Chapter 13
Chapter 13
*Four months later*
"I'm going out mum!"
"Out where?"
"Zayn you know we're about to go have dinner over at Anne's place." Trisha said eyeing Zayn up and down.
"Well can't you excuses me? I don't have to be there at all times." Zayn snapped rolling his eyes.
"No I can't, not this time. You better not leave, we're gonna go in ten minutes." Trisha said.
"I don't care because I'm not going." Zayn yelled.
"I'm tired of your attitude and you're going whether you like it or not. I really don't get you anymore. I don't get why you never hang out with Harry, Liam and Louis especially Harry. He misses you Zayn, he just wants his brother back." Trisha said walking over to Zayn wrapping his arms around his waist.
"I just-I can't stand seeing them so happy waiting for their daughter to be born while I have nothing. They have a daughter on the way, what do I have? I have nothing mum." Zayn confessed.
"Oh sweetheart. I know it's hard but he promised he would comeback, four or five more months and they'll come back." Trisha said.
"They won't mum...they're not coming back and you know it, I lost Niall and my baby. A bab h who will grow up without me and I'll never get to meet him or her, my child will never call me daddy and it hurts, it hurts so much." Zayn said beginning to cry finally letting all the pain out.
"Just let it out baby, let it out." Trisha whispered and held him tight until he stopped crying and told her he was ready to go.
The first thing that Zayn saw when he walked in on Anne's house was a heavily pregnant Harry waddling towards him then hugging him as much as he could since his belly got on the way and all Zayn could do was hug him back and repeat over and over how sorry he was for abandoning him.
"That's for ignoring me for four months you ignorant jerk." Harry glared smacking him in the back of his head then walked away tearing up.
"Mood swings, you'll get used to it." Louis shrugged putting his arm around his shoulders walking him to the kitchen where everybody else was.
The last four months had been hell for Zayn not knowing where Niall and their baby were, Greg and Niall's dad were trying to find them but it was almost impossible because Maura had taken out a large amount of money in cash, cancelled her credit cards and had gotten a new phone. After he had run away from Niall's house Harry had found him in their place crying his heart out then comforted him as much as he could after he had told him what had happened. Zayn had screamed that if he wasn't poor and having to work at nandos to support his family then Niall would still be there with him.
As the days went by Zayn slowly drifted away from everybody especially Harry when he started showing and who tried so hard to be there for him but Zayn no longer cared about anyone or anything other than Niall and their baby. He had quit his job at nandos convincing Louis to quit with him because that shitty job wasn't enough and both had gotten a job at the Tesco unloading boxes and surprisingly they were both happier since it paid more than their old job. Louis wasn't too sure about quitting but then did when his parents completely stopped giving him money and he desperately needed money to pay the bills, support himself, Harry and their daughter since he refused to let Anne and Robin pay for his stuff.
Harry did what he could and since he had stopped going to school and was now taking online classes he would sometimes babysit the little kids around their neighborhood who were completely enamoured with him and his ever growing belly. Bot Zayn and Louis would start working every day at six after school and get at ten and Zayn would sometimes work extra hours until midnight not caring if his mum's and Harry, Louis, Gemma and even Liam disapproved. He had lost Niall and their baby because he was poor and now that he thought about it he knew that if he wanted them back he needed to work harder and save more money to be able to support them and give their baby every thing.
"Zayn, sweetheart!" Anne exclaimed rushing to hug him forgetting about the food.
"Hi mummy Anne." Zayn said shyly, embarrassed that he had ignored her for a long time.
"Oh I've missed you darling, how have you been?" Anne asked running her thumbs over Zayn's cheeks.
"Okay." Zayn answered.
"No, I dint want the fucking water." Harry snapped at Louis from across the room.
"You need to drink more water Harry, all you drink is Apple and orange juice. Combined!" Louis insisted offering the glass to Harry.
"S'not my fault that's all I crave, I can't have bacon anymore because your daughter hates it." Harry said beginning to cry again and then Louis was hugging him and comforting him.
"Are they always like that?" Zayn asked completely amused.
"Ugh you should hear them in the morning Z." Gemma whined reaching to hug him.
"Is it really that bad?" Zayn asked.
" time Harry argued overnight cat, Louis wouldn't let Dusty sleep on Harry's stomach like he used to and Harry yelled at him that if he hated the cat then then that meant he hated him and the baby too." Gemma said looking over at Harry who was still crying.
"Niall's five months already." Zayn said looking at Harry's stomach then back at Gemma and Anne.
"You'll see him again love." Anne said running his back.
"What if I don't, what if I never do and I never meet our baby? It's been four months already and I don't know anything about them, Greg and Mr. Horan are still looking but I already gave up." Zayn said through wet eyelashes.
"No, don't ever give up Zayn because if you do I'll kick your ass." Gemma threatened making Zayn laugh a bit..
Zayn turned to look at Harry who was still being comforted by Louis, he made his way over to them and sat down next to Harry who immediately looked up and gave him a watery smile and unconsciously rubbed his stomach. Zayn's eyes flickered down to it and his eyes began to sting with tears but quickly smiled when Harry wrapped his arms around his shoulders.
"He'll come back Zayn." Harry whispered moving to hug him and Zayn smiled when he felt Harry's baby kick against his stomach.
"Drink your water HazzaBear, for me." Zayn pleaded and Harry took the glass drinking the water.
"Uh, I beg you to drink the water and you don't but when Zayn asks you you do it. I see how it is." Louis glared playfully trying not to laugh.
"You know I love you Lou." Harry said with heart eyes.
"How have you been?" Zayn asked.
"Getting fatter every day...but three more months and she'll be here." Harry said smiling like a kid before Christmas.
"I'm sure she'll be a beautiful baby girl. My niece!" Zayn said putting a hand on his stomach.
"Wanna know how we named her?" Louis asked looking overly excited.
"I would love to." Zayn agreed.
"Bethany Sophia. I picked Sophia and Harry picked Bethany." Louis said smiling.
"I actually lime the names. What about her last names?" Zayn asked.
"Tomlinson-Styles." Harry confirmed.
"Dinner's ready!" Anne shouted and Harry winced.
"Mum you startled Bethany." Harry giggled.
"Oh I'm sorry baby girl." Anne said walking over to Harry to touch his stomach.
They ate and talked at the same time over all the good things that had happened in the last four months and for once Zayn was able to laugh and not think about the situation he was in too much. Even though it was a saturday Zayn and Louis still had to go to work at nine to unload boxes until two in the morning since the store had to restock for the busy Sunday and still have enough merchandise for Monday.
Unloading boxes almost everyday had given them a boost in the muscle department and Harry couldn't keep his hands off of Louis making Gemma listen to her iPod on full blast to keep herself from hearing them since her room was closest to theirs. Glancing at the clock Zayn saw that they still had three hours to get ready then focused his attention back to his chocolate cake when he felt his cellphone vibrate and pulled it out of his pocket furrowing his eyebrows at the unknown number.
"Who is it honey?" Anne asked.
"I don't know mum." Zayn said thinking about not answering.
"Well answer it baby." Anne smiled.
"Hello?" Zayn carefully said as everybody went back to their own conversations.
"Amelia tell me if she's coming." Zayn heard the low raspy voice whisper then a female voice saying okay.
"Hello, who is this?" Zayn asked getting annoyed.
"Zayn...It's me baby, it's Niall." Niall said shakily.
"Niall? Niall where are you?" Zayn frantically asked standing up catching everyone's attention at the mention of Niall's name.
"Zayn I don't have much time but I just wanted to tell you that I'm okay and...our daughter's okay. I lobe you so much Zayn." Niall said and Zayn could hear he was crying and scared.
"Our daughter? It's a girl? Tell me where are you." Zayn said crying again.
"Fuck, shit! Ni hang up she's coming!" Zayn heard a female voice say in the background.
"Nina Aoife. I promise we'll see each other again. I love you Zayn." Niall hurriedly said.
"I love you too." Zayn said before Niall hung up.
"Where is he?" Louis frantically asked.
"A girl. Nina Aoife. My little Nina." Zayn mumbled letting the tears fall free down his face.
"What?" Robin asked confused.
"My daughter. A girl. I'm gonna have a baby girl and Niall named her Nina Aoife." Zayn said this time louder looking up at every body with teary eyes.
"Oh baby, Trisha another granddaughter." Anne said hugging Zayn tightly with Trisha following after.
"Did you know Nina is a Muslim name and it means gracious one?" Trisha said.
"And Aoife means beautiful. I saw it while I was looking up names." Harry smiled and Zayn smiled bigger.
"Did he told you where he is." Louis asked.
"No, someone named Amelia was there looking out for his mum and he didn't had time to tell me where he was. Just said he and our Nina were okay." Zayn explained.
"We gotta call Greg and Mr. Horan." Louis said taking out his cell phone and walking out of the dinning room.
"Gemma, Saffa, we get two nieces." Waliyah said shaking both of their shoulders.
"What are you two doing?" Maura asked looking at them suspiciously.
"Nothing. Amelia was just telling me a funny story about penguins." Niall easily lied to her face not feeling guilty at all like he used to.
"Yeah...and then it chased me down his habitat trying to murder me, but that's what I get for ignoring the 'no trespassing sign'." Amelia said bursting out laughing with Niall following after.
"Okay..." Maura said sitting down on the sofa in front of them with her laptop on her lap.
"Thank you." Niall whispered in her ear handing her her cell phone back.
"My pleasure Ni." Amelia smiled touching Niall's stomach were Nina was moving.
"Niall, what do you think about a princess themed nursery? I bet my granddaughter's gonna love it." Maura said excitedly.
"Whatever you want mother. Isn't that what we do around here?" Niall asked glaring at her.
"It's for your own good and the baby's. Would you rather have Alleen growing up with a goo d for nothing of a father who will never be able to give her what she deserves." Maura said.
"You don't know that! NINA isn't your daughter, she's mine and Zayn's." Niall snapped while Amelia watch with wide eyes getting ready to intervene if necessary.
"Again with that forsaken name!" Maura yelled.
"You don't get to name her, so what if Nina is a Muslim name. Aoife is Irish and I don't see you complaining about that one." Niall yelled back.
"Nina Aoife Horan doesn't sound good." Maura complained.
"Nina Aoife Malik does." Niall mockingly smiled.
"Niall..." Maura whined.
"Mum...You're acting like she's your daughter and she's not. She doesn't belong to you, she belongs to Zayn and j so back the fuck off." Niall said grabbing Amelia's hand dragging her back to his room.
Amelia was Niall's childhood friend who had moved to Dublin from Mullingar before Niall moved to Bradford and after two months of Niall being in Dublin she showed up at his house after Maura had call her to use her as a way of convincing Niall to never go back to England and forget about Zayn but she ended up siding with him and wanted to meet the famous Zayn.
"I have a plan my dumbass friend. Once little Nina there is a month away from popping out I'm getting you out of here and back to your Romeo, all I have left to do is steal your passport from Maura." Amelia said smiling mischiviously at her amazing plan.
"You cunt are the best." Niall smiled hugging her.
A/N: I've been wanting to update since Monday but I had writer's block and no time at all to type it. Here it is. Thank you all so much for your comments.
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