Part 4
"We are going to put you in your little bassinet for the time being and we are going to make sure no toys come into your space unless you want a comfort object in there with you" Louis says as he was going to lay her down and Niall was getting all of her equipment settled and making sure the wires were not getting crossed at all and that was going to be a disaster if her wires were tangled up and if something comes unplugged as well too that might be a problem as well
Louis tucks her in and she still sleeps like an angel for the moment which was a good thing for both parents for the moment as well cause they were going to enjoy the silence for as long as they could or until her monitor starts going off and they have to fix it and make it all better for her as well and hopefully the monitors don't say there is something majorly wrong with her
"Niall I think I feel complete with having her home and with us I think once she gets used to the craziness of our house she will be fine until she is completely settled in and adjusted to her new home and what her new life is going to be like as well with all of those siblings screaming, yelling, cussing, hitting, slapping, taking each other toys from one another, food fights, sickness, dares, and the list goes on and on as well what could happen and what happens when her siblings step out of line and they have to be disciplined to a curtain point as well
"Louis I feel the same way right I feel totally and completely complete that she is home right now and I can not picture not having her here either I think she is going to complete us in time once she is totally settled in cause the kids are going to want pets and we are going to need to have the room for all of the animals and all of the animals were going to need to be in one room or more depending on what all the kids get cause the cats cannot get the birds and the fishes and the dogs need to stay away from the cats and hopefully there is no reptiles involved and Louis was working on a barn for the livestock animals that they might have like horse, sheep, cows, pigs, goats, and turkey's and chickens as well if the kids want to be adventurous and have a horse or something as a pet cause they had the room for it of course, and he had to build a horse arena and have a fence put up as well so the animals do not escape and he was going to have the fence be high enough no coyotes or wild animals attack the animals and they might have their first animal cause one of the girls found an abandoned bird outside and another one found an injured bald eagle so this was going to be some sort of adventure cause they had to make a call to the wildlife preserve as well to have them come out for the bald eagle and the injured bird as well and put them in their care and hopefully the bird and the bald eagle can be nursed back to health once they get into the proper hands as well cause Niall and Louis would be in huge trouble with the law if the kids kept the birds as pets for themselves cause it would be kind of cool to have those animals as pets, and as if on cue
"Daddy, papa look what we found outside" Abby says as she comes in with a baby bird that was injured a little bit and she assumes it fell out of it's nest that was very high up in the trees and the mommy bird did not even know the bird fell out of the tree either
Louis and Niall look at the tiny bird that their daughter had, and they heard another voice and they assumed that one rescued something as well and this one was a bald Eagle that looked injured as well
"Well we might as well call the rangers and have them take the bald eagle into their care" Louis says as he was going to go and make the call to the ranger to come and get the bald Eagle and take it in their care and he was hoping that someone was there to come and get the creature from there care and if not he was going to call the next ranger to come and get the bird from them hopefully and take it in their care and they will not get charged cause it looks like someone else is going to get charged for injuring a bald Eagle
Louis gets on the phone and has the two girls take the birds outside and the one was going to put the injured baby bird in the fake nest that they had set up in case the mother bird comes back for the baby bird and takes it back to the nest and the bald Eagle was going to go out by the kids play area that way the bird can lay there as they waited for the ranger to come and get the bald Eagle that was injured and it looks like it had an arrow through it's wing right now luckily the bald Eagle was being nice and letting the girls take care of it for the moment so the girls helped it back down the stairs to take it outside to the play area for the time being right now until the ranger comes to take it to the local recovery area so it could be treated and get medicine in it's system to help it fell much better
Part 5 is up
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