much better" Louis says to Niall as he remembers correctly what had happen
"Nope they weren't Niall says as he remembers what had happen with the little ones and the babies when they were brought into the house
"Kasey, Nola Sierra it's okay I know that scared you girls" he says as he tries to comfort all three babies that were crying their heads off in the car as the limo continued to head for the house, so he could get the girls settled in their new lives
Niall had their paci's ready for when they did start to cry
"Paul stop at the store I think the babies are hungry and I need to feed them" Niall says as the babies weren't settling down anytime soon at all as he tried to soothe them
(End of flashback)
" Guess it will be okay" Louis says as he was walking with the guys
"Yeah it will cause you have us there to help you out in the bad times with her and even the good times as well Louis she loves you and you will be there when she needs you the most" Liam says as he looks at Louis as they were still on their walks before they went back into the hospital checking on the girls to make sure everything was okay
Louis was glad he was going to go and see Chloe
(Couple of days later)
Louis and Fawn had the room ready for her and they had everything she could want, and she had plenty of clothes to wear, a bedroom fit for a princess, and much more
"I love the outfit you picked out for her" he says as they were walking to the room
"I love it too" Fawn says as they were still walking tot he room
Louis had a stroller for her so she was safe as they were leaving the hospital to go home
"You are going to look so happy pushing her out" Fawn says to him
"I know i will and i love the doll you got her" he says as they headed tot he room where she was
"Me too" Fawn says as they boarded the elevator to go to the room
(Chloe's room)
"There's my happy girl" he says as he enters the room to get her
Chloe was all smiles as she looked at daddy as she was standing up in her crib as he came in the room to get her
"I say she is" Fawn says as she was going to get her ready
"Fawn let me get her dressed" he asks her
Fawn was going to let Louis get her dressed and he was going to give her a bath before they take her home
"Here she is" he says as he comes out of the bathroom with her in his arms as she was a happy camper
"Hey sweet come here and i will do your hair for you so you look beautiful" Fawn says as she was going to do Chloe's hair for her
Chloe held still as she was having her hair done
"There we go" Fawn says as she was done
"Fawn how did you learn to do braids then pig tails?" he asks her
"I just know is all" Fawn says as she was smiling up at him
Fawn and Louis played with her and she was a happy girl
"Well guys she is released to go home" the nurse says as she came in with the paperwork for Chloe
Louis and Fawn were going to sign the papers for her and they were going to leave with her to take her home
"Here we go baby girl we are going to go home" Fawn says as they were going to go home
"Yes to where you are going to grow up at" he says as he was pushing her in her stroller
"Up we go sweet girl mommy going to buckle you in your car seat so we can go home
Chloe loved her princess car seat that she had
"Smile Chloe" Fawn says as she was going to take a picture of her
Louis took a picture and he was going to share it
"Mommy's going to cover you up" Fawn says as she was going to tuck Chloe in so she was warm as they headed home
Chloe loved her princess blanket that she had
"Someone is happy" Louis says as he was going to drive and Fawn was going to stay in the backseat with her as she was safe and secure as they were going home
"Yeah she is" Fawn says as she was going to keep Chloe protected so no fans would see her as well as the paps cause they have been out full force and they have been going out in disguise lately so they could have a normal life and if they could not go out still they would be at one of the houses hanging out and just being themselves
Louis put a movie on for Chloe so she was contented and everything and Fawn could answer texts and anything else she needed to do
"Here we are baby girl" he says as he pulls in the garage and the door closes behind them so no fans or paps could come in
"Yes home sweet home" Fawn says as she stretches a little bit cause she played with Chloe the last few minutes of the journey home
Louis was going to get her out and Fawn was going to follow behind
"Chloe you want to explore?" he asks her as he set her down so she could use to where she was going to live at for the rest of her life
She nods as she looks up at her new parents
"Right this way my darling" he says as he was going to give her a tour of the new house
Fawn was going to hang back and see what they could have that night cause they were going to order out
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