The girls mert Pepper
Lee and Kayleigh nod as they followed Niall to the one nursery nursery cause he had to do one for Sally later on down the road
(Pepper's room)
"Hey Pepper you up huh baby doll?" Niall asks as he came into the room where his other daughter was
Pepper cooed up at daddy when daddy came into the room to see her
"Pepper I would like you to meet your big sisters and you have another sister that is your age downstairs" he says as he picked her up and took her to the changing table to change her nappy
Pepper cooed as daddy was holding her
"Lee, Kayleigh would you two like to help me a little bit?" he asks them
Lee nods cause she would always help with the babies at the orphanage and she would want to help with her new baby sister as well
"Kayleigh it's okay sweetie" he says as he looked at her cause she looked a little scared and she didn't want to hurt Pepper at all
Niall knew this was not going to be easy, and he wanted to get pictures of the girls together cause he had his wonderful daughters that he would teach guitar too and maybe teach them how to play golf if they wanted to play golf he would be okay if they didn't want to follow in his footsteps at all and he was fine with them being who they wanted to be in life and if they wanted to do pageants they could do them and he was up for being a pageant dad and doing all that glitz and stuff
"Kayleigh would you like to get pictures taken?" he asks her cause he was hoping he could get the pictures done soon before the paps find out that he has these four wonderful daughters in his life
She shakes her head no cause she did not want to get pictures taken at all she wanted to go back to Ireland where Denise was
"How about would you like to do pageants and maybe get a crown and feel special?" he asks as he finishes changing Pepper
Lee was up for pageants and pictures as well cause she wanted to feel special too and maybe have some money as well cause she never felt pretty at the orphanage and she would like to do something that will make her different from her sisters and she can help Kayleigh out with them if she would like to do pageants and she would want to help her out cause that is what good sisters do for their sisters
"Okay pageants it is and we will start maybe after i get some dresses and everything for you girls and I will have my hair and make-up artist do your make-up for you girls" he says as he stood Pepper up after he had changed her nappy and she was ready for some bonding time with her sisters and maybe Lee will hold her since Kayleigh wanted Niall to hold her in his arms
(Few days later)
Niall had lots of pretty dresses for the girls cause he wanted this to go off without a hitch and he was going to have the photos done outside where the scenery will be perfect for the girls and if he wanted to do a backdrop he had some backdrops set up in the garage of the house so if it rains photos can get done without fail
"Kayleigh sweetie I have to put you done so i can take care of your baby sisters" he says cause he needed to get the babies ready for the photos too since he had the older ones dressed and ready to go as well
Kayleigh wanted daddy to hold her and that was final
"Okay sweetie I think i have a way around this" he says as he puts the carrier on him so she was always close by him at all times
Kayleigh was happy that she was going to be with daddy while he was taking care of the babies and getting them ready for pictures as well
"Lee if you have anything to drink or eat can you put your cap on so you don't ruin your dress?" he asks the other little girl that was playing with her dolls in the playroom and was being a good girl for daddy since he was taking care of the babies
Lee did what she was told and she put the cap on so if she wanted anything to drink or eat she could have it without getting anything on her really pretty dress
"Perfect now to get the babies ready and Kayleigh baby girl can you go and play with your sister for me please?" he asks as he got her out of the carrier
Kayleigh shakes her head no at daddy as she wanted to stay close to him
"Oh baby I will hold you really soon i promise you" he says as he was hugging her close as he was holding her cause he was going to be doing a lot of bending to get the babies ready for pictures as well and he had to get some props for the babies as well
Kayleigh still stood by daddy as he was getting the babies ready for their pictures as well
"Kayleigh would you like your blanket and your doll?" he asks her
She nods
"Daddy always has it in his one guitar case that he keep just for you so you have your special box for all of your prize possessions baby girl" he says as he heads over to get the doll and the blanket that meant the world to Kayleigh
Niall got the doll and the blanket and gave it to Kayleigh
"See sweetie it's all good" he says as she held the doll like a baby while he was tending to the babies as well cause it was almost time for pictures Niall was going to get the girls faces done for pictures for the pageant
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