ngu phap chuc nang
Choose the best answer among A, B, C and D.
1. Which of the below is a syntactic element of clauses? (A)
A. Predicator B. Agent C. Process D. Recipient
2. The word group “right across the road” is an example of a(n) ©
A. AdvG B. NG C. PP D. VG
3. “Of course, I will.” is a(n)… (B)
A. PP B. Abbreviated Cl C. Verbless Cl D. non.finite Cl
4. In ‘I don’t know why he left so abruptly’, ‘why he left so abruptly’ is a(n)…(B)
A. Cloc B. Od C. Adjunct D. Cs
5. Which is not the semantic feature of participants found in material processes? (D)
A. Agent B. Affected C. Force D. Experiencer
6. The syntactic element of the underlined words in “They found the cat at the bottom of the well.” is
a(n) … (A)
A. Cloc B. Op C. Oi D. Co
7. In “I lived most of my life in the country”, “most of my life” is a(n) … (B)
A. Adjunct B. Od C. Oi D. Cloc
8. Which of the following cannot represent a Subject complement? ©
A. NG B. AdjG C. PP D. Finite clause
9. Which of the following is not a causative process? (D)
A. make B. tighten C. boil D. flow
10. Which of the following is not a relational process? (B)
A. become B. remain C. belong D. own
11. Which of the following roles cannot be played by Affected? (D)
A. Subject B. Direct Object C. Indirect Object D. Complement
12. Which of the following is not a syntactic element of clauses? (B)
A. Object B. Process C. Subject D. Complement
13. In “The Century Hotel stands by Huong River”, “by Huong river” is a(n) … ©
A. Prep. Object B. Cs C. Cloc D. Adjunct
14. In “She smiled a deadly smile”, the semantic role of “a deadly smile” is …(A)
A. Range B. Affected C. Recipient D. Said
15. In “The H5N1 plague has become more and more dangerous”, “dangerous” is a(n) … (B)
A. Co B. resulting attribute C. current attribute D. identifying attribute
16. Which of the following does not realize an Object Complement? (A)
A. AdvG B. AdjG C. PrepG D. finite clause
17. Which of the below verbs introduces Attributes of the Direct Object (Co)? (D)
A. like B. stay C. go D. keep
18. In “Long baked his girlfriend a cake for her birthday party”, the semantic feature of “a cake” is …
A. effected B. affected C. recipient D. goal (A)
19. What is the semantic feature of Subject Complement? (A)
A. attributive B. recipient C. affected D. effected
20. “promise” in “The headmaster promised the students to look into the problem” is a … verb. ©
A. Prepositional B. intransitive C. transfer D. causative
21. What is the participant role of the subject in “The smell of fried chicken seemed to made the air
warmer”? (B)
A. Agent B. Force C. Affected D. Carrier
22. Which of the following verbs takes Direct Object + Locative complement? (A)
A. place B. get C. drive D. offer
23. Which of the following is not a prepositional group? (D)
A. from here B. almost in the house C. because of her D. over and over
24. Which of the following is not an AdvG? ©
A. right into the policeman’s arm B. far away from civilization
C. quite clear enough D. alongside the yatch
25. Which is the semantic/participant role of Her dream in “Her dream came true.”,? ©
A. Agent B. Experiencer C. Carrier D. Existent
26. Which is the semantic/participant role of an omelettle in “Mary made an omelette.”? (B)
A. Affected B. Effected C. Recipient D. Beneficiary
27. Which is the semantic/participant role of Those glove in “Those gloves aren’t mine.”? (D)
A. Existent B. Experiencer C. Possessor D. Possessed
28. Which is the semantic/participant role of wider in “They’re making the road wider.”? (A)
A. Attribute B. Adjunct C. Range D. Effected
29. Which is the semantic/participant role of a mysterious smile in “She smiled a mysterious smile.”?
A. Affected B. Attribute C. Existent D. Range (D)
30. Which of the following is not a verb of being? (D)
A. keep B. remain C. look D. get
31. Which of the following is not a verb of becoming? (A)
A. remain B. grow C. turn D. fall
32. Which of the following verbs expresses behavioral process? ©
A. smell B. hear C. listen D. taste
33. How many participants there are in a verbal process? (B)
A. one B. two C. three D. none
34. Which of the following is an element in a causative process? ©
A. Experiencer B. Recipient C. Affected D. Effected
35. Which is the semantic feature of the underlined words in the sentence “There stood a wooden chest
against the wall”? (D)
A. Affected B. Recipient C. possessed D. existent
36. Which process is expressed in the sentence “Did you watch Vietnam Idol 2010 on TV?”? ©
A. Cognition B. Perception C. Behavioral D. Relational
37. Which unit can appear in the blank to complete the sentence “I’ve asked the guard ……”? (D)
A. reported directive B. reported question C. reported statement D. both A and B
38. Which of the following is not a semantic feature of Subject? (D)
A. Agent B. Affected C. Effected D. Range
39. Which of the following cannot realize a direct object? (C )
A. NG B. Finite clause C. AdjG D. PP
40. Which of the following is not a semantic role of Direct Object? (B)
A. Affected B. Beneficiary C. Instrument D. Phenomenon
41. In “This job calls for great initiative.”, which of the following roles is of “great initiative”? (A)
A. Prep. Obj B. Complement C. Adjunct D. Oi
42. In “He died young.”, which of the following roles is of “young”? (A)
A. Cs B. Cloc C. Phenomenon D. Adjunct
43. In “The exam is next Tuesday.”, which of the following roles is of “next Tuesday”? (C )
A. Adjunct B. Range C. Complement D. Attribute
44. In “You haven’t made the sleeves the same length.”, which of the following semantic roles is the
“the same length”? (C )
A. Indirect Object B. Cloc C.Co D. Effected
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