Chapter 7
A/N: Sorry it took me forever to update, I hope this chapter is long enough!
Song: Slipped Away by Avril Lavigne
WARNING: violence, language, mentions of past rape! Please don't read if you're not comfortable and please don't leave mean comments!
Chapter 7
After a few minutes the Ferris Wheel started moving again much to Zayn's relief and as soon as he could, he climbed off of it dragging Niall behind him by the hand making him trip a little.
"Whoa Zayn, slow down a little!" Niall said laughing and dragging his feet on the ground to stop Zayn.
"S-sorry...I felt like I was suffocating up there!" Zayn explained trying to regain his breath
"You're okay love!" Niall said rubbing Zayn's back.
"Do you wanna go find the others or just walk around?" Zayn asked hoping for the latter
"Lets walk around. I want you all to myself!" Niall said pecking Zayn on the lips making him blush. They walked around holding hands, only stopping to make out in the dark once in a while which was every time they had the chance.
"Babe, can we get some food?" Niall asked Zayn giving him the puppy eye look.
"Lets go get you some food before you pass out on me!" Zayn said dramatically and dragged Niall towards a hot dog stand.
They ate until they couldn't hold it anymore and fed each other while giggling making people stare at them but they couldn't care less, they were happy and that's what mattered. Both boys were still in cloud nine, they couldn't believe they were finally together.
All Zayn wanted to do was love, protect and cuddle his Niall, and ever since his dad and sister Doniya passed away Zayn felt somehow empty even though he still had his mum and two sisters he couldn't help but feel it.
When they died, Zayn couldn't cry and for many reasons. He had to be strong for the rest of his family and show them that everything was going to be okay and that they will make it through.
At the mere age of sixteen, Zayn became the man of the house having to sacrifice his teenage years to help feed his family. Instead of hanging out with his friends, going out on dates and parties, staying up and sleeping in, he was out working his ass off just to have enough money to buy whatever his girls needed.
The fact that Zayn hadn't cried at all during the funeral was because the night they received the news he had run away from home and cried himself to sleep on Harry's arms while the other boy whispered comforting words only Zayn could hear.
He fell asleep wondering what he had done wrong to deserve so much pain, to have his father and older sister ripped away from them as if they were nothing. Zayn's eyes widened when he realized he hasn't visited his dad and his sister.
"You okay babe?" Niall asked looking at Zayn worried.
"Yeah, I just spaced out a little bit!" Zayn said smiling
"Lets go find the o...!"
Zayn froze the moment he heard that too familiar voice, how the fuck had he gone from hearing his boyfriend's sweet voice to hearing his cold and disgusting voice. Zayn turned around and wished he had never done that.
"C'mon love, we have to go!" Zayn said grabbing Niall's hand and walking away hoping he would leave him alone but of course things never went his way.
"Zayn!! Please wait! We have to talk!!"
"There's nothing to talk about Gavin, and whatever you have to say I don't wanna hear it, so just leave me the fuck alone!" Zayn growled.
"What's going on Zayn? Who is he?" Niall asked watching Gavin carefully.
"He's no one! C'mon, we have to find then others, I wanna leave!" Zayn said shooting daggers at Gavin, his expression softening when he turned to look at Niall.
"Zayn babe, please! We have to talk! I-I still love you!" Gavin begged.
Zayn felt anger building up on his stomach and turned around to look at Gavin, if looks could kill, Gavin would be ten feet underground rotting already.
"I am not YOUR babe! And you don't fucking love me!! Why can't you just leave me alone for once?!" Zayn nearly shouted stabbing Gavin's chest with his finger and holding Niall's hand tightly with the other making him wince in pain.
"Z-Zayn you're hurting me!" Niall whimpered trying to make Zayn let go of his hand.
Niall's words made Zayn angrier, he loosen up his hold on Niall and turned to look at him, "I'm so sorry! Let's go!" Zayn said starting to walk away but stopped when Gavin grabbed his arm yanking him back.
"What the fu-"
"Oi, what's going on!" Harry yelled making all three boys look up.
Zayn sighed in relief when he saw Harry, Louis, Liam, and Danielle standing a few feet away from them. Harry's hands formed into fists ready to punch the lights out of Gavin if he didn't let go of Zayn.
"Get. The. Fuck. Away. From. Him!" Harry growled, his eyes turning a darker menacing green.
"This isn't any of your business Styles, so fuck off!" Gavin said tightening his grip on Zayn's arm who only whimpered, all the memories he had tried so hard to forget coming back in a flash, reopening old wounds making him cry.
"I said get away from him you fucker!" Harry yelled launching himself at Gavin and punching him square in the jaw making him stumble backwards.
Liam took the opportunity and pulled Niall and a crying Zayn behind him along with Danielle and watched as Louis tried to get Harry off of the guy.
"I just want to talk! That's all!" Gavin said glaring at Harry who returned the same expression.
"Talk about what? All the shit YOU put him through? All the shit your bastard of a dad has put him and his family through? Just stay the fuck away from him!" Harry growled.
"He's mine! Don't forget that Styles, I made sure of that!"
After those last five words came out of Gavin's mouth everything happened so fast, Zayn clung to Niall who hugged him back as Zayn watched terrified how Harry attacked Gavin, punching him over and over again while Louis and Liam tried to desperately get him off of the now bloody Gavin.
"Stay the fuck away from him, you've done enough!" Harry warned breathing hard and reaching for Louis' hand.
"I came back to take what's mine and you know I always get what I want!" Gavin said before walking away, Harry glared at Gavin until a voice broke his trance.
"You okay Haz!?" Louis asked
"Y-yeah, how's Zayn?" Harry whispered
"He's a little shaken up! Harry who was that guy!?"
"That's Zayn's ex!'s just. Zayn's like my brother, we grew up together. That fucker hurt him badly, he destroyed him and then his dad...Ugh. I'll tell you later love, c'mon!" Harry said kissing Louis on the temple then walked towards Zayn who was listening to something Niall was saying.
"You okay Z?" Harry asked and watched as Zayn whispered a small 'yes' followed by a 'no' before he launched himself into Harry's arms who held him as tight as he could.
"It's okay Zayn, he's not gonna get you. Niall, Louis, Liam, and I won't let him get near you, you're safe!" Harry said rubbing Zayn's back while all three boys nodded, then Zayn turned to Niall and held onto him like he was his life line.
"Do you want me to take you home Love!?" Niall asked and Zayn nodded "Guys I'm gonna take him home. I see you guys later!" Niall said and walked away towards his car.
"What the hell just happened?" Liam said hugging a teary Danielle
"I don't know if I should tell you...basically Gavin's dad is responsible for the deaths of Zayn's dad and older sister almost two years ago. He was drunk driving and ran a red light and collided with Mr. Malik's car killing him and his daughter on impact. Gavin's dad is in jail and let's say Zayn has a horrible past with that prick Gavin. They dated and he hurt Zayn pretty bad, he messed him up and it was so painful for me to see him like that!" Harry explained, his eyes stinging with tears when he remembered everything.
"That's horrible!" Danielle said
"Poor lad!" Liam said
"You guys heard him!! He wants Zayn and he's not gonna stop until he gets what he wants!" Harry wailed.
Only Harry and Zayn knew what Gavin was capable of and it scared Harry to know he was back, he couldn't let him hurt his brother, he'll be damned if he did. No, not again. If he had to kill him to protect Zayn He would do it without hesitation.
"He's not gonna lay a finger on him love, we'll make sure of that!" Louis said rubbing Harry's back to help him relax.
"Well, we better get going, it's getting late!" Liam said waving before walking away with Danielle.
"Lets go!" Louis said intertwining his fingers with Harry's and walking out of the carnival.
"Are you okay!?" Niall asked Zayn, they were outside Zayn's house sitting in the car.
"Y-yeah I'm fine! Sorry about that!" Zayn apologized
"You don't have to apologize Zayn! Do you wanna talk about it? Who was that guy?" Niall asked genuinely concerned.
Zayn looked at Niall with teary eyes and decided he trusted Niall enough to just tell him the truth , he didn't wanted to keep things from his boyfriend, he took a big and deep breath and began talking trying to not just break down crying again.
"Gavin is my ex, we dated a while back but things between us didn't ended up good. When I was sixteen my dad and my older sister were killed by a drunk driver and that drunk driver was Gavin's dad. He went to jail for it and I guess Gavin wasn't happy about it, we had already ended our relationship," Zayn grabbed Niall's hand, the other boy holding it tight,
"He left but a few weeks later he came back and found me on my way back from work where I have to work to help support my family. I was walking alone because Harry and I didn't had the same shifts back then. H-he t-took advantage of m-me N-Niall, h-he r-raped m-me!" Zayn said violently sobbing and shaking and Niall felt his blood boil with anger at the same time his heart shattered into millions of pieces.
Niall grabbed Zayn and pulled him into his arms close to his chest, holding him close and whispering sweet nothings into his ear while he massaged his back, something his mum did when he was little to calm him down. The words that came out of Zayn's mouth next only made him hold him closer and tighter never wanting to let him go.
"I felt so disgusting after it, I still d-do, I- I t-tried to k-kill myself but Harry stopped me just when I was a-about to jump off of that bridge. I couldn't go to the police because he threatened to kill my family and I can't lose them too. That's why Harry and I always have the same shifts now, so that way I don't have to walk alone again!" Zayn continued sobbing
"You're okay baby, I'm here okay? I'm not gonna let him get you!" Niall said at the same time silently thanking Harry for saving him.
"You p-promise?!" Zayn stutterd looking up at Niall who was looking down at him.
"I promise, I'm never gonna leave you. Ever." Niall promised wiping Zayn's tears away and kissing the tip of his red nose, and he knew it was true, he will never leave him.
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