Seeing who is at the door
"Johannah you sick too bug?" Niall asks as he picks her up and holds her
Niall changes her and she had a bit of the runs as well
"Better be now then later" he says as he was changing her
Niall tucked her in before checking on the boys that night and the boys were not sick at all it was just the girls that was sick
"Maverick and Niall Jr. are okay right now and that is a blessing" Niall Sr. says as he was going to go outside to relax a little bit and just let it all loose
"That's goos Freddie has nausea the poor thing" Louis says as he lights up a little bit cause with Freddie being sick was no picnic for Louis
"I hope he feels better" Niall says to Louis
"I hope so too" Niall says as he was going to see if the girls were okay right now and he was going to get some sleep since the kids were asleep right now in their rooms and if they woke up wanting daddy he was going to need some sleep so he was ready to go and he was going to nap the next day as needed as well cause this parenting thing was a full-time job and he was ready for that
Niall was able to get some sleep before Kayleigh woke up wanting daddy to come into the room to make it all better for her
"Kayleigh does your tummy hurt?" he asks her
She nods with a sniffle
"That's okay daddy is going to make it all better once again" he says as he was going to rub her back as she was getting sick once more
Once she was done Niall had her rinse out her mouth and lay down once more
"Sleep sweetie it is going to be okay" he says as he was tucking her in for the night before checking on the othes to see how they were doing as well
Niall heard someone outside of his house and he was going to see who it was at that hour
"I wonder who that could be" he says as he was heading to each of the bedrooms to make sure the kids were okay and he could lock their doors if he needed to so they will not get hurt cause he already locked the windows so so one could enter that way either and hurt the kids too
All of the kids were asleep in either a diaper, underwear or an undershirt and a diaper or they were fully clothed if they were really warm and under a cover if they were really cold so they were warm and they were not going to get sick either
"Thank goodness they are still asleep" he says as he heads for the door after he had checked on the kids to make sure they were safe in their rooms since they were sick and he hated to have visitors come tot he door now and if they did he will have to turn them away
"If it is just a fan take a peak outside and say that the kids are sick and come back again" Nialls ays as he was rehearsing what he was goign to say when he answers the door to who it was
"Niall it could be the kids actual parents" Louis says as he come to see where Niall was going
"It it is i will say that they are mine now and the parents never loved them ever, and i doubt that the kids parents come back now for them after they have been abandoned and left for dead" Niall says as he was still heading for the door to see who it was
Louis was going to see who or what was at the door and call the cops just in case it was someone Niall did not want to see at all
"whi is it?" Niall asks as he pokes his eyes threw the pep hole to see who or what was outside and take care of it since it was his problem now
There was no resposne so Niall was going to open the door slowly to see who was out there and get it taken care of that night
"Careful Niall they could be in the bushes" Louis says to him as Niall opened the door to see who it was
"I know and they can be anywhere" Niall says as he heads out slowly just in case they were in the bushes and they could jump oit at anytime and scare or kidnap Niall
Niall looked in the bushes and he found something
"Hi little one" he says as he picks up the baby and goes and see if there were more out there
Niall sees a little girl who looked two or three in one of the other bushes
"It's okay come on in" he says as he loos to see if there was more and there was one more baby and three more older kids out in the yard and Niall brought them in so they could get warm and out of their clothes and he was going to get them something warm to eat and see where they could sleep at
"Well there was three of each out there" Niall says as the boys headed for a corner cause they were bad or thought they were bad
"Oh lord" Louis says as he was going to help Niall witht he kids and get them all sorted and everything cause it was going to be a long night with the new one's and the one's who were sick as well
"I am going to see who keeps doing this" Niall says as he was going to set up camera's around his house to catch the parents who have been dropping off their kids and just leaving them there and they never come back for them ever so the kids become Niall and Louis
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