Part 7
Louis had the game room and the classrooms set up as well and ready to go and he was waiting for the hot tub to come, and that was going to go outside the main master bedroom so they could relax and enjoy the views as well
"Perfect just in time" Louis says cause Niall took Pepper to the doctors and he had to go to the doctors as well
Louis saw it was the hot tub he ordered for him and Niall cause nothing was too good for Niall, and the crane was going to hoist it up to the bedroom where it was going to be cause Louis had a platform built for the hot tub and it was going to hooked up as well and he was going to be up there as it was going to be installed
(Much later)
"Okay all I have to do is wait for Niall to come home and we can get it on" Louis says as he was waiting for Niall to come home
Louis made supper for everyone and after bath Niall went to the studio to record while Louis did the bedtime routine with the little ones and Louis was going to let the older ones stay up a bit and they were going to go to bed later in the evening
"Niall come up later" Lou tells him cause he got the kids situated for the night cause they were going to be watching an educational episode of schoolhouse rock then a regular movie and the kids were okay with that for the time being
Niall was going to go up when he was done in the studio
"Lou, you got a hot tub?" Niall asks him
"Yeah, that way we can do it and the kids don't have to hear us and we got view" Louis says as he was in his trunks
Niall got in his trunks and joined Louis in the hot tub for a little fun cause he needed it really bad
"Bubbly?" Louis asks him
"I thought you never ask" Niall says as he was going to have a drink as well
(Months later)
Louis popped the question to Niall, and they got married and they never been happier either and they were busy getting ready for the holidays cause Louis had his birthday coming up and Niall started to get baby fever once again
"Niall why so blue?" Louis asks him
"I got a case of baby fever really bad" Niall says as he plays his guitar a little bit
"Niall, I think this pandemic is really hitting you hard" Louis says as he looks at him
Niall nods cause it was really true right now cause there wasn't much that they could do right now, and he was especially blue that that he could not play for their fans or his fans right now
"Come on let's look at the home movies, and that might cheer you up Ni" Louis says cause that was one way he was going to bring Niall out of his funk right cause it was eating him up on the inside really bad and it showed and maybe seeing the home movies might help
Louis got the others so they could enjoy home movie time and they were always down to see the memories that were made with their parents that really loved them for who they were both on the inside and the outside as well cause they were different, and they could be themselves and if they come out of the closet later, they know their parents will accept it
"Here we go" Louis says as he was going to get the first of the home movies started
The kids loved to look back on the memories that they have made with their parents, and they loved to laugh at what had happened as well
"Look Pepper that is you love bug" Niall says as he was holding her cause she had just turned a year old, and she was getting so big, and Niall loved her increasingly everyday cause she was his first one that he had adopted and was the one that had him start this big family and she loved her siblings a lot right now cause of the attention she had gotten
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