Nalu 3
Never thought I would say this, but I'm drawing a blank. Maybe I should just give in, let Laxus win...
Ha! Yeah right!
I wouldn't be the goddess of true pairs if I gave up so easier. Natsu, Lucy, be prepared! You'll have your meet-cute yet!!!
The scenario: Lucy is writing her newest novel in the park, taking inspiration from the great outdoors. Natsu is trying to escape his mob of fans, and runs past. A wind blows Lucy's papers away. He stops and helps her collect them because Natsu is a cute bean!
They're kneeling on the ground together, picking up pages, their fingers touch, they look up into each other's eyes... kyaaaaaaa! It's perfect!
Alright, here we go! Operation, begin! Cue the fan!
I take the wind-producing fan I borrowed from Wendy in the weather department and crank it up to full power, then blast them.
Oh. Who knew it was so powerful? I think Wendy specifically said, "Don't crank it up to full power, Mira-san." She knows me too well.
I may (or may not) have just blasted Lucy out of nowhere with hurricane force winds. She rockets off the bench and over Natsu, face-planting hard. Her half-written novel is plastered all over his face.
Oops. I'll probably get timeout for this. Sorry Nalu!
But Natsu'll still return Lucy's novel, once he's peeled it from his face, and they'll still have their moment! It's not ruined yet!
"Laxus, don't think I don't see you, you big block-headed oaf!" I jump on his back, and he bucks like a wild bronco.
Laxus manages to shake me, right as Natsu holds out the papers to Lucy. She grabs them and looks up to see her benefactor... only to find a swarm of rabid fangirls. NOOOOOO, my ship!
"Please sign my forehead!"
"I touched Natsu Dragneel's arm! I'm never washing this hand again!"
The mob of fangirls drags him away, and all Lucy sees is Natsu's strangled hand reaching out for help. She tilts her head in confusion.
Laxus smirks, breathing hard from the effort of wrestling with me. His cheeks are tinged pink, probably from exertion.
"Dummy! You ruin everything!" I pound on his big chest with my fists, though not enough to do damage. I'm too kind for mutilation!
Who am I kidding? Here I thought Laxus was rather tolerable lately.
Aw, man! My plan was perfect too! Take a deep breath, Mira. It's fine, we're fine, everything's fine. Next time, for sure, this ship will sail!
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