Chapter 10
A/N: I'm sorry I didn't updated before, I'm diabetic and had to be hospitalized but I'm okay now. I would like to say that I have nothing against Niall's mum, I think she's a lovely woman. I'm sorry if this is a shit chapter and its all over the place.
Chapter 10
They say family are the only ones who will always love you unconditionally no matter what, well that's not entirely true. Friends could love you unconditionally to the point where they would do anything for you and then there's your significant other or your soul mate who would look at you like a blind man seeing the sun, the stars, and the moon for the very first time wishing to get a chance to see them every day for the rest of his life.
Sandwiched between Niall and Harry accompanied by both families and friends Zayn had never felt that happy to have them all there with him thanking the highest power up there for giving him another chance at life.
After Gavin had tied him up to the bed post and left leaving him there trying not to suffocate with the smoke, he began panicking and trying to untie his hands as fast as he could. Seconds later he finally managed to untie them and make a run for it, he had barely gotten out of the cabin when it exploded throwing him a few feet away from it landing on a ditch face first with glass and debris falling all over him.
He lay there trying to catch his breath and wrap his head around what had just happened and began crying because he almost died and if he died who was going to take care of his mum and sisters, how would his mum Anne, Harry, Gemma and Robin-his only father figure would have reacted.
And Niall, Niall with his beautiful eyes and smile and the way he laughed. What would Niall had gone if he was gone, and he cried harder when he realised how in love he was with Niall and would never had the chance to tell him if he hadn't gotten out of there in time.
He wanted to stay there and sleep but he knew he had to get up and go get some help because to be honest, he felt like shit and was so thirsty that not even water from heaven's fountain would be enough to quench it.. He heard men talking about him and knew they were looking for him and crying out in pain he got up and walked up to them who immediately shouted that he was okay.
That day had been the most horrifying time of his life but also the happiest because finally Niall had said he loved him and he had said it too. Gavin had been arrested with counts of attempted murder, rape and abduction and Zayn was afraid to go to his trial in two weeks due to what had happened while he was in Gavin's hands, the night after he had been rescued Zayn's family had stayed over at Anne's house since they were still a little bit shaken up by the whole thing.
The night after everyone had gone to bed Zayn and Harry had stayed up talking and he couldn't help but tell Harry what Gavin had done to him the first day there and cried the whole entire time while Harry held him close murmuring sweet nothings to calm him down.
The next day, a Sunday, morning Anne and Trisha had surprised everybody with a big breakfast and Zayn being the only one up early on a Sunday morning was pretty much in charge to wake up everybody including three moody girls and one boy.
When he got to Harry's room he opened the door and left it that way since he was gonna go back downstairs once Harry was up, he walked over to Harry and began shaking him getting only a grunt and a pillow thrown his way completely missing him as Harry buried himself deeper into the covers.
The smell of the bacon was starting to seep into Harry's room and the boy wrinkled his nose in disgust before getting up as fast as he could from his bed and pushed Zayn out of the way to get to the toilet where he vomited the lasagna and cake from last night making Zayn gag but he had to help him by rubbing his back soothingly.
"Are you feeling better?" Zayn asked Harry who had big fat tears streaming down his cheeks.
"I hate puking, I hate when it comes out my nose," Harry whined.
"Should I get Anne?" Zayn asked.
"No, I think I'm fi-" Harry began to say before another wave of vomit came out of his mouth and nose. "Go get my mum." Harry cried trying to breathe.
Zayn watched Harry go as white as a sheet and sweat like a madman and began panicking then rushed out of the bathroom running to the kitchen where he could hear his mums talking and laughing.
"Mumma Anne?" Zayn yelled.
"Honey what's wrong, are you okay?" Anne asked rushing over to him and putting her hands on her cheeks.
"I'm fine, it's Harry. He's throwing up." Zayn said following Anne upstairs to Harry's room.
Harry was sprawled on the bathroom floor breathing heavily with Gemma sitting next to him wiping his sweat off his face with a towel and brushing the hair out of his face trying to soothe him. He began to let out tiny whimpers and got up to vomit one more time before he began crying reaching for his mum like a small child.
"Baby what's wrong?" Anne asked rubbing Harry's back.
"I don't know, I feel so bad." Harry cried.
"Remember he's been feeling ill for the past two weeks," Gemma remainded Anne.
"Wait...I feel better," Harry said getting up as if nothing had happened and rinsing his mouth off before brushing his teeth.
"Are you okay?" Trisha asked walking in with a cup of water for Harry.
"Yeah mum, it was the bacon. It smells disgusting." Harry whined.
"But you love bacon Haz, we even fight for the last piece." Zayn said getting worried.
"I know but lately some foods look disgusting and the smell is way off," Harry said.
"I'll go make you something lighter to eat then." Anne said.
"And we're going to the doctor," Trisha said.
"Eww, c'mon. I don't wanna go, doctors are stupid." Harry whined wrapping his arms around Trisha's shoulders and placed his head on her shoulder.
"We're going and that's it. No arguing mister." Trisha said kissing Harry's temple and Zayn's cheek before walking out of the room followed by Gemma.
"You should listen to mum, go to a doctor." Zayn demanded.
"What's the point in going to a doctor when I already know what's wrong with me," Harry said going back to bed.
"And what's wrong?" Zayn asked getting under the covers with Harry.
"I can't tell you...not yet." Harry whispered looking at Zayn with those wide green eyes that made him look so innocent and it made Zayn want to protect him more.
"Harry...I'm like your brother-no scratch that, I am your brother. Don't you trust me?" Zayn asked getting completely worried.
Zayn knew Harry well enough to know that something was seriously wrong and it was gonna take a while but he knew Harry would cave in and end up spilling everything to him over ice cream, watching Love Actually and crying uncontrollably, if not under those circumstances, zany knew he would still do it while crying or pissed off.
"I do trust you Zayn but I need time. I promise I will tell you once I'm ready. Okay?" Harry begged burying his face on Zayn's chest.
"Fine, but you better tell me soon." Zayn responded wrapping his arms around Harry.
"Louis called last night, said something about a meeting at Niall's. Said Niall's gonna call you today to ask if you want to go." Harry said.
"He hasn't called yet but with you guys I always end up knowing things earlier than usual." Zayn said.
"S'not my fault Niall's so slow," Harry mumbled.
"He's not slow," Zayn said defending Niall.
"I'm curious, have you guys even kissed yet?" Harry asked trying not to laugh.
"Of course we have," Zayn blushed.
Zayn stood outside Niall's house nervous as hell along with Harry and Louis who were acting a little off much to Zayn's taste. Niall had called him earlier asking him if he wanted to go over to his house with the rest of the group and hang out, he wanted to spend time with him as much as he could.
They had been dating for three weeks now but due to everything that had happened it felt as if they had been dating less than that, Zayn turned around to look at Harry and Louis and wondered what was wrong with Harry because since yesterday's conversation he had been distracted and more clumsier than ever.
He was snapped out of his thoughts when the front door to Niall's huge mansion was slammed open and by the weight of a smaller boy throwing himself against him hugging the life out of him.
"I missed you." Niall said against Zayn's chest who wrapped his arms tighter around the boy not wanting to let go.
"I missed you too." Zayn said kissing Niall on the lips then his left shoulder.
"Come in, my mum and brother are here but they should be leaving in a few minutes." Niall said following Louis and Harry with Zayn by his side inside the house.
Niall guided them to his room where Liam was already waiting without Danielle and as soon as they entered the room Louis went to sit next to him on the sofa leaving Harry to sit on Niall's desk chair. Liam, Niall, and Zayn exchanged confused glances before shrugging it off.
"Nialler! Mum and I ar-oh hi," Greg said walking in Niall's room not expecting the gathering.
"Oh hey Greg, so you guys leaving?" Niall asked.
"Yeah. You must be Zayn, I'm Greg, Niall's older brother." Greg said walking towards Zayn and shaking his hand with a warm smile.
"Nice to meet you," Zayn said shyly.
"Hey everyone," Greg said waving at Louis, Harry, and Liam who waved back.
"Niall talks a lot about you. He never shuts up." Greg smiled putting his arm around a blushing Niall.
"Don't you have somewhere to be Greg?" Niall asked trying to get rid of him.
"Chill, I'm just waiting for Maura." Greg said.
Just as Niall was about to answer a petite woman appeared on the doorway glaring at Harry but mostly at Zayn who shrunk into Niall's side.
"Hey mum," Niall said
"Niall, who is this?" She asked looking at Zayn up and down like he was scum.
"This is Zayn, my boyfriend." Niall said smiling and grabbing Zayn's hand to intertwine their fingers.
"Nice to meet you Mrs. Horan," Zayn said extending his hand to shake her hand but lowered it again after she just glared at it.
"So this is 'Zayn' the boy who works at that restaurant Nandos? Niall what have I told you about associating yourself with these kind of people," Maura glared at both Zayn and Harry.
"Mum...please don't be rude. Zayn and Harry are welcome here and Zayn's my boyfriend. Have some respect." Niall said glaring daggers at his mum.
"Maura lets go," Greg said grabbing his mum's arm and dragging her towards the door.
"I thought I told you to stay away from them Niall. They're not like us." Maura said pushing Greg's arm away.
"Leave!" Niall hissed completely pissed off at his mum's behavior.
"Stay away from my son Zayn, you're not good enough for him." Maura glared at Zayn who gulped nervously looking at Niall then at Harry who looked ready to kill and Zayn tried not to cry because it wasn't fair.
That he was poor didn't meant he was scum and just because he didn't live in a mansion, was born rich, had money to burn, and had to work to help his mother pay the bills didn't make him any less than the people who had money to waste. It was always the same for Harry and himself just because they were struggling economically they had to put up with people who thought of them as criminals and the lowest of the low.
"Seriously Maura, just leave," Niall yelled.
"Don't talk to me like that. I'm your mother." Maura screeched.
"Then don't talk to my boyfriend like that." Niall argued.
"Niall...It's okay," Zayn said trying to calm Niall down, he didn't wanted Niall and his mum to fight because of him.
"Look lady, just because we don't have money to burn like you do, doesn't mean you're better. C'mon Zayn, we're leaving." Harry yelled getting up from the chair taking Zayn's hand and dragging him towards the door.
"Wait guys, she's the one that has to leave, not you." Niall said grabbing Zayn and Harry's hands guiding them towards the bed.
"Let's go mother," Greg said completely annoyed.
Maura glared at Zayn and Harry again before she left the room with Greg following behind apologising and telling them Maura is crazy and that they were welcomed there any time.
"I am so sorry." Niall apologised blushing beet red and wrapping his arms around Zayn's waist.
"No, I'm so sorry but your mum is a bitch." Harry said looking down at his lap.
"I know and I'm sorry about that, she thinks she's better because she has money." Niall said shaking his head.
"Just because we don't have money to throw away doesn't mean we're scum," Harry said.
"Would you stop!" Louis yelled interrupting Harry who glared at him.
"What? Does it bother you?" Harry yelled back.
"Yes! No one here is treating you that way so just shut up already. I don't know what your problem is today and why you're acting like a total jerk but you need to stop it." Louis yelled back getting up from his spot and towering over Harry who kept getting angrier and angrier.
Zayn, Niall, and Liam watched them completely surprised because Harry and Louis never fought and they were always attached at the hip. Zayn knew that something was bothering Harry and he had a feeling it had something to do with what Harry was hiding, all three boys watched with wide eyes how Harry was now standing taller than Louis and yelling at him then Louis yelling back.
"...because you fucking knocked me up!" Harry yelled and the whole room went still.
"I...You...What?" Louis said completely surprised going pale.
"Haven't you heard of hermaphrodites? Well I'm fucking one and I'm pregnant. And it's all your fucking fault," Harry yelled and ran out of the room.
"What just happened?" Liam asked looking at each other.
"Umm, I'm gonna go." Louis said
"You're going after him, right?" Zayn asked getting up from the bed and walking towards Louis followed by Niall.
"N-No, I'm going home," Louis said and left the room.
"I'm gonna go look for Harry," Zayn said pecking Niall on the lips then leaving Niall's house. He knew where Harry was and he had to get there fast, Harry had to explain to him what was going on.
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