Pepper's sickness
As promise here is Pepper's chapter I hope you guys like it and remember to vote at the end of this
I apologize if it might be short since Pepper is still a baby i don't want to have her have any medicine yet since she is still little and under age so Niall is going to be be doing home remedies with her to help her feel better
Niall was fast asleep in the master with Louis since him and Louis were an item now and Louis was more happier then ever and they loved having each other and when the kids were busy doing their own thing they would sneak away to have some fun of their own, and tonight was one of those nights that they loved after the kids have went to bed and were fast asleep like little angels in their bed or their crib. Right after Niall had fallen asleep he heard Pepper on the monitor
"Okay Pepper daddy is coming" he says as he gets out of bed and heads for her room to see what was going on with her and why she was so fussy all of a sudden and he hated to have the other wake up from their slumber as well cause of Pepper
Niall got his slippers on as well as his robe and he headed tot he nursery where she was
(Pepper's room)
"Hey Pepper what is it baby girl" he says as he picks her up to see what was going on with her and why she was fussy as could be right now
Niall felt her forehead and she felt warm to him
"Oh baby it feels like you have a fever" he says as he went to get the thermometer to see how high it was and what he could do to keep it down and everything else since Pepper was his first baby he had and he was going to take special care of her until she got better
Niall decided he was going to rock her for a little bit while he waited to see what her fever was and take care of her the best way he knew right now
"You want to rock huh baby girl?" he asks as he looks at her as he headed for her little rocking chair that she has in the bedroom
Pepper coos up at daddy since she loves to rock with him anytime he got the chance to rock her
"I say that is a yes for sure baby doll" he says as he kisses her
Pepper had a fever so Niall was going to keep an eye on it and he was going to keep her hydrated as well so she doesn't end up going to the hospital or something over this
"Daddy is going to cool you down baby girl" he says as he was going to get some cool wash cloths to help with her temp and keep it down
Niall wiped the snot that was coming from her nose as well
"Oh baby i think you have the sniffles don't worry daddy is going to take good care of you" he says as he kisses her as he was going to get the humidifier hooked up so she could still breathe as she slept so Niall was going to sleep with her cause she wanted daddy to sleep with her that night and he was okay with that
Niall had the humidifier hooked up in no time and it was running just fine
"There we go baby girl you will be able to breathe better tonight and tomorrow and until you are better daddy will be with you and we can cuddle as much as you want" he says as he was going to make him a bed on the floor of her room
Niall kept a mattress in each of the bedrooms just in case one of the kids were sick and he wanted to stay close to them at all times and that was going to come in handy that night with Pepper being as sick as she was
"Daddy is going to clean out your nose a little bit to help you breathe better tonight" he says as he got the squirt thing that he had with her when she first was dropped off at his door step all that long ago
Niall gave her a little bit of water to help keep her lips moist as she was sleeping and he was going to be checking on her through the night as well
"Night baby girl i love you" he says as he kisses her as he was going to go to sleep that night and hopefully not for the last time either cause with her being sick she was bound to be up off and on as well
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