Part 2
"Okay girls the tents are up so you can get the mattresses from the other shed and get them blown up and get the beds made and moved into the tents and papa will get the fire going for the night cause it is getting dark and I don't want you girls to be out here completely in the dark cause I am going to be out here for the first part of the night and then papa will be out here for the second half keeping the fire going for you girls and keep you girls warm as well as the eagle cause the eagle is going to be getting food which papa is googling it right now cause we are going to make sure it is kept fed and make sure it has water as well through the night and the girls were going to be taking shifts to watch the wound that the eagle has that way if the dressing needs changed they can change it and keep it clean until the morning when it will get picked up and be taken to the wildlife shelter for proper care for the wound and stitches as well for now it was going to be in the backyard of their house in the swimming pool and they had food for the bird as well which was going to be okay and Louis was going to be out during the night to help keep the fire going so the girls can stay warm from the cold weather cause it was supposed to get into the 30's during the night and the tent that the girls had was one of the expensive tents that they used that has room for a heater and a big mattress and they were going to keep the flap opened to watch the bird
"Thanks daddy you can go back into the house we are going to be fine" the one daughter says cause the one was blowing up her mattress to go into the tent cause they were going to stay up all night to watch the eagle cause right now the eagle was having some water and it was going to eat later on with the food that they were able to find that the eagle to eat until it could go to the wildlife shelter in the morning to get the proper food that they could eat and hopefully the wound does not take turn and it bleeds out a little more then what it was
Louis was going to get the grill going for supper cause it was a special night for everyone and he was going to do it special cause it wasn't every day they had an injury animal in the yard and was going to spend the night with them until the next day
"What does everyone want?" Louis asks the kids and they started yelling out what they wanted for dinner that night and there a lot of requests for different items and Louis had everything in the fridge ready to go that night for supper and they were going to have fries, coleslaw, corn, chips and anything else that they wanted to have that night for supper cause it was whatever you wanted for supper night that night and it always go over good and they looked up what else the eagle could eat besides what it was eating now and they had some of it on hand right now which was a good thing for now that way it could survive the night and Niall was going to get more first aid supplies for the eagle as well cause they were going to change the gauze and the wrap one time time before going to bed that night then in the morning they were going to change it before the eagle goes to the wildlife center to get better care of course cause the girls couldn't do much for the eagle and the eagle was doing good for the time being right now and it just went to sleep one of the kids found it's nest and brought the eggs to the mother eagle location
Part 3 will be my next day off when I don't have to end up being at the other store the day before and end up doing an order up there too
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