Chapter 16
Chapter 16
"You sure you have everything Ni?" Zayn asked grabbing Niall's bag while Trisha held Nina.
"Yeah. This thing still hurts." Niall complained lightly grabbing his stomach.
"You'll be fine love. We should go, we have to get there before it gets dark." Zayn grabbed the bags then helped Niall out to the car while Trisha buckled a sleeping Nina in.
After a few minutes Niall was passed out after a long day where he had cried when Amelia had to go back to Chicago and Amelia saying that she would never cry ended up sobbing on his shoulder. Maura had tried to see Niall but Zayn and Bobby didn't allow it and Niall didn't want to see her at the moment saying he was still angry at her. Zayn of course was over the moon with his daughter who had him wrapped around her little finger and had to endure endless teasing from Greg telling him he was whipped and that Niall was gonna have to be the strict dad because there was no way Zayn would scold her. His mum Anne, Gemma, and his other two younger sisters had made him sent them a picture of both Niall and Nina in exchange for one of Bethany who was already home and who Louis always showed her off. Louis' family had gone to meet her and had asked Louis to go back with them but Louis had refused telling them that he was home.
"We're here Niall." Trisha said getting out of the car to help him out.
"Prepare yourself because they will swarm you." Zayn giggled taking Nina out getting a good hold of the car seat and got ready to pull it above his head if it was necessary.
"We're home!" Trisha yelled walking into her house seeing everyone sitting down with big smiles on their faces.
"Let me see my granddaughter." Anne spoke getting up to see Nina.
Zayn carefully took her out of her car seat and gave her to Anne, Nina started crying but eventually calmed down in her arms feeling warm and comfortable.
"Nialler, so glad you're back." Harry smiled holding a tiny baby in his arms.
"Thank you, can I hold my niece?" He asked sitting next to Harry who gave Bethany to him. "You're a gorgeous one." Niall cooed watching Bethany sucking on her thumb.
Anne gave Nina to Harry and both fathers sat down talking about their babies differences. While Nina had raven dark hair, blue eyes, Zayn's lips and nose as well as his olive skin tone, Bethany was like a copy of Louis with her chestnut straight her, Louis' nose and cheekbones only getting Harry's eye color and lips, and a beautiful creamy skin color. They heard the sound of a camera and looked up to see Gemma taking a picture of them then showing it to Zayn and Louis.
"Now that everyone's here, I would like to say a few words." Zayn smiled standing in front of his whole family.
"We're listening son." Robin smiled from his seat.
"Well, as you all know the estate my grandfather left me...I decided to do something. I want to share it with all of you. My three sisters each will get a percentage as well as a percentage for both Harry and Louis and another for Niall and I, also he left many businesses that need to be managed so I thought that maybe mums and Robin could help. In the end it all stays in the family." Zayn explained.
"Well...that's very generous of you Z, but are you sure you want to share what your grandfather left you with us." Harry asked exchanging babies with Niall.
A hundred percent sure, I already started doing it legally. Your family is my family and you have all been with us through every thing, you deserve everything." Zayn said trying not to cry remembering his father and older sister.
"We really appreciate it love." Anne said.
"We need to go, Bethany here is ready for bed." Louis announced helping Harry up. Followed by everyone else leaving kisses and hugs behind.
Since they only had three rooms in their house Niall had to stay with Zayn in his room with Nina in a bassinet on Zayn's side so he could get to get easier seeming as Niall was still sore and Zayn didn't wanted him in pain. Nina would wake up every few hours hungry, with a soiled diaper or just wanting a cuddle from his daddy to which he would gladly give out observing the way she would clutch his shirt on her tiny fist like if she was making sure he would not go anywhere. After she had fallen asleep he put her back in her bassinet and went back to bed with Niall.
"Morning Z." Niall smiled snuggling closer to Zayn.
"Morning," Zayn mumbled wrapping his arms around Niall and closing his eyes again to continue sleeping but Nina had other plans.
She began whimpering and soon it turned into a full on crying kicking her legs and arms until Zayn picked her up and placed her down on his chest rubbing her back then chuckled when she grabbed his nose and pulled on it.
"I think she's hungry, stay here with her and I'll go make her a bottle." Zayn placed her in Niall's arms who began singing to her.
As soon as Zayn entered the kitchen he noticed it was already eight in the morning and busied himself preparing his daughter's bottle blushing when his mum walked in and cooed over how cute he looked making breakfast for Nina. He was almost done when someone rung the doorbell startling him and apparently Nina since he could hear her cries coming from his room. He went to open it still shaking the bottle to get rid of the dry small lumps at the bottom of it then froze when he saw who was at the door.
"What are you doing here?" Zayn asked setting the bottle down trying to ignore Nina's cries and the way Maura tensed up when she heard them.
"I just want to see Niall and...Nina." Maura shifted her weight on her right leg avoiding Zayn's eyes.
"Why, so you can take them away from me because according to you I'm a good for nothing with no future?" Zayn glared trying to close the door but stopping when Maura mumbled a small 'please'.
"...come in." Zayn sighed moving over to let her in guiding her to towards the living room.
"Honey, who was at the door." Trisha asked walking in and stopping on her tracks when she noticed a woman sitting on her couch.
"Mum...this is Mrs. Horan, Mrs. Horan this is my mother Trisha." Zayn introduced them awkwardly.
"What do you want here, don't you think you've done enough?" Trisha glared remembering everything Maura had done and said.
"I just want to say goodbye to Niall and meet Nina, that's all." Maura mumbled looking down.
"Zayn what's taking you so lo-mum? What are you doing here?" Niall asked trying to hide behind Zayn.
"I-I came to say goodbye, I'm staying in Ireland and I know you won't be going back there so I just wanted to say I'm sorry for everything and ask you to please let me see her at least once." Maura begged and Niall immediately nodded silently asking Zayn to bring her down.
Zayn dragged his feet all the way back to their room where Nina was in her bassinet with a pacifier in her mouth. He gently picked her up covering her with a blanket and kissing her forehead wanting nothing but to keep her away from her. He walked downstairs and handed her to Niall before leaving the room to give them some privacy but still careful just in case she tried something.
"She's gorgeous Niall." Maura mumbled looking down at her who yawned and that's when Maura began crying.
Mum..." Niall whispered.
"Call Zayn baby." Maura whispered not taking her eyes off of Nina.
I just wanted to apologize to you, I treated you horribly when you didn't deserved any of it. Take care of Niall and this beautiful baby girl, she's precious and you have to protect her." Maura said then gave Nina to Zayn grabbing her purse and walking out of the house as fast as he could ignoring Niall's calls but Zayn could see her shoulders shaking.
"Mum...Zayn she left." Niall whimpered.
"Don't cry, we can go see her and I promise you'll see her again." Zayn reassured then quickly brought the bottle to Nina's mouth when she cried.
Niall found out that Maura had gone back to Ireland and lived in a small house in Mullingar where she had started all over again. Zayn and the rest of the guys had started Uni while Trisha, Anne and Robin worked in one of his grandparents's businesses that Zayn along with, Harry and Gemma would take over once they were out of school. Niall visited his dad and brother as much as he could when he had time and sometimes they visited him. Zayn had thought about moving but after thinking it through he chose not to, his house held so many happy memories and his mums absolutely refused to move. He was gonna have to move out to a new house with Niall and their daughter once they were out of uni but for now they were happy there where all the women spoiled Nina and Bethany rotten.
Now that they were four months old Nina's eyes had stayed a deep blue just like Niall's and in contrast with her skin color and dark hair she was absolutely gorgeous. Bethany's eyes were as green as Harry's and hair like Louis and everyone couldn't help but laugh at Zayn and Louis when they ranted over how they were going to have to buy new locks and secure those doors because there was no way they were leaving the house until they were forty. While they ranted both baby girls would look up at them and smile then turn back to what they had been doing before. Gemma already had albums and albums filled with pictures of the family both mostly the babies since they were her every thing and both of Zayn's sisters loved playing with them.
"How are you and Dani doing?" Niall asked Liam.
They were in a close cafe close to their uni enjoying their free time before they had to go back to the boring classes.
"We're doing amazing, we decided that we want to move in together and she'll be n soon living with me." Liam smiled like an idiot.
"You're so whipped mate." Louis chuckled making Liam blush.
"So are you mate, Harry and Bethany." Liam smiled when Louis shamelessly admitted it.
"Just wait until you have yours Liam." Zayn said hugging Niall closer to him placing his chin on his shoulder.
"Maybe in a few more years." Liam answered taking a bite of his chicken.
"Bethany and Nina need a third friend Liam." Louis smiled mischievously.
"Louis!" Harry almost hissed smacking him.
"Yes love?" Louis innocently asked.
"You don't say that." Harry said.
Sorry..." Louis giggled not sorry at all.
They stayed there talking and remembering old times until it was time to go back to class protesting on their way there.
"Your turn..." Zayn mumbled nudging Niall as soon as she started crying.
"I did it last time." Niall mumbled back getting comfortable.
"That was the midnight one, I did it last time."
"Oh yeah..." Niall opened his eyes remembering.
He fed her and changed her diaper and being the greatest father he was he just placed her in between Zayn and himself letting him know she was there then went back to sleep. He woke up to the sight of Zayn and Nina aggressively cuddling in their own personal bubble a few inches away from him nd feeling left out he immediately joined them yawning as Zayn cuddled him too.
Later that day since it was Saturday the whole family decided to have a picnic at a park and they were already excited. They got there before lunch time setting everything up then after they had eaten they spent time together just talking about random things and what a beautiful family they had. Louis blushing fiercely when Anne said he had become a son to her and that she was happy Harry had found him and Harry laughed remembering what they had to go through to get where they were now; a daughter and a happy life together.
Zayn smiled down at Niall who had a sleepy Nina in his arms remembering the first time he had ever layed eyes on him and had smiled shyly at him thinking that he would never had a chance with the beautiful blue eyed boy yet there they were enjoying life together and falling more and more in love everyday, if he could go back and change a few things he would only change the time they were apart but leave everything else the same.
A/N: I'm sorry this is so short.
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