Chapter 12
A/N: IMPORTANT, so what's about to happen sounded so good in my head and I planned this a long time ago but as I was writing it I wasn't so sure anymore but I still went ahead with it. Hope you guys like it and please don't hate me. I also want you all to know that I have nothing against Niall's mom, she's a lovely person but the way she is is for the sake of the story.
Please enjoy.
Chapter 12
*Two weeks later.*
"Gavin Webster, I hear by find you guilty of attempted murder, rape, and kidnap against the citizen Zayn Malik and many others. I hear by sentence you to life in prison. You will hereby remain in the custody of the sheriff in the London maximum security prison for execution of this sentence. Case dismissed." The judge declared.
"All rise." A man said then the judge left the room as Zayn cried silently in his mums arms.
The last few hours had been torture as Zayn had to declare everything Gavin had done to him while he was held against his will then having to listen to Gavin as he shouted at him about how he had wanted it and how much of a cockslut he was while Robin had to be held back by Louis and Niall. Gemma had stayed with Saffa and Waliyah since they couldn't attend and hear what Gavin had done to their brother Zayn.
"Don't think this is over Zayn. I love you and I'll be coming back to get you." Gavin shouted as he was being dragged away by two bulky police officers.
"Don't listen to him baby, you're gonna be okay. He's never coming back, he's out of your life for good." Trisha said huffing a sobbing Zayn close to her chest while Anne rubbed his back.
"W-What if he takes me again?" Zayn hicupped.
"He won't baby." Anne said holding back the tears.
A lot had happened in the last two weeks, Louis had gotten a job at Nandos replacing Harry who wasn't happy at all when Louis insisted that he needed to stop working so much and focus in school and growing a healthy baby and Anne, Gemma, and Trisha had agreed with him. Anne had gotten annoyed at Harry when he wouldn't stop rolling his eyes saying that they were gonna get stuck like that if he didn't stop doing it.
Zayn and Niall's relationship kept getting stronger and stronger and they couldn't be more happy even though Niall's mum absolutely hated it and insisted that Niall needed to break up with him and find someone worth it, someone with money and a future like she had put it and Niall only did his best to ignore her and instead spent his day either at Harry's and Zayn's house.
After Gavin's trial a whole month had passed and Niall's world came crashing down around him as he cried in the doctor's office and he now knew how Harry had felt that day, he desperately needed to talk to Harry and knowing that he would be alone at his house since everyone else was working he immediately headed over there.
"Harry I need help." Niall said as soon as Harry had opened the door still in his pajamas.
"Ni, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" Harry asked pulling Niall into his house leading him towards the living room where he sat down next to him.
"I...Are you alone?" Niall asked looking around.
"Uh...Yeah, Louis and Zayn get off at seven tonight. Why?" Harry asked eyeing Niall suspiciously.
"I'm pregnant." Niall wailed covering his face with both of his hands as his shoulders were shaking violently.
"What? Niall are you sure?" Harry asked hugging him.
"Yes, I don't understand how if we only did it once but I swear we used protection an-fucking hell!" Niall shouted.
"What is it?" Harry asked.
"That fucking condom was useless, we found it in the car where it had been there for who knows how long and you're not supposed to leave them in the car." Niall yelled crying harder.
"Okay Ni, first of all you need to calm down, it's not good for the baby if you're getting all worked up. Calm down." Harry said.
"I can't calm down! What are Zayn, my brother and my parents gonna say after I tell them I'm knocked up." Niall sobbed.
"My parents are gonna disown me, my brother will hate me and Zayn...I don't want to think about what Zayn would do."
"I do t think Zayn will get mad. I know he'll be there for both of you." Harry said sympathetically.
"You mean it?" Niall asked.
"I do. So when are you gonna tell Zayn?" Harry asked.
"I need to tell my parents and my brother first." Now said wiping the tears again.
"Every thing will be alright Ni, but just in case...if it doesn't you know you have us and you're not alone." Harry smiled.
"Thanks Harry. How have you been?" Niall asked.
"Pretty good...except for the morning sickness but I'm good." Harry said.
"Oh God, how bad are they?" Niall asked already dreading it, so far he had only gotten dizzy and his head and stomach hurt a lot.
"Horrible. Sometimes certain odors just trigger it and I hate it." Harry whined.
"Seven more months to go." Niall said trying to cheer him up but causing the opposite.
"And how many for you, eight? Eight more months to go." Harry cheered sarcastically.
"What do you want? I think I would like a boy." Niall said dreamily just thinking about it.
"I want a boy too but Louis insists on a girl." Harry said.
"He's so smitten!" Niall exclaimed giggling.
"Oh yeah, he rally can't wait for it to get here." Harry smiled.
"I gotta go Harry but I'll come over later today." Niall said getting up.
"Gold luck mate." Harry said.
Niall took a deep breath before entering his house and even had to wait outside for a little bit before be finally walked in looking for his family, they were all sitting in the living room chatting when Niall entered.
"Dad, mum, Greg? I have something to tell you." Niall gulped taking a seat in front of them.
"You finally broke up with that good for nothing?" Maura asked with a big smile.
"Maura please!" Bobby snapped while Greg rolled his eyes shaking his eyes then gave Niall a warm smile.
"Go on son, what is it?" Bobby asked smiling so big and Niall felt like the worst son ever for disappointing his dad who did nothing but love him and make sure he had every thing he needed and wanted.
"I-I'm pr-pregnant." Niall mumbled closing his eyes not daring to look up.
"Oh my God Niall that was a good one!" Greg exclaimed laughing hysterically while Bobby was smiling and Maura looked furious.
"Who's the father, is it that scum Zayn?!" Maura screamed getting up and slapping Niall across the face.
"Mum, are you crazy!?" Greg yelled getting up as fast as he could to stop her from hitting and kicking him in the stomach.
Niall lay on the floor as the impact had taken him by surprise sending him down to it while crying wit h one arm wrapped around his stomach and his other hand covering his cheek. He cried harder as his mother kept throwing insults at him and Zayn but what hurt the most was the awful things she was calling his unborn baby and all he could do was wrap hiss other arm around it as if his arms would protect it from the things she was saying.
"I don't care how you do it but you're gonna get rid of that bastard you hear me!!?" Maura yelled as Greg held her back and Bobby comforted Niall.
"I-I'm keeping it." Niall stuttered looking at his dad begging for help.
"No you aren't." Maura hissed.
"I am and there's nothing you can do about it. I am eighteen and I can do whatever the fuck I want with my body and its my baby not yours." Niall yelled defending his baby's life.
"Maura just stop." Bobby pleaded.
"I don't want that Zayn kid around you Niall!" Maura screamed trying to get Greg to let go.
"Mum just control yourself." Greg growled.
"I don't care if you don't want him around and you know what. I'm gonna move in with him." Niall yelled not knowing at all what the hell he was saying.
"You have two choices Niall. Get rid of that thing and keep seeing Zayn or keep it but lack your stuff and leave with me to Ireland. And trust me when I say this, if you don't do as I say I will find a way to get rid of it." Maura threatened and Niall began crying.
"You can't make me do that." Niall whimpered.
"Trust me I will. You choose Niall, your baby and Zayn." Maura said.
Niall's chest hurt and his heart was breaking into millions of pieces, he wanted and needed to protect his unborn baby but at the same time he loved Zayn with all his heart and didn't wanted to let him go. He cried harder as he made his decision gently wrapping his arms around his stomach and begging his baby for forgiveness because be never wanted to do what he had in mind.
"W-When do we leave?" Niall whispered looking down at the floor as his vision got blurrier and blurrier.
"In three hours. Pack all your stuff and give me your cell phone." Maura said.
"No!" Niall yelled.
"Give. Me. Your. Damn. Cell. Phone." Maura hissed extending her hand, Niall gave it to her unwillingly and watched as she went through it, tapped on the screen then threw it on the floor stepping in it smashing it into pieces.
"Have you lost your mind?" Bobby yelled holding Niall close to his chest.
"Say whatever you want to say, I don't care." Maura said.
"I'm not letting you take him." Greg said letting go of her.
"You want that baby to actually come into this world? Then don't fight me Greg, think about that baby when that scum comes here looking for Niall wanting to know why they're over before you tell him what's going on. Hurry up and pack Niall." Maura glared walking away.
"You're not going anywhere son." Bobby said as Greg nodded furiously.
"I have to. You know her, she's gonna hurt my baby." Niall sobbed.
"I won't let her." Greg said hugging Niall.
"I have to protect it, as soon as he or she is born you have to go get us okay?" Niall whispered to Greg.
"I will." Greg cried.
"I'm gonna write a note to him and if he comes looking for me can you give it to him?" Niall asked wide eyed.
"Hurry up and do it while she's packing." Greg said.
Niall hurried up and wrote a note giving it to Greg who hid it and quickly packed his stuff. Soon enough he was in the car on his way to the airport and cried when they drove by Zayn's neighborhood then the restaurant where he knew Zayn was still working with Louis. Louis who unlike Zayn would get to meet his baby and Harry who was lucky to have Louis and have their baby together while he was being taken away from Zayn by his crazy mother who no doubt would hurt them. Hours later he found himself landing in Ireland but he wasn't in Mullingar, he was in Dublin and he knew now neither his dad and Greg knew where be was now.
"I'm so tired." Louis groaned heading to the locker room to retrieve his stuff after a long day at work.
"Yeah me too." Zayn smiled taking his phone out and checking it, his smile faded quickly and unshed tears burned his eyes.
"Mate what's wrong?" Louis asked then took the phone after Zayn had failed to answer and read the text.
"He broke up with me. Lou, he broke up with me and I don't know why. What did I do wrong?" Zayn whimpered looking at Louis.
"Zayn...He just said 'it's over' maybe if you go to his house and talk to him he'll tell you what's going on. Do you want me to drive you?" Louis asked and quickly took his and Zayn's stuff and dragged along an unmoving Zayn towards the car.
"He probably doesn't want to see me, let's just go home." Zayn said wiping the tears away.
"No, you're going in there and talk to him." Louis insisted.
Zayn slowly got out of the car and walked up to the front door ringing the doorbell with shaky hands, he heard loud steps then someone slamming open the door. As soon as Greg saw it was Zayn He yanked him inside and wave to Louis to come inside once he saw it was him inside the car and told them to sit down in the living room and Zayn couldn't help but notice Greg had been crying and the house was eerily silent.
"Umm, it's Niall here?" Zayn asked.
"Mum forced him to leave England wit h her, and that text wasn't him. He left this for you." Greg said handing Zayn a white envelope.
He immediately opened it noticing the tear stains and crossover words with dark tint.
I didn't sent you that text. I love you too much to ever do that please believe me. I don't know how to tell you this and I'm scared of what your reaction might be and if after this you want to move on and forget about me then I'll understand.
Zayn I'm pregnant, I'm not lying, I just found out today. I told my family and mum didn't took it too well, she made me choose between you and our baby and I just have to protect it, I'm sorry. I have to protect our baby and km sorry I had to leave you, I'm sorry I wasn't strong enough to fight for both of you, for us.
She threatened to get rid of our baby no matter what it how if I didn't go with her but I promise that as soon as I hive birth and I know he or she is safe I'll come back, Greg promised to help and come get us. I love you Zayn, I love you and I promise we'll see each other again.
I love you,
By the time Zayn was done reading the note he was a crying mess, he got up and ran out of the house with Louis and Greg following behind stopping when they found him halfway across the car sitting on the ground crying, shoulders shaking violently. Niall was hone, their baby was gone and he didn't even get the chance to see Niall one more time and all because his mum hated him for being poor.
"Zayn..." Louis said sitting next to him.
"W-Where did she took him? Tell me, just please tell me!" Zayn yelled at Greg.
"Ireland. I thought they were going to Mullingar but I called my grandma and she said she hasn't seen or heard from them, I tried calling mum but sharing answer and Niall doesn't have his phone. Dad lost all contact and we don't know where she took them, dad's trying to find them." Greg said taking a seat next to Zayn.
"No, no ,no, I have to find him." Zayn mumbled then began sobbing when he realized he didn't had the means to go after him and for the first time on his life he hated being poor, he hated his lifestyle, he had lost Niall and their baby for being poor.
He got up as fast as he could and ran without directions ignoring Louis and Greg's shouts telling him to go back.
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