One more to the mix
"That was a lot of fun let's get your sisters and head to the playground" Niall says after he had played a couple of rounds of golf and he was happy with the fun that he was able to have with the older one's Kayleigh and Lee cause they were really cute and Kayleigh wanted to be with daddy a lot like Lee wanted to be with daddy as well and Niall didn't blame them at all
Niall stopped to get the girls a toy cause they were so well behaved when they were on the golf course and Niall like that a lot with the girls cause they didn't get into any trouble at all
"Okay let's head home and see if the babies are asleep or still awake i have a feeling that they are asleep for their nap, and if they are that's okay we can go to the park another day to play" he says as they were heading home and the girls were hugging daddy
Niall was on cloud nine that day cause he knew that life was not going to get any better from that point one with the girls and the babies cause four girls was enough for him cause he loved all four the same, and he knew if another baby came into the picture he was going to love that one the same as well
(That night)
Niall tucked all of the girls in and he had Kayleigh in his arms at the moment since she was a little scared right now and that was just fine with him
"Kayleigh it's okay" he says as he was rubbing her back and walking with her to calm her down a bit since she was very upset at the moment
Niall heard footsteps on his steps and he saw a figure outside, so he went to go see about it, but first he had to put Kayleigh down for a bit
"Kayleigh I'll be back" he says to her as he left her on the couch to see who was outside
Kayleigh nodded as he left her
"Good girl" he says as he kisses her on the forehead
Kayleigh had gotten better since she has been with Niall, but there was times that she wanted to be with him and he was okay with that as well since she was still adjusting to being in America
"Hello who is there" he says as he looks out to see who was outside
Niall didn't hear any answer from who was outside until he had looked down at the baby that was in the basket and the baby was not happy at all
"It's okay come inside" he says as he picks up the baby and brings it into the house
Niall opened the blue blanket and he saw that the baby was a little boy
"It's okay buddy" he says as he was rocking the baby gently in his arms to soothe its cries
Kayleigh looked at the baby that daddy had in his arms
"It looks like I am going to keep him until I see about his parents" he says as he looks at the baby that was starting to go back to sleep on his own again
Niall was going to read the note that was in the basket with the baby boy to see if he could find a name as well as the name of the parents to this sweet boy
"At least I have the name of your parents so we can get some evidence and see why did they drop you off like that buddy cause I am wondering the same" Niall says to Kayleigh since she was looking at daddy to see what was going to happen to the baby boy
"Right now Kayleigh he is going to stay with us and then we go from there" Niall says to her as they bonded with the baby boy for a bit since he woke up and heard another voice talking
"Baby brother?" She asks him
"He might be your baby brother down the road right now I don't know if that is going to happen right now" Niall says as he headed to her room with her and the new baby that was still wide awake and looking around at his surroundings as well cause he liked where he was
Niall tucked her in and kissed her good night before he went to his master with the new baby
"Pepper it's okay" he says as he came into the room to see why she was crying up a storm
Niall picked her up and the new baby as well and headed for the master together
"Okay Pepper you can sleep with me tonight" he says as he tucks her in the big crib that he keeps in his room
Soon the rest of the girls wanted to be with daddy Niall
"Pepper look what you started" he says playfully to her as he went to get the rest of the girls for a night in daddy's room that night for bedtime
Pepper smiled at daddy cause she was the little trouble maker of the girls and she wanted to make sure her voice was heard from her sisters even though she was the smallest she wanted to prove she was the might one of the Horan girls
"Okay everyone get your spots and daddy will play you some lullabies" he says to the girls
The girls wanted to see that new baby that was in the room on the floor in the basket
"Girls he is not your baby brother just yet I am going to see about his parents and everything before i adopt him" Niall says to the girls who were looking at the baby and the baby was looking at them with his eyes
Soon the baby boy started to cry
"Buddy it's okay" Niall says as he picks him up and holds him while the others looked on
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