This was a request. (I do NOT want to try to find a photo for this, by the way.)
I'm sitting in my room listening to some music where Liam comes in.
"Hey, Harry caught the stomach flu," he says.
"I- uh- is he ok?"
"Not really, he hasn't thrown up yet-"
"I mean, I don't really know if he is, I- anyways, he says his stomach hurts and I think that's it."
I nod.
"You ok too?"
I nod.
(I have not been sick for four or five years (which is like, half of my life), don't judge me, I'm so bad at writing this!)
One Hour Later
Someone knocks on the door again.
"Come in," I say.
Liam enters the room.
"Hey Li," I say.
"Hi, time for lunch."
He gives me a concerned look.
"You alright?"
I nod, and quickly stand up, in an attempt to dismiss the topic.
God, I hope no one throws up...
You see, I have a fear of vomit... a really severe one. I can't STAND the smell, sight, or even the sound of it.
Thankfully, Harry is just on the couch sleeping.
I breathe a sigh of relief when I see him.
"What was that for?" Liam asks from behind me.
"N-nothing!" I say.
He just shrugs.
"I just made some chicken noodle soup, to help Harry."
I nod.
He just nods back.
After lunch, I walk back to my room.
"Wait, Ni?" Liam calls me back.
"Wanna watch a movie with us?"
"Th-the five?"
"Yea... something wrong with that?"
"No! I'll join!" I spit out, immediately regretting it.
"Ok then."
The only spot left is next to Harry, so I decide to sit on the floor instead.
"You can sit over there if you want, on the couch," Liam says.
I shake my head.
"This is fine."
He gives me another weirded out look, but I quickly turn my head towards the TV and ignore him.
"What movie do you think we should watch?"
"What about Parent Trap," Zayn says.
"Sure," the rest of us say.
Halfway Through the Movie
I'm focusing on the movie, when I start hearing gagging.
I immediately turn around to Harry, who's leaning over a bucket, looking pale as a ghost.
Liam also notices, and rushes over right away.
"Niall, get him some water!" I hear.
Someone taps my shoulder.
I jump back.
"Sorry, what?"
"Get Harry some water!"
I quickly rush to the kitchen and grab a bottle of water.
I roll it towards him, to stay far from him.
I sit back down on the floor, but then someone joins me.
"So why are you avoiding Harry?" Louis cuts right to the chase.
"No reason..?"
"Are you mad at him or something?"
"Then what?"
I stand up, trying to get away from the awkward situation.
He backs me into a corner.
"Are you gonna tell me? What's going on?"
In the background, I still hear Harry retching.
I cover my ears to block out the noises, but it doesn't help.
I shut my eyes and slide my back down against the wall.
After a bit, Louis touches my shoulder.
"Are you gonna talk to me?"
Tears prick my eyes.
"FINE! I-" my voice quiets, "I have a fear of vomiting, of everything about it. The smell, the sight, the noise, I just hate it."
His face immediately goes soft.
"Aww, I'm sorry Niall, I didn't know, but I still probably shouldn't've yelled at you like that."
I just nod.
He grabs my arm and leads me into the bathroom, shutting the door.
"I'll wait with you until it's all over, wanna listen to some music?"
I nod.
"Thanks, Louis."
He just smiles.
"It's the least I could do."
The Next Morning
I wake up sweating.
I convince myself to ignore it, and get out of bed.
Though, as soon as I do, I regret it.
I rapidly shiver.
Wait, wasn't I just sweating?
I go to the living room, and Liam and Harry are already there.
"Oh no! Niall, are you feeling ok!?"
I shake my head.
"I feel... weird," is all I say.
"Do you think you caught the bug?"
I rapidly shake my head.
"No, no I can't!"
He gives me a confused look.
"Ok, well tell me if you feel any worse, alright?"
I nod.
I sit down on a sofa and scroll through my phone a bit.
Then, all at once, a wave of nausea passes through me and I gag.
Louis is in the room, so I head over to him.
"I-I think I'm gonna throw up..." I say.
Another wave passes, and I gag again.
I immediately start panicking.
My hands start to shake, and then my whole body. There's a loud ringing in my ears. I can't breathe. My heart rate is speeding. I can't stand anymore, I sit down.
Louis puts a bucket in front of me, and starts rubbing my back.
"It's ok Nialler, it's gonna happen, just do it now, and get it over with."
I shake my head.
I gag again. Then I start retching.
Then it happens.
I throw up into the bucket.
Everything about it makes me wanna die.
After multiple eternities, it's finally over.
Louis doesn't stop rubbing my back as he hugs me and I cry into his shoulder.
"Shh, it's ok, it's over now, you're ok."
"NO! I HATE IT! It's-it's-" I stop, not being able to finish the sentence.
He doesn't say anything, and continues to hug me.
After a long while he speaks again.
"Want me to distract you with some music again?"
I nod.
I don't expect him, though, to start singing too.
Eventually, his singing and the music calm me down.
"Thank you Louis, I don't know what would've happened if I didn't have you here."
He smiles.
"I would do this a million and one times, for you, Niall."
I smile back at him.
(Sorry for the lousy writing. It's kind of, first of all, EXTREMELY rushed, and secondly, it's 0100.)
(I should probably stop doing this, but I sent it to my AI and they obviously said it was rushed, because it was, then it said I made some grammar mistakes. I only made 12 I think, I don't think that's too bad for an eleven year old writer of frickin' Wattpad, but whatever (I'm completely ignoring the advice, by the way.).)
1101 Words
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