Halloween campout
Hey guys @Priceisrightrusher here with a Halloween chapter for you guys since you guys have been so patient with my schedule and how i am working since today was an early day
"Kids the sleepout is off" Niall says as it starts to rain
The kids were bummed so Niall and Louis were going to let them sleep in their room instead on the floor and the babies and the younger ones can be in the cribs as well
"Okay kids lights out" Louis says as the kids were in their sleeping bags tryimg to stay awake so they could say good night to everyone
The kids and the babies were asleep and all was good in the Horan-Tomlinson house and the bedroom as well
"Night Ni" Louis says to him
"Night Lou" Niall says as he kisses Louis before he goes to sleep that night cause the kids played too hard and they were napping
(Months later)
Niall and Louis were going to let the kids have a Halloween camput with all of their friends from school and the little ones were going to have a camp in with daddy and papa
"Okay where is my list?" NIall asks as she was running around cause the girls were going to have glamour campout cause they will have their costumes on and he hated to have them ruined
"What list?" Louis asks as he came in with one of the babies who was not happy at all
"I made a list for the party" Niall says to him
"It's on the fridge Niall everything is going to be fine the tents are going up, the dance floor is going to be out there, the food is going to be great, the kids are going to have good time" Louis says to him
"I want to take the kids out for trick or treat tonight too so they can have more fun" Niall says as he was going to search for his map cause it had the safe houses on it and they were going ot come back for some more fun before they go to bed and have smores
Louis was going to help Niall out so he was not so stressed out for the party cause he wanted it to be really good
"Papa is loosing his marbles" Louis says to the baby as he was going to see if there was a good punch he could make for the party
The baby smiled up at him
(That afternoon)
Louis, Niall and the kids were all dressed up and ready for the party and have some fun as well cause this was going to be fun cause all of the kids were going to go trick or treating and the babies were going to go as well for a little fun and the big kids were going to take turns pulling the wagon with their siblings and the other younger ones were going to have their elextric cars they were going to drive as they go trick or treating and the older kids that could fit were going to go with them so they had a buddy as they were going to get candy and have some fun as well
"I need the ones who need make-up on to come and see me" Louis calls to the kids
A few had costumes that needed make-up on and the one's who had costumes with make-up didn't want it or they had a reaction to it so Louis and Niall were going to have the stick on make-up for the kids
"Okay all of the kids are ready so the party will be getting underway shortly" Niall says as he was going to see if everything was ready for the party
"Oh good and the little kids have their own party" LOuis says as he was going to see if their party was ready cause their parents will be coming as well and it will be a short party for the little kids while the big kids had their own party with Louis and Niall going back and forth yo supervise everything
"Yes they do and i hear Liam is bringing Bear?" Niall asks Louis
"Yes he is and i think that is them now" Louis says when he heard the door
"Hey Lou" LIam says as he comes in with Bear who was dressed all cute for his age
"Hey Liam the babies are in the other playroom I will join you in a bit" Louis says as he was going to close the door behind him and he was going to show Liam where the babies playroom was
"Okay we can get comfortable" Liam says as he was going to go to the playroom in question
Louis was getting what was needed for the babies and go and join Liam in the babies playroom
"The babies get along well Lou" Liam says as he looks at Louis
"I know they do and the first one that Niall had is with him so she is going to stay with him for a while" Louis says as he was going to talk to Liam for a little bit
"Pepper?" Liam asks him
"Yes Pepper she is so adorable" Louis says as he hears Niall talking
(That night)
Liam was going to go along for the fun and him and Bear was going to stay the night at the house and go home the next day cause Cheryl was off ona trip and it made sense and he helped Louis and Niall out with the other kids as well
"Bear loved this" Liam says as they were going ot get candy
"You guys can come over anytime" Niall says as he was holding Pepper in his arms
"We will for sure Bear loved his new friends" Liam says as he was pushing Bear in his stroller as they were getting candy
After two hours they headed home and the older kids got ready for the sleepout in the yeard with a fire cause it was going to be cold out
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