First night with the eagle
"I might as well get the tent from the shed and get that all set up" Louis says as he was going to go to the shed and get the tent and the mattresses as well for the girls cause he knew they were going to ask him and Niall if they could camp out with the bird that night so he wanted to be ready for that question as well cause he knew it was going to be true cause he would never tell the kids no at all and if they wanted Niall was going to camp out with them but he was going to be in his tent for privacy purposes as well cause he did not want to make it feel weird as well cause once they start their cycles Louis sisters and Niall's sister in law was going to take them out for like a woman's day out and let them ask questions and explain what's going to happen to their bodies as they go through the magical change when they hit middle school cause that was going to be one royal roller coaster for Niall and Louis and they were going to do something special with each of the girls when they get their cycle from Mother Nature and it was going to send their hormones out of whack for a few days and if they are on their cycle together they will have to do something together as a group to make it easier on them with the adjustment and of course Niall was going to let them pick what they wanted to do and let them get the foods that they wanted to eat cause he was going to get another freezer if they wanted to have ice cream in the house and another refrigerator as well that way if they want to have sundae's while they are on their cycle that was going to be just fine by him cause it was going to be their fridge and freezer and nobody was going to be allowed to touch it or fill it with what they wanted and those extra two appliances were going to be called the monthly fridge and freezer filled with certain items that they will need and the boys will have paws off
Louis gets the tent set up and ready as well and Niall was going to get the sleeping bags from the other storage shed that they had in the yard that was full of all of their camping supplies one had all of the tents that they were going to be using as well when they went camping cause they used a lot of different tents and many of the kids wanted their own tent or they did not want to sleep with mommy and daddy at all either or daddy and papa and Louis and niall understood that and some wanted to sleep with their siblings like the girls wanted to sleep with the girls and the boys slept with the boys which was totally fine with Louis and Niall cause they made sure the tents were separated when they went camping cause the girls had a no boys allowed except daddy and papa area and the boys were the same way they had a no girls area where they camped at the little kids didn't understand that so both had a no little kids sign up too when they went camping and the little kids had their own area of the campsite cause they made sure to get a huge campsite for all that space for the tents and for the areas as well cause it was going to have but everybody came together for family time at meals and s'mores as well which was everybody favorite part but if their group wanted to have a meal together Louis was charge of the fire for their group but the little ones could not have their own fire cause it was going to be too hot for them so if they wanted to be by the fire they went to one of the bigger kids groups and they had to watch the hot flames
"Okay girls the tents are up so you can get the mattresses from the other shed and get them blown up and get the beds made and moved into the tents and papa will get the fire going for the night cause it is getting dark and I don't want you girls to be out here completely in the dark cause I am going to be out here for the first part of the night and then papa will be out here for the second half keeping the fire going for you girls and keep you girls warm as well as the eagle cause the eagle is going to be getting food which papa is googling it right now cause we are going to make sure it is kept fed and make sure it has water as well through the night and the girls were going to be taking shifts to watch the wound that the eagle has that way if the dressing needs changed they can change it and keep it clean until the morning when it will get picked up and be taken to the wildlife shelter for proper care for the wound and stitches as well for now
Happy thanksgiving
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